import sys
from time import time
-baseDirectory = "/home/sam/Documents/progcomp2012/progcomp/"
-resultsDirectory = baseDirectory+"results/" #Where results will go (results are in the form of text files of agent names and scores)
-agentsDirectory = baseDirectory+"agents/" #Where agents are found (each agent has its own directory)
-logDirectory = baseDirectory+"log/" #Where log files go
-nGames = 10 #Number of games played by each agent against each opponent. Half will be played as RED, half as BLUE
-managerPath = baseDirectory+"judge/manager/stratego" #Path to the manager program
+#Global variables/arguments
+baseDirectory = "../.." #Base directory for results, logs, agents
+nGames = 2 #Number of games played by each agent against each opponent. Half will be played as RED, half as BLUE. If nGames <= 1, then no games will be played (useful for dry run?)
nRounds = 1
-if len(sys.argv) == 2:
+if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
nRounds = int(sys.argv[1])
-elif len(sys.argv) != 1:
- print "Useage: [nRounds]"
+if len(sys.argv) >= 3:
+ nGames = int(sys.argv[2])
+ if nGames % 2 != 0:
+ print "Warning: nGames should be even. "+str(nGames)+" specified, but only " + str(int(nGames/2) * 2)+" will be played!"
+if len(sys.argv) >= 4:
+ baseDirectory = sys.argv[3]
+if len(sys.argv) >= 6:
+ print "Useage: " +sys.argv[0] + " [nRounds=1] [nGames=10] [baseDirectory=\""+baseDirectory+"\"] [managerPath=baseDirectory+\"/judge/manager/stratego\"]"
+resultsDirectory = baseDirectory+"/results/" #Where results will go (results are in the form of text files of agent names and scores)
+logDirectory = baseDirectory+"/log/" #Where log files go (direct output of manager program)
+agentsDirectory = baseDirectory+"/agents/" #Where agents are found (each agent has its own subdirectory within this directory)
+managerPath = baseDirectory+"/judge/manager/stratego" #Path to the executable that plays the games
+if len(sys.argv) >= 5:
+ managerPath = sys.argv[5]
+#Score dictionary - Tuple is of the form: (end score, other score, other result) where end is the player on whose turn the result occurs, other is the other player, other result indicates what to record the outcome as for the other player.
-scores = {"VICTORY":(3,1), "DEFEAT":(1,3), "SURRENDER":(0,3), "DRAW":(2,2), "DRAW_DEFAULT":(1,1), "ILLEGAL":(-1,2), "DEFAULT":(2,-1), "BOTH_ILLEGAL":(-1,-1), "INTERNAL_ERROR":(0,0), "BAD_SETUP":(0,0)} #Score dictionary
+#Verbose - print lots of useless stuff about what you are doing (kind of like matches in irc...)
verbose = True
+makePrettyResults = False
+#Check the manager program exists TODO: And is executable!
+if os.path.exists(managerPath) == False:
+ print "Manager program at \""+managerPath+"\" doesn't exist!"
+ sys.exit(1)
#Make necessary directories
if os.path.exists(resultsDirectory) == False:
os.mkdir(resultsDirectory) #Make the results directory if it didn't exist
#Identify the round number by reading the results directory
if os.path.exists(logDirectory) == False:
os.mkdir(logDirectory) #Make the log directory if it didn't exist
-startTime = time()
+startTime = time() #Record time at which simulation starts
+#Do each round...
for roundNumber in range(totalRounds, totalRounds + nRounds):
if os.path.exists(logDirectory + "round"+str(roundNumber)) == False:
print "Identifying possible agents in \""+agentsDirectory+"\""
#Get all agent names from agentsDirectory
+ #TODO: Move this part outside the loop? It only has to happen once
agentNames = os.listdir(agentsDirectory)
agents = []
for name in agentNames:
- #Convert the array of names to an array of triples
- #agents[0] - The name of the agent (its directory)
- #agents[1] - The path to the program for the agent (typically agentsDirectory/agent/agent). Read from agentsDirectory/agent/info file
- #agents[2] - The score the agent achieved in _this_ round. Begins at zero
agentExecutable = agentsDirectory+name+"/"+(open(agentsDirectory+name+"/info").readline().strip())
if os.path.exists(agentExecutable) == False:
if verbose:
sys.stdout.write(" Valid! (To run: \""+agentExecutable+"\")\n")
- agents.append([name, agentExecutable, 0])
+ #Convert array of valid names into array of dictionaries containing information about each agent
+ #I'm starting to like python...
+ agents.append({"name":name, "path":agentExecutable,"score":[0], "totalScore":0, "VICTORY":[], "DEFEAT":[], "DRAW":[], "ILLEGAL":[], "INTERNAL_ERROR":[]})
if len(agents) == 0:
print "Couldn't find any agents! Check paths (Edit this script) or generate \"info\" files for agents."
aiErrors = 0
managerErrors = 0
#This double for loop simulates a round robin, with each agent getting the chance to play as both red and blue against every other agent.
