I finally fixed all the stupid bugs in pthreads.
Committing before messing with the openmp version (which surprisingly compiles)
I basically just need to get rid of the busy loop in the openmp version.
I will probably have to completely change the structure or something. Grrr.
programs = {
"single-thread" : "./single-thread/nbody -v 5"
-for n in range(2, 6):
- programs.update({"mthread"+str(n) : "./mthread/nbody -v 5 --pedantic-graphics -n "+str(n)})
+for n in range(2, 20, 4):
programs.update({"mthread"+str(n) : "./mthread/nbody -v 5 -n "+str(n)})
- #programs.update({"slow-mthread"+str(n) : "./mthread/nbody-slow --pedantic-graphics -v 5 -n "+str(n)})
- #programs.update({"openmp"+str(n) : "./openmp/nbody -v 5 --pedantic-graphics -n " +str(n)})
+ #programs.update({"slow-mthread"+str(n) : "./mthread/nbody-slow -v 5 -n "+str(n)})
+ programs.update({"openmp"+str(n) : "./openmp/nbody -v 5 -n " +str(n)})
--- /dev/null
+ * @file barrier.c
+ * @purpose Implementation of a pthread barrier
+ * @author Sam Moore (20503628) 2012
+ */
+#include "barrier.h"
+ * @function Barrier_Init
+ * @purpose Initialise a Barrier
+ * Should only be called once for each Barrier
+ * @param b - The Barrier
+ * @param total_threads - Number of threads that will be participating in the barrier
+ *
+ */
+void Barrier_Init(Barrier * b, unsigned total_threads)
+ b->total_threads = total_threads;
+ b->threads_done = total_threads; // All threads start as done.
+ // When Barrier_Join is called, the first entering thread will set threads_done to zero.
+ // Each thread joining the barrier increments threads_done, and sleep until all threads have joined.
+ b->active = false;
+void Barrier_Enter(Barrier * b)
+ b->active = true;
+void Barrier_Wait(Barrier * b)
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&(b->mutex));
+ while (b->active)
+ {
+ pthread_cond_wait(&(b->threads_done_cv), &(b->mutex));
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&(b->mutex));
+ * @function Barrier_Join
+ * @purpose A Barrier that waits for the required number of threads to enter it, before allowing all threads to continue
+ *
+ * This function should be called for each thread participating in the barrier.
+ * Barrier_Init should first be called with the correct total number of threads participating in the barrier.
+ *
+ * @param b - The barrier
+ */
+void Barrier_Join(Barrier * b)
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&(b->mutex));
+ if (b->threads_done >= b->total_threads) // The barrier is not active
+ {
+ b->threads_done = 0; // Activate the barrier
+ b->active = true;
+ }
+ b->threads_done += 1;
+ //printf("Thread joins barrier %p, %u done out of %u\n", (void*)(b), b->threads_done, b->total_threads);
+ if (b->threads_done == b->total_threads)
+ {
+ pthread_cond_broadcast(&(b->threads_done_cv));
+ b->active = false;
+ //printf("\tThread wakes up other threads\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //printf("\tThread waiting on barrier\n");
+ while (b->threads_done < b->total_threads) // Keep waiting as long as the barrier is active
+ pthread_cond_wait(&(b->threads_done_cv), &(b->mutex));
+ //printf("\tThread done with barrier\n");
+ }
+ //printf("\tThread leaves barrier; %u threads done out of %u\n", b->threads_done, b->total_threads);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&(b->mutex));
+void Barrier_ForceExit(Barrier * b)
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&(b->mutex));
+ pthread_cond_broadcast(&(b->threads_done_cv));
+ b->active = false;
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&(b->mutex));
+ * @function Barrier_JoinCall
+ * @purpose Behaves as Barrier_Join(b), except the last thread in the barrier calls the specified function
+ * (This is a hack to get code to execute in one thread without additional mutexes when the code happens just after a barrier anyway).
+ * (Could make the first thread execute the function for efficiency, but for the nbody simulator that would make the performance metric wrong)
+ * @param b - The barrier
+ * @param call - Function pointer to call (function pointers are fun!)
+ * @param args - Arguments to the function
+ */
+void * Barrier_JoinCall(Barrier * b, void*(*call)(void*), void * args)
+ void * result = NULL;
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&(b->mutex));
+ if (b->threads_done >= b->total_threads)
+ {
+ b->threads_done = 0;
+ b->active = true;
+ }
+ b->threads_done += 1;
+ //printf("Thread joins barrier %p, %u done out of %u\n", (void*)(b), b->threads_done, b->total_threads);
+ if (b->threads_done == b->total_threads)
+ {
+ result = (*call)(args);
+ pthread_cond_broadcast(&(b->threads_done_cv));
+ b->active = false;
+ //printf("\tThread wakes up other threads\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //printf("\tThread waiting on barrier\n");
+ while (b->threads_done < b->total_threads)
+ pthread_cond_wait(&(b->threads_done_cv), &(b->mutex));
+ //printf("\tThread done with barrier\n");
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&(b->mutex));
+ return result;
--- /dev/null
+ * @file barrier.h
+ * @purpose Declaration for a pthread barrier
+ * @author Sam Moore (20503628) 2012
+ */
+// The barrier can be used as follows:
+// Think of the barrier as relating to a section of work that must be completed by a team of threads
+// The barrier is initialised with the number of threads in the team
+// Each thread in the team calls Barrier_Join when finished; this ensures all threads reach Barrier_Join before continuing.
+// To make it conceptually easier to synchronise with threads that are not part of the "team":
+// I have introduced Barrier_Wait, and Barrier_Enter
+// Barrier_Wait is used to either:
+// 1. Immediately continue if threads have already completed a task and called Barrier_Join
+// 2. Sleep until all threads call Barrier_Join if they have not completed their task
+// Barrier_Enter should be called in threads that belong to the "team", to indicate that they have started their task.
+// Otherwise, Barrier_Wait will generally fail.
+// This requires a single boolean, and makes things easier (for me) to understand, so I think it is worth it.
+// Also, *any* number of threads may call Barrier_Wait; it is not restricted by the number of threads actually doing the "work".
