return float(self.value[piece.types[0]] + self.value[piece.types[1]]) / 2.0
# Score possible moves for the piece
- # Highest score is 1.0 (which means: make this move!)
def prioritise_moves(self, piece):
#sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + ": prioritise called for " + str(piece) + "\n")
if self.recurse_for >= 0:
opts = opts[0:self.recurse_for]
- sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + " : Before recurse, options are " + str(opts) + "\n")
+ #sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + " : Before recurse, options are " + str(opts) + "\n")
# Take the best few moves, and recurse
for choice in opts[0:self.recurse_for]:
opts.sort(key = lambda e : e[1][1], reverse = True)
- sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + " : After recurse, options are " + str(opts) + "\n")
+ #sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + " : After recurse, options are " + str(opts) + "\n")
self.depth -= 1
return list(opts[0])
--- /dev/null
+# Makefile that builds from the component files
+#COMPONENTS=$(shell ls *.py | tr '\t' '\n' | grep -v $(TARGET))
+ echo "#!/usr/bin/python -u" > $(TARGET)
+ for f in $(COMPONENTS); do echo "# +++ $$f +++ #" >> $(TARGET); cat $$f >> $(TARGET); echo "# --- $$f --- #" >> $(TARGET); done
+ echo "# EOF - created from make on $$(date)" >> $(TARGET)
+ chmod u+x $(TARGET)
+clean :
+ rm -f *~
+ rm -f *.pyc
+ rm -f $(TARGET)
if window == None:
for p in self.pieces["white"] + self.pieces["black"]:
- p.draw(window, grid_sz)
+ p.draw(window, grid_sz,
# Draw the board in a pygame window
def display(self, window = None):
--- /dev/null
+ - Play quantum chess
+ [OPTIONS] [white] [black]
+ An implementation of Quantum Chess as originally described and implemented here:
+ Reimplemented for UCC::Progcomp 2013
+ - This version does not implement castling or en passen rules.
+ - If a piece currently in a pawn state moves into the opposing back row, that state always becomes a queen.
+ - (The other state of the piece is unaffected).
+ If no arguments are given, a window should appear asking you to pick each player.
+ Then the game will commence using default values.
+ white, black
+ Each of the two players in order. They need not be provided if graphics is enabled (default).
+ Any arguments that do not begin with a hyphen (-) are treated as the player arguments in the order they appear.
+ Player arguments that begin with '@' are treated as special players:
+ @human
+ A human player; if graphics are enabled, this players turns are made through the GUI
+ @network[:address]
+ A player over a network connection.
+ For example, if black@host1 wants to play white@host2:
+ black@host1:~$ ./ @network @human
+ white@host2:~$ ./ @human @network:host1
+ IMPORTANT: Only ONE of the games should give the other's address.
+ --help
+ Print this page
+ --graphics
+ Disable/Enable the GUI
+ If graphics are enabled (default), then the user will be prompted to choose any of the two players not supplied as arguments.
+ --file[=filename]
+ Replay a game saved in file, or read from stdin if no filename given
+ --log[=filename]
+ Log moves to a file or stdout if no filename given
+ --delay[=time]
+ The game pauses between moves so that it can be followed by a human observer.
+ This option can be used to change the delay. If no time is given, the delay is disabled.
+ If graphics are enabled (default), the delay is 0.5s by default.
+ If graphics are disabled, there is no delay unless this option is used.
+ --timeout[=time]
+ Set the maximum time in seconds to wait before declaring an AI program unresponsive.
+ If no time is given, the timeout is disabled.
+ By default the timeout is disabled.
+ --classical
+ If this option is used, the game will treat pieces "classically", ie: as in standard chess.
+ Note that the game does not enforce rules related to check and checkmate.
+ --quantum
+ The game uses the quantum chess representation of pieces (default).
+ Written for the UCC Programming Competition 2013 by Sam Moore.
