Merge branch 'master' of
[matches/honours.git] / research / transmission_spectroscopy / TOF / Win32++ / new projects /
1 [Project]\r
3 Name=NewProject\r
4 UnitCount=1\r
5 Type=0\r
6 Ver=1\r
7 ObjFiles=\r
8 Includes=..\..\include\r
9 Libs=\r
10 PrivateResource=\r
11 ResourceIncludes=..\..\include\r
12 MakeIncludes=\r
13 Compiler=\r
14 CppCompiler=-D _WIN32_IE=0x0400_@@_-D NDEBUG_@@__@@__@@_\r
15 Linker=-lComctl32_@@_-lOle32_@@_-lOleaut32_@@_-lUuid_@@_-lws2_32_@@_\r
16 IsCpp=1\r
17 Icon=\r
18 ExeOutput=.\Dev-C++\Release\r
19 ObjectOutput=.\Dev-C++\Release\r
20 OverrideOutput=1\r
21 OverrideOutputName=NewProject.exe\r
22 HostApplication=\r
23 Folders=Header,Resource,Source,Win32++\r
24 CommandLine=\r
25 UseCustomMakefile=0\r
26 CustomMakefile=\r
27 IncludeVersionInfo=0\r
28 SupportXPThemes=0\r
29 CompilerSet=0\r
30 CompilerSettings=0000001000000000000000\r
31 \r
32 [VersionInfo]\r
33 Major=0\r
34 Minor=1\r
35 Release=1\r
36 Build=1\r
37 LanguageID=1033\r
38 CharsetID=1252\r
39 CompanyName=\r
40 FileVersion=\r
41 FileDescription=Developed using the Dev-C++ IDE\r
42 InternalName=\r
43 LegalCopyright=\r
44 LegalTrademarks=\r
45 OriginalFilename=\r
46 ProductName=\r
47 ProductVersion=\r
48 AutoIncBuildNr=0\r
49 \r
50 [Unit1]\r
51 FileName=main.cpp\r
52 CompileCpp=1\r
53 Folder=Source\r
54 Compile=1\r
55 Link=1\r
56 Priority=1000\r
57 OverrideBuildCmd=0\r
58 BuildCmd=\r
59 \r

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