. _common.sh
-# Ensure that the databse doesn't already contain the current user
-# - 1. Protects against running the test against the production database
-# - 2. Allows adding the current user as an admin
-if $DISPENSE acct "$USER"; then
- FAIL "Database contains '$USER'"
+# (CI runs as root, and root is auto-added by databse creation)
+if [[ "$USER" -ne "root" ]]; then
+ # Ensure that the databse doesn't already contain the current user
+ # - 1. Protects against running the test against the production database
+ # - 2. Allows adding the current user as an admin
+ if $DISPENSE acct "$USER"; then
+ FAIL "Database contains '$USER'"
+ fi
+ # Add the current user as an admin
+ sqlite3 "${BASEDIR}cokebank.db" "INSERT INTO accounts (acct_name,acct_is_admin,acct_uid) VALUES ('${USER}',1,1);"
+ if $DISPENSE acct accmurph; then
+ FAIL "Database contains 'accmurph' (running as root, might be using prodution)"
+ fi
-# Add the current user as an admin
-sqlite3 "${BASEDIR}cokebank.db" "INSERT INTO accounts (acct_name,acct_is_admin,acct_uid) VALUES ('${USER}',1,1);"
# Try to add a new user
TRY_COMMAND "$DISPENSE user add unittest_user0"
-DISPENSE="../dispense -H localhost -P ${PORT}"
+DISPENSE="../dispense -f /dev/null -H localhost -P ${PORT}"
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.. ../dispsrv -f ${BASEDIR}cfg_server.conf --dont-daemonise > ${BASEDIR}server.log 2>&1 &
cleanup() {
- if pidof dispsrv | grep ${server_pid}; then
+ if pidof dispsrv | grep ${server_pid} > /dev/null; then
LOG "Killing ${server_pid}"
kill ${server_pid}; true