+ UCC::Progcomp home page:
+ Join IRC channel #progcomp on irc://
+ Copyright 2013 The University Computer Club, Inc.
self.state["turn"] = p.base_player # "turn" contains the player who's turn it is
self.state["turn"] = p
- #try:
- if True:
+ try:
[x,y] = # Player selects a square
if self.stopped():
graphics.state["moves"] = None
# Commented out exception stuff for now, because it makes it impossible to tell if I made an IndentationError somewhere
- #except Exception,e:
- #result = "ILLEGAL " + e.message
+ except Exception,e:
+ result = e.message
#sys.stderr.write(result + "\n")
- #self.stop()
- #with self.lock:
- # self.final_result = self.state["turn"].colour + " " + "ILLEGAL"
+ self.stop()
+ with self.lock:
+ self.final_result = self.state["turn"].colour + " " + e.message
if self.board.king["black"] == None:
if self.board.king["white"] == None:
with self.lock:
- self.final_result = "DRAW"
+ self.final_result = self.state["turn"].colour + " DRAW"
with self.lock:
self.final_result = "white"
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if isinstance(game, GameThread):
with game.lock:
- game.final_result = "terminated"
+ game.final_result = ""
+ if game.state["turn"] != None:
+ game.final_result = game.state["turn"].colour + " "
+ game.final_result += "terminated"
def getstr(self, prompt = None):
+ s = pygame.Surface((self.window.get_width(), self.window.get_height()))
+ s.blit(self.window, (0,0))
result = ""
while True:
#print "LOOP"
if prompt != None:
self.message(result, pos = (0, 1))
+ pygame.event.pump()
for event in pygame.event.get():
+ if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
+ return None
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
- if chr(event.key) == '\r':
- return result
- result += str(chr(event.key))
+ if event.key == pygame.K_BACKSPACE:
+ result = result[0:len(result)-1]
+ self.window.blit(s, (0,0)) # Revert the display
+ continue
+ try:
+ if event.unicode == '\r':
+ return result
+ result += str(event.unicode)
+ except:
+ continue
+ # Function to pick a button
+ def SelectButton(self, choices, prompt = None, font_size=32):
+ self.board.display_grid(self.window, self.grid_sz)
+ if prompt != None:
+ self.message(prompt)
+ font = pygame.font.Font(None, font_size)
+ targets = []
+ sz = self.window.get_size()
+ for i in range(len(choices)):
+ c = choices[i]
+ text = font.render(c, 1, pygame.Color(0,0,0))
+ p = (sz[0] / 2 - (1.5*text.get_width())/2, sz[1] / 2 +(i-1)*text.get_height()+(i*2))
+ targets.append((p[0], p[1], p[0] + 1.5*text.get_width(), p[1] + text.get_height()))
+ while True:
+ mp =pygame.mouse.get_pos()
+ for i in range(len(choices)):
+ c = choices[i]
+ if mp[0] > targets[i][0] and mp[0] < targets[i][2] and mp[1] > targets[i][1] and mp[1] < targets[i][3]:
+ font_colour = pygame.Color(255,0,0)
+ box_colour = pygame.Color(0,0,255,128)
+ else:
+ font_colour = pygame.Color(0,0,0)
+ box_colour = pygame.Color(128,128,128)
+ text = font.render(c, 1, font_colour)
+ s = pygame.Surface((text.get_width()*1.5, text.get_height()), pygame.SRCALPHA)
+ s.fill(box_colour)
+ pygame.draw.rect(s, (0,0,0), (0,0,1.5*text.get_width(), text.get_height()), self.grid_sz[0]/10)
+ s.blit(text, ((text.get_width()*1.5)/2 - text.get_width()/2 ,0))
+ self.window.blit(s, targets[i][0:2])
+ pygame.display.flip()
+ for event in pygame.event.get():
+ if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
+ return None
+ elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1:
+ for i in range(len(targets)):
+ t = targets[i]
+ if event.pos[0] > t[0] and event.pos[0] < t[2]:
+ if event.pos[1] > t[1] and event.pos[1] < t[3]:
+ return i
+ #print "Reject " + str(i) + str(event.pos) + " vs " + str(t)
+ # Function to pick players in a nice GUI way
+ def SelectPlayers(self, players = []):
+ missing = ["white", "black"]
+ for p in players:
+ missing.remove(p.colour)
+ for colour in missing:
+ choice = self.SelectButton(["human", "agent", "network"],prompt = "Choose " + str(colour) + " player", font_size=32)
+ if choice == 0:
+ players.append(HumanPlayer("human", colour))
+ elif choice == 1:
+ try:
+ import Tkinter
+ from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename
+ root = Tkinter.Tk() # Need a root to make Tkinter behave
+ root.withdraw() # Some sort of magic incantation
+ path = askopenfilename(parent=root, initialdir="../agents",title=
+'Choose an agent.')
