-BUILD_NUM = 2057
+BUILD_NUM = 2070
void VT_int_PutString(tVTerm *Term, Uint8 *Buffer, Uint Count);
int VT_int_ParseEscape(tVTerm *Term, char *Buffer);
void VT_int_PutChar(tVTerm *Term, Uint32 Ch);
+void VT_int_ScrollFramebuffer( tVTerm *Term );
void VT_int_UpdateScreen( tVTerm *Term, int UpdateAll );
void VT_int_ChangeMode(tVTerm *Term, int NewMode);
Term->WritePos ++;
// Move Screen
if(Term->WritePos >= Term->Width*Term->Height*VT_SCROLLBACK)
int base, i;
Term->WritePos -= Term->Width;
+ VT_int_UpdateScreen( Term, 0 );
// Update view position
base = Term->Width*Term->Height*(VT_SCROLLBACK-1);
//LOG("Scrolled buffer");
- VT_int_UpdateScreen( Term, 1 );
+ VT_int_ScrollFramebuffer( Term );
+ VT_int_UpdateScreen( Term, 0 );
- else if(Term->WritePos >= Term->Width*Term->Height+Term->ViewPos)
+ else if(Term->WritePos >= Term->ViewPos + Term->Width*Term->Height)
- Term->ViewPos += Term->Width;
//LOG("Scrolled screen");
- VT_int_UpdateScreen( Term, 1 );
+ Term->WritePos -= Term->Width;
+ VT_int_UpdateScreen( Term, 0 );
+ Term->WritePos += Term->Width;
+ Term->ViewPos += Term->Width;
+ VT_int_ScrollFramebuffer( Term );
+ VT_int_UpdateScreen( Term, 0 );
+ * \fn void VT_int_ScrollFramebuffer( tVTerm *Term )
+ * \note Scrolls the framebuffer by 1 text line
+ */
+void VT_int_ScrollFramebuffer( tVTerm *Term )
+ int tmp;
+ struct {
+ Uint8 Op;
+ Uint16 DstX, DstY;
+ Uint16 SrcX, SrcY;
+ Uint16 W, H;
+ } PACKED buf;
+ // Only update if this is the current terminal
+ if( Term != gpVT_CurTerm ) return;
+ // This should only be called in text mode
+ VFS_IOCtl(giVT_OutputDevHandle, VIDEO_IOCTL_SETBUFFORMAT, &tmp);
+ buf.Op = VIDEO_2DOP_BLIT;
+ buf.DstX = 0; buf.DstY = 0;
+ buf.SrcX = 0; buf.SrcY = giVT_CharHeight;
+ buf.W = Term->Width * giVT_CharWidth;
+ buf.H = (Term->Height-1) * giVT_CharHeight;
+ VFS_WriteAt(giVT_OutputDevHandle, 0, 1+12, &buf);
+ // Restore old mode
+ VFS_IOCtl(giVT_OutputDevHandle, VIDEO_IOCTL_SETBUFFORMAT, &tmp);
* \fn void VT_int_UpdateScreen( tVTerm *Term, int UpdateAll )
* \brief Updates the video framebuffer
#define DEBUG 0
#include <acess.h>
#include <tpl_drv_disk.h>
+#include <tpl_drv_video.h>
// === CODE ===
+// --- Video Driver Helpers ---
+Uint64 DrvUtil_Video_2DStream(void *Ent, void *Buffer, int Length,
+ tDrvUtil_Video_2DHandlers *Handlers, int SizeofHandlers)
+ Uint8 *stream = Buffer;
+ int rem = Length;
+ int op;
+ while( rem )
+ {
+ rem --;
+ op = *stream++;
+ if(op > NUM_VIDEO_2DOPS) {
+ Log_Warning("DrvUtil", "DrvUtil_Video_2DStream: Unknown"
+ " operation %i", op);
+ }
+ if(op*4 > SizeofHandlers) {
+ Log_Warning("DrvUtil", "DrvUtil_Video_2DStream: Driver does"
+ " not support op %i", op);