+ gameID = 0
for red in agents: #for each agent playing as red,
for blue in agents: #against each other agent, playing as blue
if red == blue:
continue #Exclude battles against self
+ gameID += 1
for i in range(1, nGames/2 + 1):
#Play a game and read the result. Note the game is logged to a file based on the agent's names
if verbose:
- sys.stdout.write("Agents: \""+red[0]+"\" and \""+blue[0]+"\" playing game " + str(i) + "/"+str(nGames/2) + "... ")
- logFile = logDirectory + "round"+str(roundNumber) + "/"+red[0]+"_vs_"+blue[0]+"_"+str(i)
- outline = os.popen(managerPath + " -o " + logFile + " " + red[1] + " " + blue[1], "r").read()
+ sys.stdout.write("Agents: \""+red["name"]+"\" and \""+blue["name"]+"\" playing game " + str(i) + "/"+str(nGames/2) + "... ")
+ logFile = logDirectory + "round"+str(roundNumber) + "/"+red["name"]+".vs."+blue["name"]+"."+str(i)
+ outline = os.popen(managerPath + " -o " + logFile + " " + red["path"] + " " + blue["path"], "r").read()
results = outline.split(' ')
if len(results) != 6:
if verbose:
sys.stdout.write("Garbage output! \"" + outline + "\"\n")
+ red["manager_errors"].append((gameID, blue["name"]))
managerErrors += 1
if results[1] == "RED":
- red[2] += scores[results[2]][0]
- blue[2] += scores[results[2]][1]
- normalGames += 1
+ endColour = red
+ otherColour = blue
elif results[1] == "BLUE":
- red[2] += scores[results[2]][1]
- blue[2] += scores[results[2]][0]
- normalGames += 1
- elif results[1] == "BOTH":
- red[2] += scores[results[2]][0]
- blue[2] += scores[results[2]][1]
- red[2] += scores[results[2]][1]
- blue[2] += scores[results[2]][0]
- draws += 1
+ endColour = blue
+ otherColour = red
+ if results[1] == "BOTH":
+ pass
+ else:
+ endColour["score"].insert(0,endColour["score"][0] + scores[results[2]][0])
+ endColour[results[2]].append((otherColour["name"], gameID, scores[results[2]][0]))
+ otherColour["score"].insert(0, otherColour["score"][0] + scores[results[2]][1])
+ otherColour[scores[results[2]][2]].append((endColour["name"], gameID, scores[results[2]][1]))
if verbose:
sys.stdout.write(" Result \"")
for ii in range(1, len(results)):
if ii < (len(results) - 1):
sys.stdout.write(" ")
if verbose:
print "Completed combat. Total of " + str(normalGames + draws + aiErrors + managerErrors) + " games played. "
if verbose:
sys.stdout.write("Creating results files for ROUND " + str(roundNumber) + "... ")
- agents.sort(key = lambda e : e[2], reverse=True) #Sort the agents based on score
+ agents.sort(key = lambda e : e["score"], reverse=True) #Sort the agents based on score
resultsFile = open(resultsDirectory+"round"+str(roundNumber)+".results", "w") #Create a file to store all the scores for this round
for agent in agents:
- resultsFile.write(agent[0] + " " + str(agent[2]) +"\n") #Write the agent names and scores into the file, in descending order
+ resultsFile.write(agent["name"] + " " + str(agent["score"]) +"\n") #Write the agent names and scores into the file, in descending order
if verbose:
sys.stdout.write(" Complete!\n")
for line in totalFile: #For all entries,
data = line.split(' ')
for agent in agents:
- if agent[0] == data[0]:
- agent.append(agent[2]) #Store the score achieved this round at the end of the list
- agent[2] += int(data[1]) #Simply increment the current score by the recorded total score of the matching file entry
+ if agent["name"] == data[0]:
+ agent["totalScore"] = int(data[1]) + agent["score"][0] #Simply increment the current score by the recorded total score of the matching file entry
totalFile.close() #Close the file, so we can delete it
os.remove(resultsDirectory+"total.scores") #Delete the file
#Sort the agents again
- agents.sort(key = lambda e : e[2], reverse=True)
+ agents.sort(key = lambda e : e["totalScore"], reverse=True)
if verbose:
print "RESULTS FOR ROUND " + str(roundNumber)
- print "Agent: [name, path, total_score, recent_score]"
totalFile = open(resultsDirectory+"total.scores", "w") #Recreate the file
for agent in agents:
- totalFile.write(agent[0] + " " + str(agent[2]) +"\n") #Write the total scores in descending order
+ totalFile.write(agent["name"] + " " + str(agent["totalScore"]) +"\n") #Write the total scores in descending order
print "Agent: " + str(agent)
endTime = time()
print "Completed simulating " + str(nRounds) + " rounds in " + str(endTime - startTime) + " seconds."
+if makePrettyResults:
+ if verbose:
+ print "Now creating prettiful .html files..."
+if verbose:
+ print "Done!"