+ if path == "":
+ return self.SelectPlayers()
+ players.append(make_player(path, colour))
+ except Exception,e:
+ print "Exception was " + str(e.message)
+ p = None
+ while p == None:
+ self.board.display_grid(self.window, self.grid_sz)
+ pygame.display.flip()
+ path = self.getstr(prompt = "Enter path:")
+ if path == None:
+ return None
+ if path == "":
+ return self.SelectPlayers()
+ try:
+ p = make_player(path, colour)
+ except:
+ self.board.display_grid(self.window, self.grid_sz)
+ pygame.display.flip()
+ self.message("Invalid path!")
+ time.sleep(1)
+ p = None
+ players.append(p)
+ elif choice == 2:
+ address = ""
+ while address == "":
+ self.board.display_grid(self.window, self.grid_sz)
+ address = self.getstr(prompt = "Address? (leave blank for server)")
+ if address == None:
+ return None
+ if address == "":
+ address = None
+ continue
+ try:
+ map(int, address.split("."))
+ except:
+ self.board.display_grid(self.window, self.grid_sz)
+ self.message("Invalid IPv4 address!")
+ address = ""
+ players.append(NetworkReceiver(colour, address))
+ else:
+ return None
+ #print str(self) + ".SelectPlayers returns " + str(players)
+ return players
turn_delay = 0.5
[game, graphics] = [None, None]
+def make_player(name, colour):
+ if name[0] == '@':
+ if name[1:] == "human":
+ return HumanPlayer(name, colour)
+ s = name[1:].split(":")
+ if s[0] == "network":
+ address = None
+ if len(s) > 1:
+ address = s[1]
+ return NetworkReceiver(colour, address)
+ else:
+ return AgentPlayer(name, colour)
# The main function! It does the main stuff!
def main(argv):
# Apparently python will silently treat things as local unless you do this
- # But (here's the fun part), only if you actually modify the variable.
- # For example, all those 'if graphics_enabled' conditions work in functions that never say it is global
# Anyone who says "You should never use a global variable" can die in a fire
global game
global graphics
- # Magical argument parsing goes here
-# if len(argv) == 1:
-# players = [HumanPlayer("saruman", "white"), AgentRandom("sabbath", "black")]
-# elif len(argv) == 2:
-# players = [AgentPlayer(argv[1], "white"), HumanPlayer("shadow", "black"), ]
-# elif len(argv) == 3:
-# players = [AgentPlayer(argv[1], "white"), AgentPlayer(argv[2], "black")]
- board = Board(style = "quantum")
- # Construct the board!
- if len(argv) == 1:
- players = [NetworkSender(HumanPlayer("saruman", "white"), board), NetworkReceiver("black", board, 'localhost')]
- else:
- players = [NetworkReceiver("white", board, 'localhost'), NetworkSender(HumanPlayer("sabbath", "black"), board)]
- graphics = GraphicsThread(board, grid_sz = [64,64]) # Construct a GraphicsThread! I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING! BEAR WITH ME!
+ global turn_delay
+ global agent_timeout
+ global log_file
+ global src_file
- game = GameThread(board, players) # Construct a GameThread! Make it global! Damn the consequences!
- game.start() # This runs in a new thread
+ style = "quantum"
+ colour = "white"
+ graphics_enabled = True
+ players = []
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(argv)-1:
+ i += 1
+ arg = argv[i]
+ if arg[0] != '-':
+ players.append(make_player(arg, colour))
+ if colour == "white":
+ colour = "black"
+ elif colour == "black":
+ pass
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + " : Too many players (max 2)\n")
+ continue
+ # Option parsing goes here
+ if arg[1] == '-' and arg[2:] == "classical":
+ style = "classical"
+ elif arg[1] == '-' and arg[2:] == "quantum":
+ style = "quantum"
+ elif (arg[1] == '-' and arg[2:] == "graphics"):
+ graphics_enabled = not graphics_enabled
+ elif (arg[1] == '-' and arg[2:].split("=")[0] == "file"):
+ # Load game from file
+ if len(arg[2:].split("=")) == 1:
+ src_file = sys.stdout
+ else:
+ src_file = arg[2:].split("=")[1]
+ elif (arg[1] == '-' and arg[2:].split("=")[0] == "log"):
+ # Log file
+ if len(arg[2:].split("=")) == 1:
+ log_file = sys.stdout
+ else:
+ log_file = arg[2:].split("=")[1]
+ elif (arg[1] == '-' and arg[2:].split("=")[0] == "delay"):
+ # Delay
+ if len(arg[2:].split("=")) == 1:
+ turn_delay = 0
+ else:
+ turn_delay = float(arg[2:].split("=")[1])
+ elif (arg[1] == '-' and arg[2:].split("=")[0] == "timeout"):
+ # Timeout
+ if len(arg[2:].split("=")) == 1:
+ agent_timeout = -1
+ elif platform.system() != "Windows": # Windows breaks this option
+ agent_timeout = float(arg[2:].split("=")[1])
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + " : Warning - You are using Windows\n")
+ agent_timeout = -1
+ elif (arg[1] == '-' and arg[2:] == "help"):
+ # Help
+ os.system("less data/help.txt") # The best help function
+ return 0
+ # Create the board
+ board = Board(style)
+ # Initialise GUI
+ if graphics_enabled == True:
+ try:
+ graphics = GraphicsThread(board, grid_sz = [64,64]) # Construct a GraphicsThread!