+// If there are no threads calling Barrier_Wait, then Barrier_Enter is not needed; the first thread to call Barrier_Join always activates the barrier. It is always deactivated when threads leave.
+#ifndef _BARRIER_H
+#define _BARRIER_H
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+ * Structure to represent a barrier for multiple threads
+ * @param mutex - Mutex around the counter
+ * @param busy - Counter of threads within the barrier
+ * @param threads_done_cv - Condition to wake up threads waiting on barrier once all working threads have left it
+ */
+typedef struct
+ pthread_mutex_t mutex;
+ unsigned threads_done; // Counter of threads which are finished
+ unsigned total_threads; // Total number of threads participating in the barrier
+ bool active; // Indicates whether barrier is active
+ pthread_cond_t threads_done_cv;
+} Barrier;
+void Barrier_Init(Barrier * b, unsigned total_threads);
+void Barrier_Enter(Barrier * b);
+void Barrier_Join(Barrier * b);
+void Barrier_Wait(Barrier * b);
+void * Barrier_JoinCall(Barrier * b, void*(*call)(void*), void * args);
+void Barrier_ForceExit(Barrier * b); // Force all threads to exit barrier
+#endif //_BARRIER_H
#include "nbody.h" // Declarations
#include "../single-thread/nbody.c" // Include all functions from the single threaded version
+#include <assert.h>
#include "graphics.h" // For declaration of Graphics_Run only
+#include "barrier.c"
// --- Variable declarations --- //
-pthread_t compute_thread; // The thread responsible for computations; it spawns worker threads
+pthread_t compute_thread; // The thread responsible for computations; it spawns worker threads (* terms and conditions apply)
pthread_t * worker_thread = NULL; //Array of worker threads responsible for Force and Position updates
System * sub_system = NULL; //Array of Systems used to divide up the main "universe" System for worker threads
-pthread_attr_t attr; //thread attribute for the workers.
Barrier force_barrier; // I laughed at this variable name. A bit sad really.
Barrier position_barrier;
Barrier graphics_barrier;
+pthread_mutex_t mutex_threads_running;
+int threads_running = 0;
* @function Compute_Thread
* @purpose Thread - Continuously computes steps for a system of bodies. Seperate from graphics functions.
* Spawns worker threads to divide up computation.
- * @param arg - Can be cast to the System for which computations are performed (ie: &universe)
+ * @param arg - Can be cast to the System for which computations are performed
+ *
+ * NOTE:
+ * This will always be (void*)(&universe) where universe is the global System variable that has every Body in it.
+ * But I don't like global variables. And since the argument had to be passed, I thought I might as well use it.
+ * That way, when I change "universe" to "solar_system", I only have to change the argument where this is called, not all through it.
+ * Find and replace? Who uses that!?
void * Compute_Thread(void * arg)
System * s = (System*)(arg); //cast argument to a System*
- // If no number of threads provided, use the default value, unless someone changed that to a stupid value
+ // If no number of threads provided, use the default value, unless someone (me) changed that to a stupid value
if (options.num_threads <= 0)
- options.num_threads = (DEFAULT_WORKING_THREADS > 1) ? DEFAULT_WORKING_THREADS : 1;
+ options.num_threads = (DEFAULT_WORKING_THREADS > 1) ? DEFAULT_WORKING_THREADS : 1; // Fear the ternary operator!
if (options.nested_threads <= 0)
options.nested_threads = 1;
s->N, options.num_threads, s->N);
options.num_threads = s->N;
+ // Initialise the barriers ("shields up!")
+ Barrier_Init(&force_barrier, options.num_threads);
+ Barrier_Init(&position_barrier, options.num_threads);
+ Barrier_Init(&graphics_barrier, 1);
- pthread_attr_init(&attr);
- pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); //Needs to be detached, so that memory can be reused.
- if (options.num_threads > 1) // Allocate worker threads and sub systems, as long as there would be more than 1
+ if (options.num_threads > 1) // If we require additional worker threads...
- worker_thread = Allocate_Threads(options.num_threads);
+ // Allocate worker threads and sub systems
sub_system = Split_System(&universe, options.num_threads);
if (options.nested_threads > 1)
nested_sub_system = Split_System(&universe, options.nested_threads);
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < options.num_threads; ++i)
+ #ifdef PERSISTENT_THREADS // Code for the smart way of doing it (spawn threads once, keep them running)
+ worker_thread = Allocate_Threads(options.num_threads-1);
+ // Spawn a bunch of worker threads, and let them all do their thing.
+ // Note the "-1". Because this thread can do work too!
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < options.num_threads-1; ++i)
- if (pthread_create(worker_thread+i, & attr, Worker_Thread, (void*)(sub_system+i)) != 0)
+ if (pthread_create(worker_thread+i, NULL, Worker_Thread, (void*)(sub_system+i)) != 0)
perror("In compute thread, couldn't create worker thread");
+ Worker_Thread((void*)(sub_system+options.num_threads-1)); // This thread becomes a worker thread
+ #else
+ worker_thread = Allocate_Threads(options.num_threads);
- else
+ else // We only require one worker thread...
+ // So just do all computations in this thread
while (!ExitCondition())
- if (options.verbosity != 0 && universe.steps % options.verbosity == 1)
- DisplayStatistics();
- // Just do everything in this thread
System_Forces(s, s);
+ // If required, wait for graphics to finish drawing
+ if (options.draw_graphics && options.pedantic_graphics)
+ Barrier_Wait(&graphics_barrier);
+ StepFunction(s);
+ if (options.draw_graphics && options.pedantic_graphics)
+ Barrier_ForceExit(&position_barrier); //Make the graphics continue
- #else
- // The main computation loop
+ #else // Code for the stupid way of doing it (respawn threads each step)
+ // (ie: The way I immediately implemented and didn't realise was stupid until someone told me)
+ // Run until we can't run anymore
while (!ExitCondition())
- if (options.verbosity != 0 && universe.steps % options.verbosity == 1)
- DisplayStatistics();
- if (options.num_threads <= 1)
+ if (options.num_threads <= 1) // If there is only 1 worker thread...
