+// Behold my amazing tokenizing abilities
+static string & GetToken(const string & d, string & token, unsigned & i, const string & delims = "()[],{}<>;:=")
+ token.clear();
+ while (i < d.size() && iswspace(d[i]))
+ {
+ ++i;
+ }
+ while (i < d.size())
+ {
+ if (iswspace(d[i]) || strchr(delims.c_str(),d[i]) != NULL)
+ {
+ if (token.size() == 0 && !iswspace(d[i]))
+ {
+ token += d[i++];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ token += d[i++];
+ }
+ //Debug("Got token \"%s\"", token.c_str());
+ return token;
+static void GetXYPair(const string & d, Real & x, Real & y, unsigned & i,const string & delims = "()[],{}<>;:=")
+ string token("");
+ x = strtod(GetToken(d, token, i, delims).c_str(),NULL);
+ if (GetToken(d, token, i, delims) != ",")
+ {
+ Fatal("Expected \",\" seperating x,y pair");
+ }
+ y = strtod(GetToken(d, token, i, delims).c_str(),NULL);
+static void TransformXYPair(Real & x, Real & y, SVGMatrix & transform)
+ Real x0(x);
+ x = transform.a * x + transform.c * y + transform.e;
+ y = transform.b * x0 + transform.d * y + transform.f;
+void Document::ParseSVGTransform(const string & s, SVGMatrix & transform)
+ Debug("Parsing transform %s", s.c_str());
+ string token;
+ string command;
+ unsigned i = 0;
+ GetToken(s, command, i);
+ Debug("Token is \"%s\"", command.c_str());
+ SVGMatrix delta = {1,0,0,1,0,0};
+ assert(GetToken(s,token, i) == "(");
+ if (command == "translate")
+ {
+ GetXYPair(s, delta.e, delta.f, i);
+ assert(GetToken(s,token, i) == ")");
+ }
+ else if (command == "matrix")
+ {
+ GetXYPair(s, delta.a, delta.b,i);
+ GetXYPair(s, delta.c, delta.d,i);
+ GetXYPair(s, delta.e, delta.f,i);
+ assert(GetToken(s,token, i) == ")");
+ }
+ else if (command == "scale")
+ {
+ delta.a = (strtod(GetToken(s,token,i).c_str(), NULL));
+ GetToken(s, token, i);
+ if (token != ")")
+ {
+ delta.b = (strtod(token.c_str(), NULL));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delta.b = delta.a;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Warn("Unrecognised transform \"%s\", using identity", command.c_str());
+ }
+ Debug("Old transform is {%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f}", transform.a, transform.b, transform.c, transform.d,transform.e,transform.f);
+ Debug("Delta transform is {%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f}", delta.a, delta.b, delta.c, delta.d,delta.e,delta.f);
+ SVGMatrix old(transform);
+ transform.a = old.a * delta.a + old.c * delta.b;
+ transform.c = old.a * delta.c + old.c * delta.d;
+ transform.e = old.a * delta.e + old.c * delta.f + old.e;
+ transform.b = old.b * delta.a + old.d * delta.b;
+ transform.d = old.b * delta.c + old.d * delta.d;
+ transform.f = old.b * delta.e + old.d * delta.f + old.f;
+ Debug("New transform is {%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f}", transform.a, transform.b, transform.c, transform.d,transform.e,transform.f);
-void Document::ParseSVGNode(pugi::xml_node & root, const Rect & bounds, Real & width, Real & height)
+void Document::ParseSVGNode(pugi::xml_node & root, SVGMatrix & parent_transform)
Debug("Parse node <%s>", root.name());
- pugi::xml_attribute attrib_w = root.attribute("width");
- pugi::xml_attribute attrib_h = root.attribute("height");
- if (!attrib_w.empty())
- width = attrib_w.as_float() * bounds.w;
- if (!attrib_h.empty())
- height = attrib_h.as_float() * bounds.h;
for (pugi::xml_node child = root.first_child(); child; child = child.next_sibling())
+ SVGMatrix transform(parent_transform);
+ pugi::xml_attribute attrib_trans = child.attribute("transform");
+ if (!attrib_trans.empty())
+ {
+ ParseSVGTransform(attrib_trans.as_string(), transform);
+ }
if (strcmp(child.name(), "svg") == 0 || strcmp(child.name(),"g") == 0
|| strcmp(child.name(), "group") == 0)
- //TODO: Handle translates etc here
- ParseSVGNode(child, bounds, width, height);
+ ParseSVGNode(child, transform);
else if (strcmp(child.name(), "path") == 0)
string d = child.attribute("d").as_string();
Debug("Path data attribute is \"%s\"", d.c_str());