+ except Exception,e:
+ graphics = None
+ sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + " : Got exception trying to initialise graphics\n"+str(e.message)+"\nDisabled graphics\n")
+ graphics_enabled = False
+ # If there are no players listed, display a nice pretty menu
+ if len(players) != 2:
+ if graphics != None:
+ players = graphics.SelectPlayers(players)
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + " : Usage " + sys.argv[0] + " white black\n")
+ return 44
+ # If there are still no players, quit
+ if players == None or len(players) != 2:
+ sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + " : Graphics window closed before players chosen\n")
+ return 45
+ # Wrap NetworkSender players around original players if necessary
+ for i in range(len(players)):
+ if isinstance(players[i], NetworkReceiver):
+ players[i].board = board # Network players need direct access to the board
+ for j in range(len(players)):
+ if j == i:
+ continue
+ if isinstance(players[j], NetworkSender) or isinstance(players[j], NetworkReceiver):
+ continue
+ players[j] = NetworkSender(players[j], players[i].address)
+ players[j].board = board
+ # Connect the networked players
+ for p in players:
+ if isinstance(p, NetworkSender) or isinstance(p, NetworkReceiver):
+ if graphics != None:
+ graphics.board.display_grid(graphics.window, graphics.grid_sz)
+ graphics.message("Connecting to " + p.colour + " player...")
+ p.connect()
+ # Construct a GameThread! Make it global! Damn the consequences!
+ game = GameThread(board, players)
- game.join()
- return game.error + graphics.error
+ if graphics != None:
+ game.start() # This runs in a new thread
+ game.join()
+ return game.error + graphics.error
+ else:
+ return game.error
# This is how python does a main() function...
if __name__ == "__main__":
import socket
+import select
+network_timeout_start = -1.0 # Timeout in seconds to wait for the start of a message
+network_timeout_delay = 1.0 # Maximum time between two characters being received
class Network():
def __init__(self, colour, address = None):
self.socket = socket.socket()
+ #self.socket.setblocking(0)
if colour == "white":
- self.port = 4563
+ self.port = 4562
- self.port = 4564
+ self.port = 4563
self.src = None
+ # print str(self) + " listens on port " + str(self.port)
if address == None:
- = 'localhost' #socket.gethostname()
+ = socket.gethostname()
self.socket.bind((, self.port))
self.src, self.address = self.socket.accept()
+ self.src.send("ok\n")
+ if self.get_response() == "QUIT":
+ self.src.close()
else: = address
- self.socket.connect(('localhost', self.port))
+ self.socket.connect((address, self.port))
self.src = self.socket
+ self.src.send("ok\n")
+ if self.get_response() == "QUIT":
+ self.src.close()
+ def get_response(self):
+ # Timeout the start of the message (first character)
+ if network_timeout_start > 0.0:
+ ready =[self.src], [], [], network_timeout_start)[0]
+ else:
+ ready = [self.src]
+ if self.src in ready:
+ s = self.src.recv(1)
+ else:
+ raise Exception("UNRESPONSIVE")
- def getline(self):
- s = self.src.recv(1)
while s[len(s)-1] != '\n':
- s += self.src.recv(1)
- return s
+ # Timeout on each character in the message
+ if network_timeout_delay > 0.0:
+ ready =[self.src], [], [], network_timeout_delay)[0]
+ else:
+ ready = [self.src]
+ if self.src in ready:
+ s += self.src.recv(1)
+ else:
+ raise Exception("UNRESPONSIVE")
+ return s.strip(" \r\n")
+ def send_message(self,s):
+ if network_timeout_start > 0.0:
+ ready =[], [self.src], [], network_timeout_start)[1]
+ else:
+ ready = [self.src]
+ if self.src in ready:
+ self.src.send(s + "\n")
+ else:
+ raise Exception("UNRESPONSIVE")
+ def check_quit(self, s):
+ s = s.split(" ")
+ if s[0] == "QUIT":
+ with game.lock:
+ game.final_result = " ".join(s[1:]) + " " + str(opponent(self.colour))
+ game.stop()
+ return True
class NetworkSender(Player,Network):
- def __init__(self, base_player, board, address = None):
+ def __init__(self, base_player, address = None):
self.base_player = base_player
Player.__init__(self,, base_player.colour)
- Network.__init__(self, base_player.colour, address)
- self.board = board
+ self.address = address