// Just do everything in this thread
System_Forces(s, s);
+ // If required, wait for graphics to finish drawing
+ if (options.draw_graphics && options.pedantic_graphics)
+ Barrier_Join(&graphics_barrier);
+ StepFunction(s);
+ if (options.draw_graphics && options.pedantic_graphics)
+ Barrier_Join(&position_barrier); //Make the graphics continue
- //Compute forces
+ //Compute forces by spawning threads, each thread gets a sub system
for (unsigned i = 0; i < options.num_threads; ++i)
- if (pthread_create(worker_thread+i, &attr, Force_Thread, (void*)(sub_system+i)) != 0)
+ if (pthread_create(worker_thread+i, NULL, Force_Thread, (void*)(sub_system+i)) != 0)
perror("In compute thread, couldn't create worker thread (force)");
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < options.num_threads; ++i)
+ pthread_join(worker_thread[i], NULL);
- Barrier_Wait(&force_barrier);
- //All the forces are now computed
+ // If required, wait for graphics to finish drawing
if (options.draw_graphics && options.pedantic_graphics)
- {
- }
- //Compute positions
+ Barrier_Enter(&position_barrier);
+ //Compute positions by spawning a bunch of threads to do it
for (unsigned i = 0; i < options.num_threads; ++i)
- if (pthread_create(worker_thread+i, &attr, Position_Thread, (void*)(sub_system+i)) != 0)
+ if (pthread_create(worker_thread+i, NULL, Position_Thread, (void*)(sub_system+i)) != 0)
perror("In compute thread, couldn't create worker thread (position)");
- //Wait for positions to be computed
- Barrier_Wait(&position_barrier);
- //Update number of steps computed
- universe.steps += 1;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < options.num_threads; ++i)
+ pthread_join(worker_thread[i], NULL);
+ StepFunction(s); // Execute single threaded stuff
* @purpose Called in graphics thread before the draw loop
* When --pedantic-graphics enabled, will wait for position computations to finish before drawing
* Otherwise does nothing
+ *
+ * This originally seemed like a good place to put the code now in StepFunction(), since only one thread runs this
+ * But then I realised that the graphics might be disabled,
+ * and there was no point having a thread that only existed to call that code.
+ *
+ * So I changed it to the horrible solution that I currently have.
void BeforeDraw()
- if (options.verbosity != 0 && universe.steps % options.verbosity == 0)
- DisplayStatistics();
//printf("BEFORE DRAW\n");
if (!options.pedantic_graphics)
- Barrier_Wait(&position_barrier);
- Barrier_Enter(&graphics_barrier);
+ //printf("Graphics thread waits on position barrier\n");
+ Barrier_Wait(&position_barrier);
+ //printf("\tGraphics thread wakes up\n");
+ Barrier_Enter(&graphics_barrier);
* @function AfterDraw
* @purpose Called in graphics thread after the draw loop
- * When --pedantic-graphics is supplied, will signal computation thread that drawing is finished
+ * When --pedantic-graphics is supplied, will signal computation threads that drawing is finished
* So that positions can be safely altered
* Otherwise does nothing
void AfterDraw()
- universe.steps += 1;
+ //universe.steps += 1;
if (!options.pedantic_graphics)
- Barrier_Leave(&graphics_barrier);
+ Barrier_Join(&graphics_barrier);
* @function Worker_Thread
- * @purpose Thread - Calculate stuff
+ * @purpose Thread - A self contained worker thread to compute a particular sub system of bodies
+ *
+ * This is the "smart" way to do it, because threads are only created once, and compute both force and position.
+ * The greatest difficulty with pthreads is getting a *single* thread from the team to execute certain code
+ * (ie: The stuff in StepFunction()).
+ * With the "continuously respawning threads of stupidity" approach,
+ * because there is one "master" thread (not necessarilly the main thread... don't get confused now)
+ * to keep respawning the workers, the single threaded code can just be executed in the master thread.
+ *
+ * With this approach, I have created a hacky solution so that the *last* thread to leave the position barrier gets to call StepFunction.
+ *
void * Worker_Thread(void * arg)
- System * s = (System*)(arg);
- pthread_t * nested_workers = NULL;
- System_ForcePair * system_pairs = NULL;
- System * nested_position = NULL;
- Barrier nested_barrier;
- Barrier_Init(&nested_barrier);
- printf("options.nested_threads == %d\n", (int)(options.nested_threads));
+ System * s = (System*)(arg); // This is mainly to save typing the RHS a lot of times
- if (options.nested_threads != 1)
+ // Each thread runs until the whole program is supposed to end
+ while (!ExitCondition())
+ System_Forces(s, &universe); // Each thread computes the forces for its share of bodies
- system_pairs = (System_ForcePair*)(calloc(options.nested_threads, sizeof(System_ForcePair)));
- if (system_pairs == NULL) // Handle tedious error cases
- {
- perror("Couldn't allocate array of system pairs");
- QuitProgram(true);
- pthread_exit(NULL);
- }
- nested_workers = Allocate_Threads(options.nested_threads);
- nested_position =
+ // Do not confuse with "Barrier_Wait".
+ // Barrier_Wait does not affect the barrier; it just waits for it
+ // Barrier_Join actively updates the state of the barrier, and wakes up sleeping threads if required.
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < options.nested_threads; ++i)
- {
- system_pairs[i].A = s;
- system_pairs[i].B = nested_sub_system+i;
- }
- }
+ Barrier_Join(&force_barrier); // All threads must reach here before moving on.
+ if (ExitCondition()) return NULL;
- while (!ExitCondition())
- {
- if (options.nested_threads == 1)
- {
- Barrier_Enter(&force_barrier);
- System_Forces(s, &universe);
- Barrier_Leave(&force_barrier);
- }
- else
- {
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < options.nested_threads; ++i)
- {
- if (pthread_create(nested_workers+i, &attr, Force_Thread, (void*)(system_pairs+i)) != 0)
- {
- perror("In worker thread, couldn't create nested worker thread (force)");
- QuitProgram(true);
- free(nested_workers);
- pthread_exit(NULL);
- }
- }
- }
- //printf("Computed forces for %p\n", arg);
- Barrier_Wait(&force_barrier);
+ //fprintf(stderr,"Thread %p - force barrier finished\n", arg);
//printf("Computed ALL forces\n");
+ // If required, wait for the graphics to finish drawing stuff
if (options.draw_graphics && options.pedantic_graphics)
+ {
+ //printf("Worker %p waits on graphics barrier\n", arg);
+ //printf("\tWorker %p wakes up after graphics barrier\n", arg);
+ if (ExitCondition()) return NULL;
+ }
- Barrier_Enter(&position_barrier);
- System_Positions(s);
+ Barrier_Enter(&position_barrier);
+ System_Positions(s); // Each thread updates the positions for its share of bodies
- Barrier_Leave(&position_barrier);
- //printf("Computed positions for %p\n", arg);
- Barrier_Wait(&position_barrier);
- //printf("Computed ALL positions\n");
+ // Barrier_JoinCall behaves in the same way as Barrier_Join, except the *last* thread
+ // (ie: the one that wakes up the others) also calls the function with arguments given.