+ return Length-rem;
+ }
+ switch(op)
+ {
+ case VIDEO_2DOP_NOP: break;
+ if(rem < 12) return Length-rem;
+ if(!Handlers->Fill) {
+ Log_Warning("DrvUtil", "DrvUtil_Video_2DStream: Driver"
+ " does not support VIDEO_2DOP_FILL");
+ return Length-rem;
+ }
+ Handlers->Fill(
+ Ent,
+ *(Uint16*)(&stream[0]), *(Uint16*)(&stream[2]),
+ *(Uint16*)(&stream[4]), *(Uint16*)(&stream[6]),
+ *(Uint32*)(&stream[8])
+ );
+ rem -= 12;
+ stream += 12;
+ break;
+ if(rem < 12) return Length-rem;
+ if(!Handlers->Blit) {
+ Log_Warning("DrvUtil", "DrvUtil_Video_2DStream: Driver"
+ " does not support VIDEO_2DOP_BLIT");
+ return Length-rem;
+ }
+ Handlers->Blit(
+ Ent,
+ *(Uint16*)(&stream[0]), *(Uint16*)(&stream[2]),
+ *(Uint16*)(&stream[4]), *(Uint16*)(&stream[6]),
+ *(Uint16*)(&stream[8]), *(Uint16*)(&stream[10])
+ );
+ rem -= 12;
+ stream += 12;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+// --- Disk Driver Helpers ---
Uint64 DrvUtil_ReadBlock(Uint64 Start, Uint64 Length, void *Buffer,
tDrvUtil_Callback ReadBlocks, Uint64 BlockSize, Uint Argument)
+ * \brief \r
+ */\r
+enum eTplVideo_2DCommands\r
+ /**\r
+ * \brief No Operation\r
+ */\r
+ /**\r
+ * \brief Fill a region\r
+ * \param X Uint16 - Leftmost pixels of the region\r
+ * \param Y Uint16 - Topmost pixels of the region\r
+ * \param W Uint16 - Width of the region\r
+ * \param H Uint16 - Height of the region\r
+ * \param Colour Uint32 - Value to fill with\r
+ */\r
+ /**\r
+ * \brief Copy a region from one part of the framebuffer to another\r
+ * \param DestX Uint16 - Leftmost pixels of the destination\r
+ * \param DestY Uint16 - Topmost pixels of the destination\r
+ * \param SrcX Uint16 - Leftmost pixels of the source\r
+ * \param SrcY Uint16 - Topmost pixels of the source\r
+ * \param Width Uint16 - Width of the region\r
+ * \param Height Uint16 - Height of the region\r
+ */\r
* \brief Describes a position in the video framebuffer\r
extern Uint32 VT_Colour12to24(Uint16 Col12);\r
+ * \r
+ */\r
+typedef struct sDrvUtil_Video_2DHandlers\r
+ void *Nop;\r
+ void (*Fill)(void *Ent, Uint16 X, Uint16 Y, Uint16 W, Uint16 H, Uint32 Colour);\r
+ void (*Blit)(void *Ent, Uint16 DestX, Uint16 DestY, Uint16 SrcX, Uint16 SrcY, Uint16 W, Uint16 H);\r
+} tDrvUtil_Video_2DHandlers;\r
+ * \brief \r
+ */\r
+extern Uint64 DrvUtil_Video_2DStream(void *Ent, void *Buffer, int Length,\r
+ tDrvUtil_Video_2DHandlers *Handlers, int SizeofHandlers);\r
int Vesa_Int_SetMode(int Mode);\r
int Vesa_Int_FindMode(tVideo_IOCtl_Mode *data);\r
int Vesa_Int_ModeInfo(tVideo_IOCtl_Mode *data);\r
+// --- 2D Acceleration Functions --\r
+void Vesa_2D_Fill(void *Ent, Uint16 X, Uint16 Y, Uint16 W, Uint16 H, Uint32 Colour);\r
