17:01 < matches> :S
17:02 < matches> I need to muster the courage to write more of my report
17:02 < matches> So tired
+--- Day changed Mon Oct 20 2014
+22:45 < sulix> So it turns out that the crazy multithreadedness of the control panel totally bollockses up the profiler.
+22:46 < sulix> Which explains the random crashing due to "impossible things happening" like "functions returning before their parents do".
+22:49 < sulix> The everything gets bollocksed when adding text bug is also fixed.
+22:50 < sulix> The magical invisible turtles bug remains.
+22:51 * sulix wonders if he should see the teenage mutant ninja turtles movie for an explaination.
+23:48 < sulix> For reasons unknown, I'm generating a lot of quadtree overlays with the exact same objects in them.
+23:48 < sulix> By which I mean the same {object_begin, object_end} pairs.
+23:49 < sulix> So lots of things are being rendered ~40 times, and many things aren't being rendered at all.
+23:51 < sulix> Actually, never mind, I'm just printing out the wrong thing in my debug statement.
+--- Day changed Tue Oct 21 2014
+00:48 * sulix has a lot of writing to do tommorrow.
+00:48 < sulix> By which I mean today.