+ Barrier_JoinCall(&position_barrier, StepFunction, (void*)(&universe));
+ if (ExitCondition()) return NULL;
+ //Barrier_Join(&position_barrier);
+ // All threads have computed positions, and *one* thread calls StepFunction()
- printf("Worker thread exits\n");
- QuitProgram(false);
- pthread_exit(NULL);
+ QuitProgram(false); // Set the run state of the program
+ return NULL;
void * Force_Thread(void * s)
- System_ForcePair * pair = (System_ForcePair*)s;
- Barrier_Enter(&force_barrier);
+ //System_ForcePair * pair = (System_ForcePair*)s;
- System_Forces(pair->A, pair->B); //Simple wrapper
- Barrier_Leave(&force_barrier);
+ System_Forces(s, &universe); //Simple wrapper
+ //printf("Force_Thread waits\n");
return NULL;
void * Position_Thread(void * s)
- Barrier_Enter(&position_barrier);
System_Positions((System*)s); // Simple wrapper
- Barrier_Leave(&position_barrier);
+ Barrier_Join(&position_barrier); // This needed so that graphics will wait
return NULL;
* @function QuitProgram
- * @purpose This function can either be called by the main thread in order to signal other threads
- * that it wants to exit. The main thread then calls pthread_join before exiting.
- * It can also be called by a child thread to request the main thread to exit.
- * It is only used this way if there is an unrecovarable error (ie: Can't allocate memory in a child thread)
+ * @purpose This function can be called in any thread to signal all threads to exit
+ * Repeated calls to this function have no effect
+ *
+ * All threads periodically call ExitCondition(), which will return true if the program should exit.
+ * One (not the only way) to return true is if this function has been called.
+ * Threads will call this function if they detect ExitCondition() is true. Only the first call has any effect.
-void QuitProgram(bool error)
+inline void QuitProgram(bool error)
- if (runstate == QUIT || runstate == QUIT_ERROR)
- return; //Don't do anything if already quitting
+ //If already quitting, don't do anything
+ if (runstate == QUIT || runstate == QUIT_ERROR)
+ return;
+ // set the runstate (checked in ExitCondition())
pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_runstate); // aquire mutex
- if (error) // set the runstate
- runstate = QUIT_ERROR;
+ if (error)
+ runstate = QUIT_ERROR; // Program is exiting due to an error
- runstate = QUIT;
+ runstate = QUIT; // Program is exiting naturally
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_runstate); //release mutex
* @function Thread_Cleanup
- * @purpose Will be called in the main thread when exit() is called
- * Automatically tells all other threads to quit (if they haven't already been told)
+ * @purpose Will be called in the *main* thread when exit() is called
+ * Ensures working threads will exit, and waits for them to finish.
* Then waits for them to finish.
* Also frees memory associated with the worker threads.
void Thread_Cleanup(void)
- if (runstate == RUN) // If this is true, as far as child threads are concerned, the simulation is still running
- QuitProgram(false); // So call QuitProgram which will set runstate, and cause child threads to exit
- pthread_join(compute_thread, NULL);
- free(worker_thread);
- free(sub_system);
+ // Threads recheck the exit condition whenever they leave a barrier.
+ // These calls will stop any threads waiting forever in a barrier for threads that exited before getting to the barrier.
+ Barrier_ForceExit(&force_barrier);
+ Barrier_ForceExit(&position_barrier);
+ if (options.draw_graphics) // If the graphics are enabled...
+ {
+ // Then there is a computation thread, since graphics are done in the main thread
+ pthread_join(compute_thread, NULL);
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < options.num_threads-1; ++i)
+ {
+ pthread_join(worker_thread[i], NULL);
+ }
+ #else
+ // All other worker threads (if they were spawned) are terminated in Compute_Thread
+ // Scary memory management here.
+ if (worker_thread != NULL)
+ free(worker_thread);
+ if (sub_system != NULL)
+ free(sub_system);
+ worker_thread = NULL;
+ sub_system = NULL;
* @function Simulation_Run
* @purpose Initialise and start the simulation. Will be called in the main thread.
- * Replaces the single-threaded macro that does nothing, and sets up the compute thread
+ * Replaces the single-threaded macro that does nothing, and sets up the graphics and computation threads
* @param argc - Number of arguments - Passed to Graphics_Run if needed
* @param argv - Argument strings - Passed to Graphics_Run if needed
void Simulation_Run(int argc, char ** argv)
- Barrier_Init(&force_barrier);
- Barrier_Init(&position_barrier);
- Barrier_Init(&graphics_barrier);
- if (options.draw_graphics)
+ if (options.draw_graphics) // The graphics are enabled
- // The graphics are enabled, so create a thread to do computations
- // Graphics are done in the main loop
- //printf("Graphics are enabled\n");
- Compute_Thread((void*)(&universe));
- #else
+ // I have chosen to do graphics in the main thread in this case.
+ // A *single* seperate thread is spawned here to do computations.
+ // This computation thread will spawn any additional worker threads required.
if (pthread_create(&compute_thread, NULL, Compute_Thread, (void*)&universe) != 0)
perror("Error creating compute thread");
- //printf("Run compute thread\n");
- Graphics_Run(argc, argv);
- }
- else
- Compute_Thread((void*)(&universe)); // Graphics are disabled, so do computations in the main thread
+ // This is run in the main thread
+ // It is effectively the graphics initialisation, followed by the glut loop
+ Graphics_Run(argc, argv);
+ // The main thread reaches here after leaving the glut loop when ExitCondition() returns true.
