--- /dev/null
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+\newcommand{\grad}[1]{\nabla #1} %gradient
+\newcommand{\pd}[3][ ]{\frac{\partial^{#1} #2}{\partial #3^{#1}}} %partial derivative
+%\newcommand{\d}[3][ ]{\frac{d^{#1} #2}{d #3^{#1}}} %full derivative
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+ B.Eng. Final Year Project \par
+ {\bf \Large Literature Notes} \par
+ Sam Moore, David Gow \\
+ Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics, University of Western Australia \\
+ March 2014
+\section{PostScript Language Reference Manual \cite{plrm}}
+Adobe's official reference manual for PostScript.
+It is big.
+\section{Portable Document Format Reference \cite{pdfref17}}
+Adobe's official reference for PDF.
+It is also big.
% PostScript Reference Manual
title={PostScript Language Reference},
% It seems wierd using our last names...
title = "Infinite-precision Document Formats (Project Proposal)",
author = "David Gow",
year = "2014",
% Note the different title
title = "Infinite Precision Document Formats (Project Proposal)",
author = "Sam Moore",
year = "2014",
% The Fractal Nature of Bezier Curves
-% Added 2014-01-15
% No date?
-@article {goldman_thefractal,
title = "The Fractal Nature of Bezier Curves",
author = "Ron Goldman",
publisher = "Department of Computer Science, Rice University",