It is big.
+ \item First version was published BEFORE the IEEE standard and used smaller floats than binary32
+ \item Now uses binary32 floats.
\section{Portable Document Format Reference Manual \cite{pdfref17}}
Adobe's official reference for PDF.
It is also big.
+ \item Early versions did not use IEEE binary32 but 16-16 exponent/mantissa encodings (Why?)
+ \item Current standard is restricted to binary32
+ \item It specifically says PDF creators must use at most binary32 because higher precision is not supported by Adobe Reader.
\section{IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic \cite{ieee2008-754}}
The IEEE (revised) 754 standard.
It is also big.
+ \item Has been adopted by CPUs
+ \item Standardised floats for programmers --- accomplishes goal of allowing non-numerical experts to write reasonably sophisticated platform independent programs that may perform complex numerical operations
+ \item Adoption by GPUs slower\cite{hillesland2004paranoia}
+ \item It specifies the maximum errors for operations using IEEE types but nothing about internal representations
+ \item Many hardware devices (GPUs and CPUs) use non-IEEE representations internally and simply truncate/round the result
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item This isn't so much of a problem when the device uses additional bits but it is misleading when GPUs use less than binary32 and act as if they are using binary32 from the programmer's perspective.
+ \item Devices using {\bf less} bits internally aren't IEEE compliant
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item Thus the same program compiled and run on different architectures may give completely different results\cite{HFP}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item The ultimate goal of allowing people to write numerical programs in total ignorance of the hardware is not entirely realised
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item This is the sort of thing that makes people want to use a virtual machine, and thus Java
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Objectively I probably shouldn't say that using Java is in itself a failure
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item Standards such as PostScript and PDF were slow to adopt IEEE representations
+ \item The OpenVG standard accepts IEEE binary32 in the API but specifically states that hardware may use less than this\cite{rice2008openvg}
on all except nVidia hardware. However, nVidia's XRender implementation did slow down significantly when
some transformations were applied.
+In \cite{kilgard2012gpu}, Kilgard mentions that Glitz has been abandoned. He describes it as ''GPU assisted'' rather than GPU accelerated, since it used the XRender (??) extension.
%% Sam again
\section{Boost Multiprecision Library \cite{boost_multiprecision}}
FPU's typically have 80 bit registers so they can support REAL4, REAL8 and REAL10 (single, double, extended precision).
+Note: Presumably this is referring to the x86 80 bit floats that David was talking about?
\section{Floating Point Package User's Guide \cite{bishop2008floating}}
\caption{Tree representation of the above listing \cite{pugixmlDOM}}
+\section{An Algorithm For Shading of Regions on Vector Display Devices \cite{brassel1979analgorithm}}
+All modern display devices are raster based and therefore this paper is mainly of historical interest. It provides some references for shading on a raster display.
+The algorithm described will shade an arbitrary simply-connected polygon using one or two sets of parallel lines.
+The ``traditional'' method is:
+ \item Start with a $N$ vertex polygon, rotate coords by the shading angle
+ \item Determine a bounding rectangle
+ \item For $M$ equally spaced parallel lines, compute the intersections with the boundaries of the polygon
+ \item Rotate coordinates back
+ \item Render the $M$ lines
+This is pretty much exactly how an artist would shade a pencil drawing. It is $O(M\times N)$.
+The algorithm in this paper does:
+ \item Rotate polygon coords by shading angle
+ \item Subdivide the polygon into trapezoids (special case triangle)
+ \item Shade the trapezoids independently
+ \item Rotate it all back
+It is more complicated than it seems. The subdivision requires a sort to be performed on the vertices of the polygon based on their rotated $x$ and $y$ coordinates.
+\section{An Algorithm For Filling Regions on Graphics Display Devices \cite{lane1983analgorithm}}
+This gives an algorithm for for polygons (which may have ``holes'').
+It requires the ability to ``subtract'' fill from a region; this is (as far as I can tell) difficult for vector graphics devices but simple on raster graphics devices, so the paper claims it is oriented to the raster graphics devices.
+If the polygon is defined by $(x_i, y_i)$ then this algorithm iterates from $i = 2$ and alternates between filling and erasing the triangles $[(x_i, y_i), (x_{i+1}, y_{i+1}), (x_1, y_1)]$. It requires no sorting of the points.
+The paper provides a proof that the algorithm is correct and is ``optimal in the number of pixel updates required for convex polygons''.
+In the conclusion it is noted that trapezoids could be used from a fixed line and edge of the polygon, but this is not pixel optimal.
+This paper doesn't have a very high citation count but it is cited by the NVIDIA article \cite{kilgard2012gpu}.
+Apparently someone else adapted this algorithm for use with the stencil buffer.
+\section{GPU-accelerated path rendering \cite{kilgard2012gpu, kilgard300programming}}
+Vector graphics on the GPU; an NVIDIA extension. \cite{kilgard300programming} is the API.
+ \item The focus has been on 3D acceleration in GPUs; most path rendering is done by the CPU.
+ \item Touch devices allow the screen to be transformed rapidly; CPU rastering of the path becomes inefficient
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item The source of the ugly pixelated effects on a smartphone when scaling?
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item Especially when combined with increased resolution of these devices
+ \item Standards such as HTML5, SVG, etc, expose path rendering
+ \item Javascript is getting fast enough that we can't blame it anymore (the path rendering is the bottleneck not the JS)
+ \item GPU is more power efficient than the CPU
+Results show the extension is faster than almost every renderer it was compared with for almost every test image.
+Comparisons to other attempts:
+ \item Cairo and Glitz \cite{nilsson2004glitz} (abandoned)
+\ \item Direct2D from Microsoft uses CPU to tesselate trapezoids and then renders these on the GPU
+ \item Skia in Android/Chrome uses CPU but now has Ganesh which is also hybrid CPU/GPU
+ \item Khronos Group created OpenVG\cite{rice2008openvg} with several companies creating hardware units to implement the standard. Performance is not as good as ``what we report''
\chapter{General Notes}
\section{The DOM Model}
journal = "pugixml 1.4 manual",
howpublished = ""
+% Rendering vector graphics on vector display devices (historical)
+ author = {Brassel, Kurt E. and Fegeas, Robin},
+ title = {An Algorithm for Shading of Regions on Vector Display Devices},
+ journal = {SIGGRAPH Comput. Graph.},
+ issue_date = {August 1979},
+ volume = {13},
+ number = {2},
+ month = aug,
+ year = {1979},
+ issn = {0097-8930},
+ pages = {126--133},
+ numpages = {8},
+ url = {},
+ doi = {10.1145/965103.807434},
+ acmid = {807434},
+ publisher = {ACM},
+ address = {New York, NY, USA},
+ keywords = {Cartography, Computer graphics, Line-drawing processing, Polygons, Shading, Software, Spatial information},
+ author = {Lane, J. M. and M. Rarick, R. and},
+ title = {An Algorithm for Filling Regions on Graphics Display Devices},
+ journal = {ACM Trans. Graph.},
+ issue_date = {July 1983},
+ volume = {2},
+ number = {3},
+ month = jul,
+ year = {1983},
+ issn = {0730-0301},
+ pages = {192--196},
+ numpages = {5},
+ url = {},
+ doi = {10.1145/357323.357326},
+ acmid = {357326},
+ publisher = {ACM},
+ address = {New York, NY, USA},
+ author = "Karl E Hillesland and Anselmo Lastra",
+ title = "GPU Floating-Point Paranoia",
+ journal = "Proceedings of GP 2004",
+ year = 2004,
+ url = "\url{}"