-void Barrier_Init(Barrier * b)
- b->threads_busy = 0;
-void Barrier_Enter(Barrier * b)
- pthread_mutex_lock(&(b->mutex));
- b->threads_busy += 1;
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&(b->mutex));
+ QuitProgram(false);
-void Barrier_Leave(Barrier * b)
- pthread_mutex_lock(&(b->mutex));
- b->threads_busy -= 1;
- if (b->threads_busy == 0)
+ exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); // This is the main thread; use exit()
+ }
+ else //The graphics are disabled
- pthread_cond_signal(&(b->threads_done_cv));
+ // If graphics are disabled, there is no point spawning an extra thread.
+ // In this case, the *main* thread starts computations.
+ // Note that it will probably spawn additional worker threads (unless options.num_threads <= 1)
+ Compute_Thread((void*)(&universe));
+ QuitProgram(false);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&(b->mutex));
-void Barrier_Wait(Barrier * b)
- pthread_mutex_lock(&(b->mutex));
- while (b->threads_busy > 0)
- pthread_cond_wait(&(b->threads_done_cv), &(b->mutex));
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&(b->mutex));
* @function Split_System
return result;
+ * @function StepFunction
+ * @purpose Helper to perform stuff in a single thread every step, after position computations are done
+ * The reason this has void* all over the place is so that I can pass the function pointer (to horrible dragons and fiendish demons).
+ * @param arg - Can be cast to System* for which steps are to be updated
+ * Will always be (void*)(&universe). But I have been brainwashed into the "global variables are baaaaad" philosophy.
+ * @returns arg
+ */
+void * StepFunction(void * arg)
+ //fprintf(stderr, "StepFunction called\n");
+ System * s = (System*)(arg);
+ s->steps += 1; //Increment number of steps computed
+ if (options.verbosity != 0 && s->steps % options.verbosity == 1)
+ DisplayStatistics();
+ return arg;
#include "../single-thread/nbody.h" //Use original simulation code
#include <pthread.h>
+#include "barrier.h" // Barriers
-#define PERSISTENT_THREADS //If defined, threads will not be continually destroyed and then respawned
+//#define PERSISTENT_THREADS //If defined, threads will not be continually destroyed and then respawned
void * Compute_Thread(void * system); //Thread - Continuously perform computations for a System of bodies. May spawn additional worker threads.
System * Split_System(System * s, unsigned n); // Splits one system into a number of other systems, returns an array of size n
pthread_t * Allocate_Threads(unsigned n); // Allocates space for threads - handles errors
void Thread_Cleanup(void); //Called at program exit to safely join computation thread
- * Structure to represent a barrier for multiple threads
- * @param mutex - Mutex around the counter
- * @param busy - Counter of threads within the barrier
- * @param threads_done_cv - Condition to wake up threads waiting on barrier once all working threads have left it
- */
-typedef struct
- pthread_mutex_t mutex;
- unsigned threads_busy; // Counter of threads which are busy
- pthread_cond_t threads_done_cv;
-} Barrier;
- * Structure to represent a pair of Systems; passed to Force_Thread
- * @param A - System to calculate forces for
- * @param B - System causing forces on System A
- */
-typedef struct
- System * A;
- System * B;
-} System_ForcePair;
-void Barrier_Init(Barrier * b);
-void Barrier_Enter(Barrier * b);
-void Barrier_Leave(Barrier * b);
-void Barrier_Wait(Barrier * b);
+void * StepFunction(void * s); //Function called at the end of every step
--- /dev/null
+#include "barrier.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include "barrier.c"
+ * @file test_barrier.c
+ * @purpose Test the barrier!
+ * @author Sam Moore (20503628) 2012
+ */
+// Compile with gcc --std=c99 -o test_barrier test_barrier.c -lpthread
+// Run with ./test_barrier
+// Expected output:
+// All worker threads print "Hello" before all worker threads print "Goodbye"
+// At any point, the "Boss" reports that it is waiting for "Hello" to be said, and goes to sleep.
+// At some point whilst worker threads say "Goodbye", the "Boss" wakes up and reports that "Hello" has been said.
+// The Boss should *never* report that "Hello" has been said until all workers say "Hello".
+// But it may report that it is waiting for "Hello" to be said at any time.
+// Confused yet? I am, and I wrote this!
+// NOTE: Two barriers are required to prevent deadlocking!
+pthread_mutex_t mutex_printf; // Printing is not thread safe! Mutex needed!
+Barrier worker_barrier[2];
+void * Worker(void * args)
+ //while (true) // Comment out to only test one step
+ {
+ Barrier_Enter(&worker_barrier[0]); // Workers are now printing "Hello"
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_printf);
+ printf("Worker %p: Hello\n", (args)); // Only one thread can print at a time
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_printf);
+ sleep(1);
+ Barrier_Join(&worker_barrier[0]);
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_printf);
+ printf("\tWorker %p: Goodbye\n", (args)); // Only one thread can print at a time
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_printf);
+ Barrier_Join(&worker_barrier[1]); // If we replace this with:
+ //Barrier_Join(&worker_barrier[0]);
+ // Then there is (usually) a deadlock, because the first thread to leave the barrier
+ // immediately reactivates it, and other threads are unable to leave.