- ParseSVGPathData(d, Rect(bounds.x,bounds.y,width,height));
+ ParseSVGPathData(d, transform);
else if (strcmp(child.name(), "line") == 0)
- Real x0(child.attribute("x1").as_float()/width + bounds.x);
- Real y0(child.attribute("y1").as_float()/height + bounds.y);
- Real x1(child.attribute("x2").as_float()/width + bounds.x);
- Real y1(child.attribute("y2").as_float()/height + bounds.y);
+ Real x0(child.attribute("x1").as_float());
+ Real y0(child.attribute("y1").as_float());
+ Real x1(child.attribute("x2").as_float());
+ Real y1(child.attribute("y2").as_float());
+ TransformXYPair(x0,y0,transform);
+ TransformXYPair(x1,y1,transform);
unsigned index = AddBezierData(Bezier(x0,y0,x1,y1,x1,y1,x1,y1));
Add(BEZIER, Rect(0,0,1,1), index);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
coords[i] = child.attribute(attrib_names[i]).as_float();
- bool outline = !(child.attribute("fill"));
- Add(outline?RECT_OUTLINE:RECT_FILLED, Rect(coords[0]/width + bounds.x, coords[1]/height + bounds.y, coords[2]/width, coords[3]/height),0);
+ Real x2(coords[0]+coords[2]);
+ Real y2(coords[1]+coords[3]);
+ TransformXYPair(coords[0],coords[1],transform); // x, y, transform
+ TransformXYPair(x2,y2,transform);
+ coords[2] = x2 - coords[0];
+ coords[3] = y2 - coords[1];
+ bool outline = !(child.attribute("fill") && strcmp(child.attribute("fill").as_string(),"none") != 0);
+ Add(outline?RECT_OUTLINE:RECT_FILLED, Rect(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3]),0);
else if (strcmp(child.name(), "circle") == 0)
Real cy = child.attribute("cy").as_float();
Real r = child.attribute("r").as_float();
- Real x = (cx - r)/width + bounds.x;
- Real y = (cy - r)/height + bounds.y;
- Real w = Real(2)*r/width;
- Real h = Real(2)*r/height;
+ Real x = (cx - r);
+ Real y = (cy - r);
+ TransformXYPair(x,y,transform);
+ Real w = Real(2)*r*transform.a; // width scales
+ Real h = Real(2)*r*transform.d; // height scales
Rect rect(x,y,w,h);
Add(CIRCLE_FILLED, rect,0);
else if (strcmp(child.name(), "text") == 0)
- Real x = child.attribute("x").as_float()/width + bounds.x;
- Real y = child.attribute("y").as_float()/height + bounds.y;
+ Real x = child.attribute("x").as_float();
+ Real y = child.attribute("y").as_float();
+ TransformXYPair(x,y,transform);
Debug("Add text \"%s\"", child.child_value());
AddText(child.child_value(), 0.05, x, y);
Debug("Loaded XML - %s", result.description());
- Real width(1);
- Real height(1);
- ParseSVGNode(doc_xml, bounds,width,height);
-// Behold my amazing tokenizing abilities
-static string & GetToken(const string & d, string & token, unsigned & i)
- token.clear();
- while (i < d.size() && iswspace(d[i]))
- {
- ++i;
- }
- while (i < d.size())
- {
- if (d[i] == ',' || (isalpha(d[i]) && d[i] != 'e') || iswspace(d[i]))
- {
- if (token.size() == 0 && !iswspace(d[i]))
- {
- token += d[i++];
- }
- break;
- }
- token += d[i++];
- }
- //Debug("Got token \"%s\"", token.c_str());
- return token;
+ SVGMatrix transform = {bounds.w, 0,bounds.x, bounds.h,0,bounds.y};
+ ParseSVGNode(doc_xml, transform);
// Fear the wrath of the tokenizing svg data
// Seriously this isn't really very DOM-like at all is it?
-void Document::ParseSVGPathData(const string & d, const Rect & bounds)
+void Document::ParseSVGPathData(const string & d, const SVGMatrix & transform)
Real x[4] = {0,0,0,0};
Real y[4] = {0,0,0,0};
bool start = false;
+ static string delims("()[],{}<>;:=LlmMqQzZcC");
while (i < d.size() && GetToken(d, token, i).size() > 0)
if (isalpha(token[0]))
if (command == "m" || command == "M")
- Debug("Construct moveto command");
- Real dx = Real(strtod(GetToken(d,token,i).c_str(),NULL)) / bounds.w;
- assert(GetToken(d,token,i) == ",");
- Real dy = Real(strtod(GetToken(d,token,i).c_str(),NULL)) / bounds.h;
+ //Debug("Construct moveto command");
+ Real dx = Real(strtod(GetToken(d,token,i,delims).c_str(),NULL)) * transform.a;
+ assert(GetToken(d,token,i,delims) == ",");
+ Real dy = Real(strtod(GetToken(d,token,i,delims).c_str(),NULL)) * transform.d;