+void Vesa_2D_Blit(void *Ent, Uint16 DstX, Uint16 DstY, Uint16 SrcX, Uint16 SrcY, Uint16 W, Uint16 H);\r
// === GLOBALS ===\r
MODULE_DEFINE(0, VERSION, Vesa, Vesa_Install, NULL, "PCI", "VM8086", NULL);\r
tVesa_Mode *gVesa_Modes;\r
int giVesaModeCount = 0;\r
int giVesaPageCount = 0;\r
+tDrvUtil_Video_2DHandlers gVesa_2DFunctions = {\r
+ NULL,\r
+ Vesa_2D_Fill,\r
+ Vesa_2D_Blit\r
int Vesa_Install(char **Arguments)\r
LOG("BGA Framebuffer updated");\r
+ \r
+ Length = DrvUtil_Video_2DStream(\r
+ NULL, // Single framebuffer, so Ent is unused\r
+ Buffer, Length, &gVesa_2DFunctions, sizeof(gVesa_2DFunctions)\r
+ );\r
+ break;\r
+ \r
LEAVE('i', -1);\r
return -1;\r
data->bpp = gVesa_Modes[data->id].bpp;\r
return 1;\r
+// ------------------------\r
+// --- 2D Accelleration ---\r
+// ------------------------\r
+void Vesa_2D_Fill(void *Ent, Uint16 X, Uint16 Y, Uint16 W, Uint16 H, Uint32 Colour)\r
+ int scrnwidth = gVesa_Modes[giVesaCurrentMode].width;\r
+ Uint32 *buf = (Uint32*)gpVesa_Framebuffer + Y*scrnwidth + X;\r
+ while( H -- ) {\r
+ memsetd(buf, Colour, W);\r
+ buf += scrnwidth;\r
+ }\r
+void Vesa_2D_Blit(void *Ent, Uint16 DstX, Uint16 DstY, Uint16 SrcX, Uint16 SrcY, Uint16 W, Uint16 H)\r
+ int scrnwidth = gVesa_Modes[giVesaCurrentMode].width;\r
+ int dst = DstY*scrnwidth + DstX;\r
+ int src = SrcY*scrnwidth + SrcX;\r
+ int tmp;\r
+ \r
+ //Log("Vesa_2D_Blit: (Ent=%p, DstX=%i, DstY=%i, SrcX=%i, SrcY=%i, W=%i, H=%i)",\r
+ // Ent, DstX, DstY, SrcX, SrcY, W, H);\r
+ \r
+ if(SrcX + W > scrnwidth)\r
+ W = scrnwidth - SrcX;\r
+ if(DstX + W > scrnwidth)\r
+ W = scrnwidth - DstX;\r
+ if(SrcY + H > gVesa_Modes[giVesaCurrentMode].height)\r
+ H = gVesa_Modes[giVesaCurrentMode].height - SrcY;\r
+ if(DstY + H > gVesa_Modes[giVesaCurrentMode].height)\r
+ H = gVesa_Modes[giVesaCurrentMode].height - DstY;\r
+ \r
+ if( dst > src ) {\r
+ // Reverse copy\r
+ dst += H*scrnwidth;\r
+ src += H*scrnwidth;\r
+ while( H -- ) {\r
+ dst -= scrnwidth;\r
+ src -= scrnwidth;\r
+ tmp = W;\r
+ for( tmp = W; tmp --; ) {\r
+ *((Uint32*)gpVesa_Framebuffer + dst + tmp) = *((Uint32*)gpVesa_Framebuffer + src + tmp);\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ else {\r
+ // Normal copy is OK\r
+ while( H -- ) {\r
+ memcpyd((Uint32*)gpVesa_Framebuffer + dst, (Uint32*)gpVesa_Framebuffer + src, W);\r
+ dst += scrnwidth;\r
+ src += scrnwidth;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
#include "common.h"
+// === GLOBALS ==
+ int giInterface_Width = 0;
// === CODE ===
void Interface_Render(void)
+ giInterface_Width = giScreenWidth/16;
0, 0,
- giScreenWidth/16, giScreenHeight,
+ giInterface_Width, giScreenHeight,