--- /dev/null
+ */
+#include <acess.h>
+#include <mm_virt.h>
+#include "include/vmem_layout.h"
+#include <threads_int.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+extern Uint64 giPageCount;
+extern tProcess *gAllProcesses;
+extern char gKernelEnd[];
+// === PROTOTYPES ===
+void Validate_VirtualMemoryUsage(void);
+void Validate_VirtualMemoryUsage_PT(const Uint32 *PTable, const tProcess *Proc, int PDIndex, int *RefCounts);
+static bool _should_skip_pde(const tProcess *Proc, int idx, Uint32 pde);
+static void _ref_mem(int *RefCounts, Uint PageNum, const tProcess *Proc, void *addr);
+static void _load_page(Uint32 *dst, tPAddr phys);
+// === CODE ===
+void Validate_VirtualMemoryUsage(void)
+ int *refcount = calloc(giPageCount, sizeof(int));
+ Uint32 *tmp_pd = malloc( PAGE_SIZE );
+ Uint32 *tmp_pt = malloc( PAGE_SIZE );
+ // Pass #1 - Count PT references
+ for( tProcess *proc = gAllProcesses; proc; proc = proc->Next )
+ {
+ Uint cr3 = proc->MemState.CR3;
+ _ref_mem(refcount, cr3/PAGE_SIZE, proc, 0);
+ _load_page(tmp_pd, cr3);
+ const Uint32 *pdir = tmp_pd;
+ for(int i = 0; i < 1024; i ++)
+ {
+ if( _should_skip_pde(proc, i, pdir[i]) )
+ continue ;
+ Uint32 ptaddr = pdir[i] & ~0xFFF;
+ _ref_mem(refcount, ptaddr/PAGE_SIZE, proc, (void*)(i*1024*PAGE_SIZE));
+ }
+ }
+ for( tProcess *proc = gAllProcesses; proc; proc = proc->Next )
+ {
+ Uint cr3 = proc->MemState.CR3;
+ _load_page(tmp_pd, cr3);
+ const Uint32 *pdir = tmp_pd;
+ for(int i = 0; i < 1024; i ++)
+ {
+ Uint32 pde = pdir[i];
+ if( _should_skip_pde(proc, i, pde) )
+ continue ;
+ Uint32 ptaddr = pde & ~0xFFF;
+ //
+ if( proc->PID == 0 || refcount[ ptaddr >> 12 ] == 1 )
+ {
+ _load_page(tmp_pt, ptaddr);
+ Validate_VirtualMemoryUsage_PT(tmp_pt, proc, i, refcount);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for( int i = 0; i < giPageCount; i ++ )
+ {
+ int recorded_refc = MM_GetRefCount(i*PAGE_SIZE);
+ void *node;
+ if( MM_GetPageNode(i*PAGE_SIZE, &node) == 0 && node != NULL )
+ _ref_mem(refcount, i, NULL, 0);
+ // 0x9F000 - BIOS memory area
+ // 0xA0000+ - ROM area
+ if( 0x9F <= i && i < 0x100 ) {
+ _ref_mem(refcount, i, NULL, 0);
+ }
+ if( recorded_refc != refcount[i] ) {
+ Debug("Refcount mismatch %P - recorded %i != checked %i",
+ (tPAddr)i*PAGE_SIZE, recorded_refc, refcount[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ // Output.
+ for( tProcess *proc = gAllProcesses; proc; proc = proc->Next )
+ {
+ Debug("%p(%i %s)", proc, proc->PID, proc->FirstThread->ThreadName);
+ Uint cr3 = proc->MemState.CR3;
+ _load_page(tmp_pd, cr3);
+ const Uint32 *pdir = tmp_pd;
+ for(int i = 0; i < 1024; i ++)
+ {
+ Uint32 pde = pdir[i];
+ if( _should_skip_pde(proc, i, pde) )
+ continue ;
+ Uint32 paddr = pde & ~0xFFF;
+ if( proc->PID != 0 && refcount[ paddr >> 12 ] > 1 )
+ continue ;
+ if( MM_GetRefCount(paddr) != refcount[paddr>>12] ) {
+ Debug("Table %p(%i %s) @%p %P %i!=%i",
+ proc, proc->PID, proc->FirstThread->ThreadName,
+ i*1024*PAGE_SIZE, paddr,
+ MM_GetRefCount(paddr), refcount[paddr>>12]
+ );
+ }
+ _load_page(tmp_pt, paddr);
+ const Uint32 *ptab = tmp_pt;
+ for( int j = 0; j < 1024; j ++ )
+ {
+ if( !(ptab[j] & 1) )
+ continue ;
+ Uint32 pageaddr = ptab[j] & ~0xFFF;
+ if( pageaddr/PAGE_SIZE >= giPageCount )
+ {
+ //Debug("PG %p(%i %s) @%p %P not in RAM",
+ // proc, proc->PID, proc->FirstThread->ThreadName,
+ // (i*1024+j)*PAGE_SIZE, pageaddr
+ // );
+ }
+ else if( MM_GetRefCount(pageaddr) != refcount[pageaddr>>12] ) {
+ Debug("PG %p(%i %s) @%p %P %i!=%i",
+ proc, proc->PID, proc->FirstThread->ThreadName,
+ (i*1024+j)*PAGE_SIZE, pageaddr,
+ MM_GetRefCount(pageaddr), refcount[pageaddr>>12]
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void Validate_VirtualMemoryUsage_PT(const Uint32 *PTable, const tProcess *Proc, int PDIndex, int *RefCounts)
+ for( int i = 0; i < 1024; i ++ )
+ {
+ // Ignore the 3GB+1MB area
+ if( PDIndex == 768 && i < 256 )
+ continue ;
+ // And ignore anything from the end of the kernel up to 3GB4MB
+ if( PDIndex == 768 && i > ((tVAddr)gKernelEnd-KERNEL_BASE)/PAGE_SIZE )
+ continue ;
+ Uint32 pte = PTable[i];
+ if( !(pte & 1) )
+ continue ;
+ Uint32 paddr = pte & ~0xFFF;
+ Uint page = paddr >> 12;
+ _ref_mem(RefCounts, page, Proc, (void*)((PDIndex*1024+i)*PAGE_SIZE));
+ }
+bool _should_skip_pde(const tProcess *Proc, int idx, Uint32 pde)
+ if( !(pde & 1) )
+ return true;
+ if( (pde & ~0xFFF) == Proc->MemState.CR3 ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if( idx == PAGE_TABLE_ADDR>>22 ) {
+ if( (pde & ~0xFFF) != Proc->MemState.CR3 ) {
+ // Bad!
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void _ref_mem(int *RefCounts, Uint PageNum, const tProcess *Proc, void *addr)
+ if( PageNum == 0x1001000/PAGE_SIZE ) {
+ Debug("frame #0x%x %i:%p", PageNum, Proc?Proc->PID:-1, addr);
+ }
+ if( PageNum >= giPageCount )
+ ;
+ else
+ RefCounts[ PageNum ] ++;
+void _load_page(Uint32 *dst, tPAddr phys)
+ const void *src = MM_MapTemp(phys);
+ memcpy(dst, src, PAGE_SIZE);
+ MM_FreeTemp( (void*)src);