+ }
+void * Boss(void * args)
+ //while (true)
+ {
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_printf);
+ printf("Boss is waiting for \"Hello\" to be said.\n", (args)); // Only one thread can print at a time
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_printf);
+ Barrier_Wait(&worker_barrier[0]);
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_printf);
+ printf("Boss continues now that workers have said \"Hello\".\n", (args)); // Only one thread can print at a time
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_printf);
+ sleep(2);
+ }
+int main(int argc, char ** argv)
+ #define NUM_THREADS 4
+ pthread_t worker[NUM_THREADS];
+ pthread_t boss;
+ Barrier_Init(&worker_barrier[0], NUM_THREADS); // Initialise barriers with number of contributing threads
+ Barrier_Init(&worker_barrier[1], NUM_THREADS);
+ pthread_create(&boss, NULL, Boss, NULL); //Start boss
+ for (long i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i)
+ pthread_create(worker+i, NULL, Worker, (void*)(i)); // Start all threads
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i) // Join threads
+ pthread_join(worker[i], NULL);
+ return 0;
// Replace default macros with thread-safe functions
#undef Simulation_Run
void Simulation_Run(int argc, char ** argv);
#include "graphics.h" //Function declarations
#include "nbody.h" //The simulation
-#include <GL/freeglut.h>
// --- Variable definitions --- //
double previousTime, eyeTheta, eyePhi, eyeRho;
gluPerspective(VIEW_ANGLE, (double)WIDTH/(double)HEIGHT, WORLD_NEAR, WORLD_FAR);
- eye.x[0] = 1; eye.x[1] = 0; eye.x[2] = 0;
+ eye.x[0] = 0; eye.x[1] = 0; eye.x[2] = 1;
eye.y[0] = 0; eye.y[1] = 1; eye.y[2] = 0;
- eye.z[0] = 0; eye.z[1] = 0; eye.z[2] = 1;
+ eye.z[0] = 1; eye.z[1] = 0; eye.z[2] = 0;
+ eye.p[0] = 0; eye.p[1] = 0; eye.p[2] = -50;
- glutMainLoop();
+ //This option must be set, or when glut leaves the main loop. the exit(3) function is called... annoying
+ glutMainLoop();
gluLookAt(eye.p[0], eye.p[1], eye.p[2],
eye.p[0] + eye.x[0], eye.p[1] + eye.x[1], eye.p[2] + eye.x[2],
eye.z[0], eye.z[1], eye.z[2]);
for (int i = 0; i < universe.N; ++i)
Body * b = universe.body+i;
glColor3f(0.0f, b->mass/1e11*100, 0.0f);
//glColor3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
switch (theKey)
+ // Translate in direction of camera
case 'W':
case 'w':
for (unsigned i = 0; i < DIMENSIONS; ++i)
eye.p[i] += eye.x[i];
+ // Translate backwards from camera direction
case 'S':
case 's':
for (unsigned i = 0; i < DIMENSIONS; ++i)
eye.p[i] -= eye.x[i];
+ // Translate left from camera direction
case 'A':
case 'a':
for (unsigned i = 0; i < DIMENSIONS; ++i)
- eye.p[i] += eye.y[i];
+ eye.p[i] -= eye.y[i];
+ // Translate right from camera direction
case 'D':
case 'd':
for (unsigned i = 0; i < DIMENSIONS; ++i)
- eye.p[i] -= eye.y[i];
+ eye.p[i] += eye.y[i];
- case 'Z':
- case 'z':
+ // Translate up from camera direction
+ case 'Q':
+ case 'q':
for (unsigned i = 0; i < DIMENSIONS; ++i)
eye.p[i] += eye.z[i];
- case 'C':
- case 'c':
+ // Translate down from camera direction
+ case 'E':
+ case 'e':
for (unsigned i = 0; i < DIMENSIONS; ++i)
eye.p[i] -= eye.z[i];
+ // Rotate camera direction "down"
+ // (pitch control)
case 'I':
case 'i':
+ // Rotate camera direction "up"
+ // (pitch control)
case 'K':
case 'k':
+ // Rotate camera direction "left"
+ // (yaw control)
case 'J':
case 'j':
- float theta = -M_PI/80.0;
+ float theta = +M_PI/80.0;
Camera old = eye;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < DIMENSIONS; ++i)
+ // Rotate camera direction "right"
+ // (yaw control)
case 'L':
case 'l':
- float theta = M_PI/80.0;
+ float theta = -M_PI/80.0;
Camera old = eye;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < DIMENSIONS; ++i)
- case 'Q':
- case 'q':
+ // Rotate camera direction CCW about its axis
+ // (roll control)
+ case 'U':
+ case 'u':
- float theta = M_PI/80.0;
+ float theta = -M_PI/80.0;
Camera old = eye;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < DIMENSIONS; ++i)
- case 'E':
- case 'e':
+ // Rotate camera direction CW about its axis
+ // (roll control)
+ case 'O':
+ case 'o':
- float theta = -M_PI/80.0;
+ float theta = +M_PI/80.0;
Camera old = eye;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < DIMENSIONS; ++i)
- /*
- float x = 0; float y = 0; float z = 0;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < DIMENSIONS; ++i)
- {
- x += eye.x[i] * eye.x[i];
- y += eye.y[i] * eye.y[i];
- z += eye.z[i] * eye.z[i];
- }
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < DIMENSIONS; ++i)
- {
- eye.x[i] /= sqrt(x);
- eye.y[i] /= sqrt(y);
- eye.z[i] /= sqrt(z);
- }
- */
+ /* Code used for debugging the camera
printf("Camera status:\n");
printf("Position: %f %f %f\n", eye.p[0], eye.p[1], eye.p[2]);
printf("x: %f %f %f (%f)\n", eye.x[0], eye.x[1], eye.x[2], sqrt(eye.x[0]*eye.x[0] + eye.x[1]*eye.x[1] + eye.x[2]*eye.x[2]));
printf("y: %f %f %f (%f)\n", eye.y[0], eye.y[1], eye.y[2], sqrt(eye.y[0]*eye.y[0] + eye.y[1]*eye.y[1] + eye.y[2]*eye.y[2]));
printf("z: %f %f %f (%f)\n", eye.z[0], eye.z[1], eye.z[2], sqrt(eye.z[0]*eye.z[0] + eye.z[1]*eye.z[1] + eye.z[2]*eye.z[2]));
- #else
+ */
+ #else // The original view code
+ // I like how 'I' is used three times.