- x[0] = (relative) ? x[0] + dx : dx;
- y[0] = (relative) ? y[0] + dy : dy;
+ x[0] = (relative) ? x[0] + dx : dx + transform.e;
+ y[0] = (relative) ? y[0] + dy : dy + transform.f;
- Debug("mmoveto %f,%f", Float(x[0]),Float(y[0]));
+ //Debug("mmoveto %f,%f", Float(x[0]),Float(y[0]));
command = (command == "m") ? "l" : "L";
else if (command == "c" || command == "C" || command == "q" || command == "Q")
- Debug("Construct curveto command");
- Real dx = Real(strtod(GetToken(d,token,i).c_str(),NULL))/bounds.w;
- assert(GetToken(d,token,i) == ",");
- Real dy = Real(strtod(GetToken(d,token,i).c_str(),NULL))/bounds.h;
+ //Debug("Construct curveto command");
+ Real dx = Real(strtod(GetToken(d,token,i,delims).c_str(),NULL)) * transform.a;
+ assert(GetToken(d,token,i,delims) == ",");
+ Real dy = Real(strtod(GetToken(d,token,i,delims).c_str(),NULL))*transform.d;
- x[1] = (relative) ? x[0] + dx : dx;
- y[1] = (relative) ? y[0] + dy : dy;
+ x[1] = (relative) ? x[0] + dx : dx + transform.e;
+ y[1] = (relative) ? y[0] + dy : dy + transform.f;
- dx = Real(strtod(GetToken(d,token,i).c_str(),NULL)) / bounds.w;
- assert(GetToken(d,token,i) == ",");
- dy = Real(strtod(GetToken(d,token,i).c_str(),NULL)) / bounds.h;
+ dx = Real(strtod(GetToken(d,token,i,delims).c_str(),NULL)) *transform.a;
+ assert(GetToken(d,token,i,delims) == ",");
+ dy = Real(strtod(GetToken(d,token,i,delims).c_str(),NULL)) *transform.d;
- x[2] = (relative) ? x[0] + dx : dx;
- y[2] = (relative) ? y[0] + dy : dy;
+ x[2] = (relative) ? x[0] + dx : dx + transform.e;
+ y[2] = (relative) ? y[0] + dy : dy + transform.f;
if (command != "q" && command != "Q")
- dx = Real(strtod(GetToken(d,token,i).c_str(),NULL)) / bounds.w;
- assert(GetToken(d,token,i) == ",");
- dy = Real(strtod(GetToken(d,token,i).c_str(),NULL)) / bounds.h;
- x[3] = (relative) ? x[0] + dx : dx;
- y[3] = (relative) ? y[0] + dy : dy;
+ dx = Real(strtod(GetToken(d,token,i,delims).c_str(),NULL)) *transform.a;
+ assert(GetToken(d,token,i,delims) == ",");
+ dy = Real(strtod(GetToken(d,token,i,delims).c_str(),NULL)) *transform.d;
+ x[3] = (relative) ? x[0] + dx : dx + transform.e;
+ y[3] = (relative) ? y[0] + dy : dy + transform.f;
- Debug("[%u] curveto %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f", index, Float(x[1]),Float(y[1]),Float(x[2]),Float(y[2]),Float(x[3]),Float(y[3]));
+ //Debug("[%u] curveto %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f", index, Float(x[1]),Float(y[1]),Float(x[2]),Float(y[2]),Float(x[3]),Float(y[3]));
x[0] = x[3];
y[0] = y[3];
else if (command == "l" || command == "L")
- Debug("Construct lineto command");
+ //Debug("Construct lineto command");
- Real dx = Real(strtod(GetToken(d,token,i).c_str(),NULL)) / bounds.w;
- assert(GetToken(d,token,i) == ",");
- Real dy = Real(strtod(GetToken(d,token,i).c_str(),NULL)) / bounds.h;
+ Real dx = Real(strtod(GetToken(d,token,i,delims).c_str(),NULL)) *transform.a;
+ assert(GetToken(d,token,i,delims) == ",");
+ Real dy = Real(strtod(GetToken(d,token,i,delims).c_str(),NULL)) *transform.d;
- x[1] = (relative) ? x[0] + dx : dx;
- y[1] = (relative) ? y[0] + dy : dy;
+ x[1] = (relative) ? x[0] + dx : dx + transform.e;
+ y[1] = (relative) ? y[0] + dy : dy + transform.f;
x[2] = x[1];
y[2] = y[1];
unsigned index = AddBezierData(Bezier(x[0],y[0],x[1],y[1],x[2],y[2],x[3],y[3]));
- Debug("[%u] lineto %f,%f %f,%f", index, Float(x[0]),Float(y[0]),Float(x[1]),Float(y[1]));
+ //Debug("[%u] lineto %f,%f %f,%f", index, Float(x[0]),Float(y[0]),Float(x[1]),Float(y[1]));
x[0] = x[3];
y[0] = y[3];
else if (command == "z" || command == "Z")
- Debug("Construct returnto command");
+ //Debug("Construct returnto command");
x[1] = x0;
y[1] = y0;
x[2] = x0;
unsigned index = AddBezierData(Bezier(x[0],y[0],x[1],y[1],x[2],y[2],x[3],y[3]));
- Debug("[%u] returnto %f,%f %f,%f", index, Float(x[0]),Float(y[0]),Float(x[1]),Float(y[1]));
+ //Debug("[%u] returnto %f,%f %f,%f", index, Float(x[0]),Float(y[0]),Float(x[1]),Float(y[1]));
x[0] = x[3];
y[0] = y[3];