// === PROTOTYPES ===
int ShowNCursesUI(void);
+void PrintAlign(int Row, int Col, int Width, const char *Left, char Pad1, const char *Mid, char Pad2, const char *Right, ...);
int sendf(int Socket, const char *Format, ...);
int OpenConnection(const char *Host, int Port);
return 0;
+void ShowItemAt(int Row, int Col, int Width, int Index)
+ int _x, _y, times;
+ move( Row, Col );
+ if( Index < 0 || Index >= giNumItems ) {
+ printw("%02i OOR", Index);
+ return ;
+ }
+ printw("%02i %s", Index, gaItems[Index].Desc);
+ getyx(stdscr, _y, _x);
+ // Assumes max 4 digit prices
+ times = Width - 4 - (_x - Col); // TODO: Better handling for large prices
+ while(times--) addch(' ');
+ printw("%4i", gaItems[Index].Price);
int ShowNCursesUI(void)
const int displayMinWidth = 34;
const int displayMinItems = 8;
char *titleString = "Dispense";
- int titleStringLen = strlen(titleString);
int itemCount = displayMinItems;
int itemBase = 0;
for( ;; )
// Header
- move( yBase, xBase );
- addch('/');
- times = width/2 - titleStringLen/2 - 2;
- while(times --) addch('-');
- addch(' ');
- addstr(titleString);
- addch(' ');
- times = width/2 - titleStringLen/2 - 2;
- while(times --) addch('-');
- addch('\\');
+ PrintAlign(yBase, xBase, width, "/", '-', titleString, '-', "\\");
// Items
for( i = 0; i < itemCount; i ++ )
- int _x, _y;
move( yBase + 1 + i, xBase );
addch(' ');
// Show an item
else {
- if( itemBase + i < 0 || itemBase + i >= giNumItems ) {
- printw("%02i %i OOR", itemBase + i, i);
- continue ;
- }
- printw("%02i %s", itemBase + i, gaItems[itemBase + i].Desc);
- getyx(stdscr, _y, _x);
- times = width - 6 - (_x - xBase); // TODO: Better handling for large prices
- while(times--) addch(' ');
- printw("%4i ", gaItems[itemBase + i].Price);
+ ShowItemAt( yBase + 1 + i, xBase + 2, width - 4, itemBase + i);
+ addch(' ');
// Scrollbar (if needed)
// Footer
- move( yBase + 1 + itemCount, xBase );
- addch('\\');
- times = width/2 - titleStringLen/2 - 2;
- while(times --) addch('-');
- addch(' ');
- addstr(titleString);
- addch(' ');
- times = width/2 - titleStringLen/2 - 2;
- while(times --) addch('-');
- addch('/');
- move( yBase + 1 + itemCount + 1, xBase );
- {
- int count = itemCount-2;
- int ofs = itemBase;
- if( itemBase == 0 ) count ++;
- else ofs ++;
- if( itemBase == giNumItems-itemCount) {
- count ++;
- ofs ++;
- }
- printw("%i - %i / %i items", itemBase, itemBase+count, giNumItems);
- }
+ PrintAlign(yBase+height-2, xBase, width, "\\", '-', "", '-', "/");
+ // Get input
ch = getch();
if( ch == '\x1B' ) {
return -1;
+void PrintAlign(int Row, int Col, int Width, const char *Left, char Pad1, const char *Mid, char Pad2, const char *Right, ...)
+ int lLen, mLen, rLen;
+ int times;
+ va_list args;
+ // Get the length of the strings
+ va_start(args, Right);
+ lLen = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, Left, args);
+ mLen = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, Mid, args);
+ rLen = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, Right, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ // Sanity check
+ if( lLen + mLen/2 > Width/2 || mLen/2 + rLen > Width/2 ) {
+ return ; // TODO: What to do?
+ }
+ move(Row, Col);
+ // Render strings
+ va_start(args, Right);
+ // - Left
+ {
+ char tmp[lLen+1];
+ vsnprintf(tmp, lLen+1, Left, args);
+ addstr(tmp);
+ }
+ // - Left padding
+ times = Width/2 - mLen/2 - lLen;
+ while(times--) addch(Pad1);
+ // - Middle
+ {
+ char tmp[mLen+1];
+ vsnprintf(tmp, mLen+1, Mid, args);
+ addstr(tmp);
+ }
+ // - Right Padding
+ times = Width/2 - mLen/2 - rLen;
+ while(times--) addch(Pad2);
+ // - Right
+ {
+ char tmp[rLen+1];
+ vsnprintf(tmp, rLen+1, Right, args);
+ addstr(tmp);
+ }
// === HELPERS ===
int sendf(int Socket, const char *Format, ...)