if (theKey == 'i' || theKey == 'I') {
eyePhi -= M_PI / 20;
#include <GL/gl.h>
+#define GLUT
+//#define SDL
+#ifdef GLUT
#include <GL/glut.h>
+#include <GL/freeglut.h>
+#endif //GLUT
#include "nbody.h"
// --- Function forward declarations --- //
void HandleArguments(int argc, char ** argv); //Interprets program arguments and sets up the "options" variable
-unsigned UnsignedArgument(unsigned * i, int argc, char ** argv, unsigned * store, unsigned * store2); //Helper function to get switch value for unsigned
+unsigned IntegerArgument(unsigned * i, int argc, char ** argv, int * store, int * store2); //Helper function to get integer switch
void FloatArgument(unsigned * i, int argc, char ** argv, float * store); //Helper function to get switch value for float
void DisplayStatistics(); //Called on exit of program, displays information about computation time, steps computed, etc
void Interrupt(int dummy); // Interrupt handler function, called when SIGINT (Ctrl-C) is sent to program
// --- Function implementations --- //
options.output = NULL;
options.num_threads = 0;
options.nested_threads = 0;
- options.num_steps = 0;
- options.timeout = 0;
+ options.num_steps = -1; // Negative values => simulation runs forever unless otherwise specified
+ options.timeout = -1;
options.draw_graphics = true;
options.pedantic_graphics = false;
options.print_positions = false;
signal(SIGINT, Interrupt); //Handle SIGINT signals
atexit(Universe_Cleanup); //On exit, cleanup universe (and write positions of bodies to file if supplied).
atexit(DisplayStatistics); //On exit, print information about the computations done
options.start_clock = clock(); //Get CPU cycles executed before simulation starts
Simulation_Run(argc, argv); // Start the simulation
- //printf("Got here!\n");
- exit(EXIT_FAILURE); //Should never get to this line
+ //printf("Main thread done!\n");
+ //pthread_exit(NULL);
+ exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); //Should never get to this line
switch (argv[i][1]) //The argument is a switch if we get here
case 'n': //Number of threads switch
- UnsignedArgument(&i, argc, argv, &(options.num_threads), &(options.nested_threads));
+ IntegerArgument(&i, argc, argv, &(options.num_threads), &(options.nested_threads));
- fprintf(stderr, "Warning: -%c switch has no effect in the single-threaded program.\n", argv[i][1]);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Warning: -%c switch has no effect in the single-threaded program.\n", 'n');
+ #else
+ if (options.num_threads <= 0)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Require at least one thread (-%c %s is invalid).\n",'n', argv[i]);
+ }
case 's': //Number of steps switch
- UnsignedArgument(&i, argc, argv, &(options.num_steps), NULL);
+ IntegerArgument(&i, argc, argv, &(options.num_steps), NULL);
+ if (options.num_steps < 0)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Require zero or more steps to run (-%c %s is invalid).\n", 's', argv[i]);
+ }
case 't': //Timeout switch (in seconds)
- UnsignedArgument(&i, argc, argv, &(options.timeout), NULL);
+ IntegerArgument(&i, argc, argv, &(options.timeout), NULL);
+ if (options.timeout < 0)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Require a timeout greater or equal to zero (-%c %s is invalid).", 't', argv[i]);
+ }
case 'g': //Graphics switch
options.draw_graphics = !options.draw_graphics;
case 'v': //Verbosity switch
- UnsignedArgument(&i, argc, argv, &(options.verbosity), NULL);
+ IntegerArgument(&i, argc, argv, &(options.verbosity), NULL);
case '-':
- if (strcmp(argv[i]+1, "pedantic-graphics"))
+ if (strcmp(argv[i]+2, "pedantic-graphics") == 0)
options.pedantic_graphics = true;
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: %s switch has no effect in the single threaded program.\n", argv[i]);
- else if (strcmp(argv[i]+1, "fast-graphics"))
+ else if (strcmp(argv[i]+2, "fast-graphics") == 0)
options.pedantic_graphics = false;
- fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognised switch -%s\n", argv[i]);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognised switch %s\n", argv[i]);
- * @function UnsignedArgument
- * @purpose Helper function to get an unsigned integer following a argument switch
+ * @function IntegerArgument
+ * @purpose Helper function to get up to two integers following a argument switch, seperated by ':'
* @param i - position in the argument array, will be updated after this function
* @param argc - number of arguments
* @param argv - argument strings
* @param store - pointer to unsigned to store result in
- * @param store2 - pointer to second unsigned
+ * @param store2 - pointer to second integer (set to NULL if there is only one integer)
* @returns 1 if store was filled, 2 if both store1 and store2 were filled
-unsigned UnsignedArgument(unsigned * i, int argc, char ** argv, unsigned * store, unsigned * store2)
+unsigned IntegerArgument(unsigned * i, int argc, char ** argv, int * store, int * store2)
if (*i >= argc-1)
int val = atoi(argv[*i+1]);
- if (val <= 0)
+ if (val <= 0 && strcmp("0", argv[*i+1]) != 0)
fprintf(stderr,"Supply a positive integer for the -%c switch. %s is invalid.\n", argv[*i][1], argv[*i+1]);
- *store = (unsigned)val;
+ *store = val;
*i += 1;
return (seperator == NULL) ? 1 : 2;
* @param a - Body to print'
* @param out - FILE* to print to
-void Body_Print(Body * a, FILE * out)
+inline void Body_Print(Body * a, FILE * out)
- fprintf(out,"Body %p M=%f X=%f Y=%f Z=%f Fx=%f Fy=%f Fz=%f Vx=%f Vy=%f Vz=%f\n",
- (void*)a, a->mass, a->x[0], a->x[1], a->x[2], a->F[0], a->F[1], a->F[2], a->v[0], a->v[1], a->v[2]);
+ //fprintf(out,"Body %p M=%f X=%f Y=%f Z=%f Fx=%f Fy=%f Fz=%f Vx=%f Vy=%f Vz=%f\n",
+ //(void*)a, a->mass, a->x[0], a->x[1], a->x[2], a->F[0], a->F[1], a->F[2], a->v[0], a->v[1], a->v[2]);
+ fprintf(out, "%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",
+ a->mass, a->x[0], a->x[1], a->x[2], a->v[0], a->v[1], a->v[2], a->F[0], a->F[1], a->F[2]);
* @param a - The Body
* @param b - The System
-void Body_Force(Body * a, System * s)
+inline void Body_Force(Body * a, System * s)
double distance;
double con;
* @purpose Compute velocity of a body
* @param a - The Body
-void Body_Velocity(Body * a)
+inline void Body_Velocity(Body * a)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < DIMENSIONS; ++i)
a->v[i] += a->F[i] / a->mass * DELTA_T;