+ def connect(self):
+ Network.__init__(self, self.base_player.colour, self.address)
def select(self):
[x,y] =
choice = self.board.grid[x][y]
s = str(x) + " " + str(y)
- print str(self) + ".select sends " + s
- self.src.send(s + "\n")
+ #print str(self) + ".select sends " + s
+ self.send_message(s)
return [x,y]
def get_move(self):
[x,y] = self.base_player.get_move()
s = str(x) + " " + str(y)
- print str(self) + ".get_move sends " + s
- self.src.send(s + "\n")
+ #print str(self) + ".get_move sends " + s
+ self.send_message(s)
return [x,y]
def update(self, s):
s += " " + str(selected.types[i])
s += " unknown"
- print str(self) + ".update sends " + s
- self.src.send(s + "\n")
+ #print str(self) + ".update sends " + s
+ self.send_message(s)
def quit(self, final_result):
+ #self.src.send("QUIT " + str(final_result) + "\n")
class NetworkReceiver(Player,Network):
- def __init__(self, colour, board, address=None):
+ def __init__(self, colour, address=None):
Player.__init__(self, address, colour)
- Network.__init__(self, colour, address)
+ self.address = address
+ self.board = None
- self.board = board
+ def connect(self):
+ Network.__init__(self, self.colour, self.address)
def select(self):
- s = self.getline().strip(" \r\n")
- return map(int,s.split(" "))
+ s = self.get_response()
+ #print str(self) + ".select gets " + s
+ [x,y] = map(int,s.split(" "))
+ if x == -1 and y == -1:
+ #print str(self) + ".select quits the game"
+ with game.lock:
+ game.final_state = "network terminated " + self.colour
+ game.stop()
+ return [x,y]
def get_move(self):
- s = self.getline().strip(" \r\n")
- print str(self) + ".get_move gets " + s
- return map(int, s.split(" "))
+ s = self.get_response()
+ #print str(self) + ".get_move gets " + s
+ [x,y] = map(int,s.split(" "))
+ if x == -1 and y == -1:
+ #print str(self) + ".get_move quits the game"
+ with game.lock:
+ game.final_state = "network terminated " + self.colour
+ game.stop()
+ return [x,y]
def update(self, result):
[x,y] = map(int, result[0:2])
selected = self.board.grid[x][y]
if selected != None and selected.colour == self.colour and len(result) > 2 and not "->" in result:
- s = self.getline().strip(" \r\n")
- print str(self) + ".update - receives " + str(s)
+ s = self.get_response()
+ #print str(self) + ".update - receives " + str(s)
s = s.split(" ")
selected.choice = int(s[2])
for i in range(2):
selected.types_revealed[i] = True
selected.current_type = selected.types[selected.choice]
- print str(self) + ".update - ignore result " + str(result)
+ pass
+ #print str(self) + ".update - ignore result " + str(result)
def quit(self, final_result):
return str(self.current_type) + " " + str(self.types) + " at " + str(self.x) + ","+str(self.y)
# Draw the piece in a pygame surface
- def draw(self, window, grid_sz = [80,80]):
+ def draw(self, window, grid_sz = [80,80], style="quantum"):
# First draw the image corresponding to self.current_type
img = images[self.colour][self.current_type]
rect = img.get_rect()
- offset = [-rect.width/2,-3*rect.height/4]
+ if style == "classical":
+ offset = [-rect.width/2, -rect.height/2]
+ else:
+ offset = [-rect.width/2,-3*rect.height/4]
window.blit(img, (self.x * grid_sz[0] + grid_sz[0]/2 + offset[0], self.y * grid_sz[1] + grid_sz[1]/2 + offset[1]))
+ if style == "classical":
+ return
# Draw the two possible types underneath the current_type image
for i in range(len(self.types)):
if self.types_revealed[i] == True:
import subprocess
+import select
+import platform
+agent_timeout = -1.0 # Timeout in seconds for AI players to make moves
+ # WARNING: Won't work for windows based operating systems
+if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ agent_timeout = -1 # Hence this
# A player who can't play
class Player():
# Player that runs from another process
class AgentPlayer(Player):
def __init__(self, name, colour):
Player.__init__(self, name, colour)
- self.p = subprocess.Popen(name, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=sys.stderr)
- try:
- self.p.stdin.write(colour + "\n")
- except:
+ self.p = subprocess.Popen(name, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ self.send_message(colour)
+ def send_message(self, s):
+ if agent_timeout > 0.0:
