It's hard to type the ́e so I will just call them Beziers from now.
New struct represents a cubic bezier, can be evaluated. The Objects struct contains a vector of beziers, and a vector of indices for each object.
If an ObjectType is BEZIER than the index can be used to look up the bezier control points. Control points are relative to the bounding rectangle;
so we can reuse the same curves (eg: For fonts).
Rendering happens on CPU only, sub divide and use Bresenham lines.
Bresenham lines are not quite optimal but I eventually gave up.
So we don't have a "line" type, but you can make one by creating a Bezier where x1,y1 == x0,y0
They look kind of wobbly.
Save/Load not tested. It might break. But it will have to be pretty heavily rewritten soon anyway.
12 files changed:
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