--- /dev/null
+# bundle-agent.sh
+# progcomp
+# Written by Daniel Axtens <
[email protected]> for the UCC Programming Competition in 2010.
+# Licensed under an MIT-style license: see the LICENSE file for details.
+# a candidate for porting to python.
+# put ourselves in SRCROOT - src/
+# this assumes we are in the src/link directory.
+cd `dirname $0`/..
+# begin script
+cat << __EOF__
+This script takes the code that you have written for UCC::ProgComp 2010 and
+bundles it up as an agent that you can test. This script is not needed for code
+written in Python.
+# select language
+while ([ $lang != 1 ] && [ $lang != 2 ]) do {
+ cat << __EOF__
+Is your agent written in:
+(1) C
+(2) another language (UNSUPPORTED)
+ read -p "Enter 1 or 2: " lang
+} done;
+# C bots
+if ([ $lang == 1 ]) then
+ echo
+ echo "Preparing a C bot."
+ echo
+ echo "Where is your .c file?"
+ echo "Provide the full path, including the agent file and the .c"
+ echo "Give paths relative to the src/ directory."
+ echo "WARNING: will overwrite \'agent name\'.py if it exists"
+ read -p "Path: " path
+ location=`dirname $path`
+ name=`basename $path .c`
+ cat > ${location}/${name}.py << __EOF__
+# ${name}.py - a C bot shell generated by `basename $0` for UCC::ProgComp 2010
+from link.cAgent import cAgent
+class ${name} (cAgent):
+ def __init__ (self):
+ cAgent.__init__(self, "${location}/${name}")
+# Custom bots
+elif ([ $lang == 2 ]) then
+ echo
+ echo "Preparing a custom bot."
+ echo
+ echo "What is the name of your bot?"
+ read -p "Name: " name
+ echo
+ echo "Enter the command required to spawn your bot."
+ echo "Give paths relative to the src/ directory."
+ read -p "Command: " cmd
+ echo
+ echo "Into which directory should I put the resultant python module?"
+ echo "(again, give paths relative to src/)"
+ echo "WARNING: will overwrite ${name}.py if it exists"
+ read -p "Location: " location
+ cat > ${location}/${name}.py << __EOF__
+# ${name}.py - a custom bot shell generated by `basename $0` for UCC::ProgComp 2010
+# calls "${cmd}" to invoke the bot
+from link.externAgent import externAgent
+class ${name} (externAgent):
+ def __init__ (self):
+ externAgent.__init__(self, "${cmd}")
+### Finish up
+echo "${name}.py created."
+echo "Include your bot with:"
+#there must be a nicer way to do this. possibly by using python
+#part of the horror is trying to deal with location possibly having a trailing
+#slash, and possibly not having one. *sigh*
+pythonpath=`sed 's:/:.:g' << __EOF__
+$(dirname ${location}/${name}).${name}
+echo " from ${pythonpath} import ${name}"
+echo "Then make sure the Agents list includes ${name}"
+echo "Good luck!"
\ No newline at end of file
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22CAFF7B11D840E3001ECDEF /* __init__.py */,
22CAFF7C11D840E3001ECDEF /* externAgent.py */,
- 22CAFF7D11D840E3001ECDEF /* pexpect */,
+ 22CA010611D9BD51001ECDEF /* bundle-agent.sh */,
name = link;
sourceTree = "<group>";
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- 22CAFFA911D840E3001ECDEF /* INSTALL */,
- 22CAFFAA11D840E3001ECDEF /* LICENSE */,
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- 22CAFFAD11D840E3001ECDEF /* PKG-INFO */,
- 22CAFFAE11D840E3001ECDEF /* pxssh.py */,
- 22CAFFAF11D840E3001ECDEF /* README */,
- 22CAFFB011D840E3001ECDEF /* screen.py */,
- 22CAFFB111D840E3001ECDEF /* setup.py */,
- );
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- path = link/pexpect;
- sourceTree = "<group>";
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- 22CAFF8C11D840E3001ECDEF /* screen.html */,
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- path = doc;
- sourceTree = "<group>";
- };
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- children = (
- 22CAFF8E11D840E3001ECDEF /* astat.py */,
- 22CAFF8F11D840E3001ECDEF /* bd_client.py */,
- 22CAFF9011D840E3001ECDEF /* bd_serv.py */,
- 22CAFF9111D840E3001ECDEF /* cgishell.cgi */,
- 22CAFF9211D840E3001ECDEF /* chess.py */,
- 22CAFF9311D840E3001ECDEF /* chess2.py */,
- 22CAFF9411D840E3001ECDEF /* chess3.py */,
- 22CAFF9511D840E3001ECDEF /* df.py */,
- 22CAFF9611D840E3001ECDEF /* fix_cvs_files.py */,
- 22CAFF9711D840E3001ECDEF /* ftp.py */,
- 22CAFF9811D840E3001ECDEF /* hive.py */,
- 22CAFF9911D840E3001ECDEF /* log_69.80.212.10 */,
- 22CAFF9A11D840E3001ECDEF /* log_69.80.212.11 */,
- 22CAFF9B11D840E3001ECDEF /* monitor.py */,
- 22CAFF9C11D840E3001ECDEF /* passmass.py */,
- 22CAFF9D11D840E3001ECDEF /* python.py */,
- 22CAFF9E11D840E3001ECDEF /* README */,
- 22CAFF9F11D840E3001ECDEF /* rippy.py */,
- 22CAFFA011D840E3001ECDEF /* script.py */,
- 22CAFFA111D840E3001ECDEF /* ssh_session.py */,
- 22CAFFA211D840E3001ECDEF /* ssh_tunnel.py */,
- 22CAFFA311D840E3001ECDEF /* sshls.py */,
- 22CAFFA411D840E3001ECDEF /* table_test.html */,
- 22CAFFA511D840E3001ECDEF /* topip.py */,
- 22CAFFA611D840E3001ECDEF /* uptime.py */,
- );
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- };
/* End PBXGroup section */
/* Begin PBXLegacyTarget section */