+ ready =[], [self.p.stdin], [], agent_timeout)[1]
+ else:
+ ready = [self.p.stdin]
+ if self.p.stdin in ready:
+ #print "Writing to p.stdin"
+ try:
+ self.p.stdin.write(s + "\n")
+ except:
+ raise Exception("UNRESPONSIVE")
+ else:
+ raise Exception("UNRESPONSIVE")
+ def get_response(self):
+ if agent_timeout > 0.0:
+ ready =[self.p.stdout], [], [], agent_timeout)[0]
+ else:
+ ready = [self.p.stdout]
+ if self.p.stdout in ready:
+ #print "Reading from p.stdout"
+ try:
+ return self.p.stdout.readline().strip("\r\n")
+ except: # Exception, e:
+ raise Exception("UNRESPONSIVE")
+ else:
raise Exception("UNRESPONSIVE")
def select(self):
+ self.send_message("SELECTION?")
+ line = self.get_response()
- #try:
- self.p.stdin.write("SELECTION?\n")
- line = self.p.stdout.readline().strip("\r\n ")
- #except:
- # raise Exception("UNRESPONSIVE")
result = map(int, line.split(" "))
def update(self, result):
#print "Update " + str(result) + " called for AgentPlayer"
-# try:
- self.p.stdin.write(result + "\n")
-# except:
-# raise Exception("UNRESPONSIVE")
+ self.send_message(result)
def get_move(self):
- try:
- self.p.stdin.write("MOVE?\n")
- line = self.p.stdout.readline().strip("\r\n ")
- except:
- raise Exception("UNRESPONSIVE")
+ self.send_message("MOVE?")
+ line = self.get_response()
result = map(int, line.split(" "))
def quit(self, final_result):
- self.p.stdin.write("QUIT " + final_result + "\n")
+ self.send_message("QUIT " + final_result)
# Are you sure you want to quit?
def quit(self, final_result):
- sys.stdout.write("QUIT " + final_result + "\n")
+ if graphics == None:
+ sys.stdout.write("QUIT " + final_result + "\n")
# Completely useless function
def update(self, result):
return str(self.current_type) + " " + str(self.types) + " at " + str(self.x) + ","+str(self.y)
# Draw the piece in a pygame surface
- def draw(self, window, grid_sz = [80,80]):
+ def draw(self, window, grid_sz = [80,80], style="quantum"):
# First draw the image corresponding to self.current_type
img = images[self.colour][self.current_type]
rect = img.get_rect()
- offset = [-rect.width/2,-3*rect.height/4]
+ if style == "classical":
+ offset = [-rect.width/2, -rect.height/2]
+ else:
+ offset = [-rect.width/2,-3*rect.height/4]
window.blit(img, (self.x * grid_sz[0] + grid_sz[0]/2 + offset[0], self.y * grid_sz[1] + grid_sz[1]/2 + offset[1]))
+ if style == "classical":
+ return
# Draw the two possible types underneath the current_type image
for i in range(len(self.types)):
if self.types_revealed[i] == True:
if window == None:
for p in self.pieces["white"] + self.pieces["black"]:
- p.draw(window, grid_sz)
+ p.draw(window, grid_sz,
# Draw the board in a pygame window
def display(self, window = None):
# --- --- #
# +++ +++ #
import subprocess
+import select
+import platform
+agent_timeout = -1.0 # Timeout in seconds for AI players to make moves
+ # WARNING: Won't work for windows based operating systems
+if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ agent_timeout = -1 # Hence this
# A player who can't play
class Player():
# Player that runs from another process
class AgentPlayer(Player):
def __init__(self, name, colour):
Player.__init__(self, name, colour)
- self.p = subprocess.Popen(name, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=sys.stderr)
- try:
- self.p.stdin.write(colour + "\n")
- except:
+ self.p = subprocess.Popen(name, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ self.send_message(colour)
+ def send_message(self, s):
+ if agent_timeout > 0.0:
+ ready =[], [self.p.stdin], [], agent_timeout)[1]
+ else:
+ ready = [self.p.stdin]
+ if self.p.stdin in ready:
+ #print "Writing to p.stdin"
+ try:
+ self.p.stdin.write(s + "\n")
+ except:
+ raise Exception("UNRESPONSIVE")
+ else:
+ raise Exception("UNRESPONSIVE")
+ def get_response(self):
+ if agent_timeout > 0.0:
+ ready =[self.p.stdout], [], [], agent_timeout)[0]
+ else:
+ ready = [self.p.stdout]
+ if self.p.stdout in ready:
+ #print "Reading from p.stdout"
+ try:
+ return self.p.stdout.readline().strip("\r\n")
+ except: # Exception, e:
+ raise Exception("UNRESPONSIVE")
+ else:
raise Exception("UNRESPONSIVE")
def select(self):
+ self.send_message("SELECTION?")