* @purpose Compute position of a body
* @param a - The Body
-void Body_Position(Body * a)
+inline void Body_Position(Body * a)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < DIMENSIONS; ++i)
a->x[i] += a->v[i] * DELTA_T;
* @purpose Compute forces and then positions for bodies in System
* NOTE: Only used in the single threaded version of the program
-void System_Compute(System * s)
+inline void System_Compute(System * s)
System_Forces(s, s);
* In multi threaded version, called with s2 == &universe, but s1 is constructed for each thread
* In nested multi-threaded version, s2 is constructed for the nested threads as well
-void System_Forces(System * s1, System * s2)
+inline void System_Forces(System * s1, System * s2)
//printf("Compute forces for %p - %d bodies...\n", (void*)s1, s1->N);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < s1->N; ++i)
* @purpose Compute positions of all objects in System
* @param s - The system
-void System_Positions(System * s)
+inline void System_Positions(System * s)
//printf("Compute positions for %p - %d bodies...\n", (void*)s, s->N);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < s->N; ++i)
//printf("Compute positions for %p - Done!\n", (void*)s);
- s->steps += 1;
* @param s - The System
* @param fileName - The input file
-void System_Init(System * s, const char *fileName)
+inline void System_Init(System * s, const char *fileName)
char line[LINE_SIZE];
char * token;
if (fgets(line, LINE_SIZE, file) != NULL)
Body * a = s->body+i;
- token = strtok(line, ",; ");
+ token = strtok(line, ",; \t");
a->mass = atof(token);
for (unsigned j = 0; j < DIMENSIONS; ++j)
- token = strtok(NULL, ",; ");
+ token = strtok(NULL, ",; \t");
a->x[j] = atof(token);
for (unsigned j = 0; j < DIMENSIONS; ++j)
- token = strtok(NULL, ",; ");
+ token = strtok(NULL, ",; \t");
a->v[j] = atof(token);
+ // Ignore any additional tokens
+ while (token != NULL)
+ token = strtok(NULL, ",; \t");
* @purpose Cleans up the universe by freeing all memory
* Also prints the bodies in the universe to a file specified in "options" if required.
-void Universe_Cleanup()
+inline void Universe_Cleanup()
+ //fprintf(stderr, "Called Universe_Cleanup()\n");
if (options.output != NULL) // An output file was specified...
- FILE * save = fopen(options.output, "w");
+ FILE * save = NULL;
+ if (strcmp("stdout", options.output) == 0)
+ save = stdout;
+ else if (strcmp("stderr", options.output) == 0)
+ save = stderr;
+ else
+ save = fopen(options.output, "w");
if (save == NULL)
perror("Couldn't save universe to file.");
- fprintf(save, "# Final field:\n");
+ // Print the output in the same format as the initial field file
+ fprintf(save, "%u\n", universe.N);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < universe.N; ++i) // Print all bodies to the file
- Body_Print(universe.body+i, save);
+ Body_Print(universe.body+i, save);
* - Clock cycles executed
* - Equivelant time for a single thread to execute same number of clock cycles
-void DisplayStatistics()
+inline void DisplayStatistics()
clock_t end = clock();
struct timeval end_time;
* @purpose Helper to check whether the program is supposed to exit
* Does not check for user triggered quit
* Checks for either a timeout, or computation of the required number of steps
+ *
+ * The reason timeouts are integers is because this function is called a lot in lots of threads
+ * So using floats (and working out microseconds every time) is expensive
+ *
-bool ExitCondition(void)
+inline bool ExitCondition(void)
- bool result = (runstate != RUN || (options.timeout > 0.00 && ((unsigned)(time(NULL) - options.start_time.tv_sec) >= options.timeout))
- || (options.num_steps > 0 && universe.steps > options.num_steps));
- //printf("runstate %d\n timeout %d\n steps %d\n", (int)(runstate != RUN), (int)(options.timeout > 0.00 && ((unsigned)(time(NULL) - options.start_time.tv_sec) >= options.timeout)), (int)(options.num_steps > 0 && universe.steps > options.num_steps));
+ bool result = (runstate != RUN ||
+ (options.num_steps >= 0 && universe.steps >= options.num_steps) ||
+ (options.timeout >= 0 && ((int)(time(NULL) - options.start_time.tv_sec) >= options.timeout)));
+ //fprintf(stderr,"runstate %d\n timeout %d\n steps %d\n", (int)(runstate != RUN), (int)(options.timeout > 0.00 && ((unsigned)(time(NULL) - options.start_time.tv_sec) >= options.timeout)), (int)(options.num_steps > 0 && universe.steps > options.num_steps));
return result;
//Macro to be overwritten in multithreaded versions, called before the graphics is allowed to draw anything
#define BeforeDraw() \
+System_Compute(&universe); \
+universe.steps += 1; \
if (options.verbosity != 0 && universe.steps % options.verbosity == 0) \
DisplayStatistics(); \
const char * input; // initial body field
const char * output; // file to write final positions / velocities of bodies to
const char * program; // program name
- unsigned num_threads; // number of worker threads to spawn (must be greater than 1 for any to be spawned)
- unsigned nested_threads; // number of threads to nest computations with (must be greater than 1 for any to be spawned)
- unsigned num_steps; // number of steps to run before stopping (run indefinately if equal to zero)
- unsigned timeout; // number of seconds to run before stopping (run indefinately if equal to zero)
+ int num_threads; // number of worker threads to spawn (must be greater than 1 for any to be spawned)
+ int nested_threads; // number of threads to nest computations with (must be greater than 1 for any to be spawned)
+ int num_steps; // number of steps to run before stopping (run indefinately if less than zero)
+ int timeout; // number of seconds to run before stopping (run indefinately if less than zero)
bool draw_graphics; // whether or not to actually draw graphics
bool pedantic_graphics; // whether the graphics thread will synchronise with the computation thread (true) or just draw as fast as possible (false)
bool print_positions; // print positions of bodies to stdout on every step
- unsigned verbosity; // print statistics every number of steps indicated by this variable
+ int verbosity; // print statistics every number of steps indicated by this variable
clock_t start_clock; // clock cycles done when simulation starts
struct timeval start_time; // time at which simulation starts
} Options;