+ line = self.get_response()
- #try:
- self.p.stdin.write("SELECTION?\n")
- line = self.p.stdout.readline().strip("\r\n ")
- #except:
- # raise Exception("UNRESPONSIVE")
result = map(int, line.split(" "))
def update(self, result):
#print "Update " + str(result) + " called for AgentPlayer"
-# try:
- self.p.stdin.write(result + "\n")
-# except:
-# raise Exception("UNRESPONSIVE")
+ self.send_message(result)
def get_move(self):
- try:
- self.p.stdin.write("MOVE?\n")
- line = self.p.stdout.readline().strip("\r\n ")
- except:
- raise Exception("UNRESPONSIVE")
+ self.send_message("MOVE?")
+ line = self.get_response()
result = map(int, line.split(" "))
def quit(self, final_result):
- self.p.stdin.write("QUIT " + final_result + "\n")
+ self.send_message("QUIT " + final_result)
# Are you sure you want to quit?
def quit(self, final_result):
- sys.stdout.write("QUIT " + final_result + "\n")
+ if graphics == None:
+ sys.stdout.write("QUIT " + final_result + "\n")
# Completely useless function
def update(self, result):
# --- --- #
# +++ +++ #
import socket
+import select
+network_timeout_start = -1.0 # Timeout in seconds to wait for the start of a message
+network_timeout_delay = 1.0 # Maximum time between two characters being received
class Network():
def __init__(self, colour, address = None):
self.socket = socket.socket()
+ #self.socket.setblocking(0)
if colour == "white":
- self.port = 4563
+ self.port = 4562
- self.port = 4564
+ self.port = 4563
self.src = None
+ # print str(self) + " listens on port " + str(self.port)
if address == None:
- = 'localhost' #socket.gethostname()
+ = socket.gethostname()
self.socket.bind((, self.port))
self.src, self.address = self.socket.accept()
+ self.src.send("ok\n")
+ if self.get_response() == "QUIT":
+ self.src.close()
else: = address
- self.socket.connect(('localhost', self.port))
+ self.socket.connect((address, self.port))
self.src = self.socket
+ self.src.send("ok\n")
+ if self.get_response() == "QUIT":
+ self.src.close()
+ def get_response(self):
+ # Timeout the start of the message (first character)
+ if network_timeout_start > 0.0:
+ ready =[self.src], [], [], network_timeout_start)[0]
+ else:
+ ready = [self.src]
+ if self.src in ready:
+ s = self.src.recv(1)
+ else:
+ raise Exception("UNRESPONSIVE")
- def getline(self):
- s = self.src.recv(1)
while s[len(s)-1] != '\n':
- s += self.src.recv(1)
- return s
+ # Timeout on each character in the message
+ if network_timeout_delay > 0.0:
+ ready =[self.src], [], [], network_timeout_delay)[0]
+ else:
+ ready = [self.src]
+ if self.src in ready:
+ s += self.src.recv(1)
+ else:
+ raise Exception("UNRESPONSIVE")
+ return s.strip(" \r\n")
+ def send_message(self,s):
+ if network_timeout_start > 0.0:
+ ready =[], [self.src], [], network_timeout_start)[1]
+ else:
+ ready = [self.src]
+ if self.src in ready:
+ self.src.send(s + "\n")
+ else:
+ raise Exception("UNRESPONSIVE")
+ def check_quit(self, s):
+ s = s.split(" ")
+ if s[0] == "QUIT":
+ with game.lock:
+ game.final_result = " ".join(s[1:]) + " " + str(opponent(self.colour))
+ game.stop()
+ return True
class NetworkSender(Player,Network):
- def __init__(self, base_player, board, address = None):
+ def __init__(self, base_player, address = None):
self.base_player = base_player
Player.__init__(self,, base_player.colour)
- Network.__init__(self, base_player.colour, address)
- self.board = board
+ self.address = address
+ def connect(self):
+ Network.__init__(self, self.base_player.colour, self.address)
def select(self):
[x,y] =
choice = self.board.grid[x][y]
s = str(x) + " " + str(y)
- print str(self) + ".select sends " + s
- self.src.send(s + "\n")
+ #print str(self) + ".select sends " + s
+ self.send_message(s)
return [x,y]
def get_move(self):
[x,y] = self.base_player.get_move()
s = str(x) + " " + str(y)
- print str(self) + ".get_move sends " + s
- self.src.send(s + "\n")
+ #print str(self) + ".get_move sends " + s
+ self.send_message(s)
return [x,y]
def update(self, s):
s += " " + str(selected.types[i])
s += " unknown"
- print str(self) + ".update sends " + s
- self.src.send(s + "\n")
+ #print str(self) + ".update sends " + s
+ self.send_message(s)
def quit(self, final_result):
+ #self.src.send("QUIT " + str(final_result) + "\n")
class NetworkReceiver(Player,Network):
- def __init__(self, colour, board, address=None):
+ def __init__(self, colour, address=None):
Player.__init__(self, address, colour)
- Network.__init__(self, colour, address)
+ self.address = address
- self.board = board
+ self.board = None
+ def connect(self):
+ Network.__init__(self, self.colour, self.address)
def select(self):
- s = self.getline().strip(" \r\n")
- return map(int,s.split(" "))
+ s = self.get_response()
+ #print str(self) + ".select gets " + s
+ [x,y] = map(int,s.split(" "))
+ if x == -1 and y == -1:
+ #print str(self) + ".select quits the game"
+ with game.lock:
+ game.final_state = "network terminated " + self.colour
+ game.stop()
+ return [x,y]
def get_move(self):
- s = self.getline().strip(" \r\n")
- print str(self) + ".get_move gets " + s
- return map(int, s.split(" "))
+ s = self.get_response()
+ #print str(self) + ".get_move gets " + s
+ [x,y] = map(int,s.split(" "))
+ if x == -1 and y == -1:
+ #print str(self) + ".get_move quits the game"
+ with game.lock:
+ game.final_state = "network terminated " + self.colour
+ game.stop()
+ return [x,y]
def update(self, result):
[x,y] = map(int, result[0:2])
selected = self.board.grid[x][y]
if selected != None and selected.colour == self.colour and len(result) > 2 and not "->" in result:
- s = self.getline().strip(" \r\n")
- print str(self) + ".update - receives " + str(s)
+ s = self.get_response()
+ #print str(self) + ".update - receives " + str(s)
s = s.split(" ")
selected.choice = int(s[2])
for i in range(2):
selected.types_revealed[i] = True
selected.current_type = selected.types[selected.choice]
- print str(self) + ".update - ignore result " + str(result)
+ pass
+ #print str(self) + ".update - ignore result " + str(result)
def quit(self, final_result):
self.state["turn"] = p.base_player # "turn" contains the player who's turn it is
self.state["turn"] = p
- #try:
- if True:
+ try:
[x,y] = # Player selects a square
if self.stopped():
graphics.state["moves"] = None
# Commented out exception stuff for now, because it makes it impossible to tell if I made an IndentationError somewhere
- #except Exception,e:
- #result = "ILLEGAL " + e.message
+ except Exception,e:
+ result = e.message
#sys.stderr.write(result + "\n")
- #self.stop()
- #with self.lock:
- # self.final_result = self.state["turn"].colour + " " + "ILLEGAL"
+ self.stop()
+ with self.lock:
+ self.final_result = self.state["turn"].colour + " " + e.message
if self.board.king["black"] == None:
if self.board.king["white"] == None:
with self.lock:
- self.final_result = "DRAW"
+ self.final_result = self.state["turn"].colour + " DRAW"
with self.lock:
self.final_result = "white"
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if isinstance(game, GameThread):
with game.lock:
- game.final_result = "terminated"
+ game.final_result = ""
+ if game.state["turn"] != None:
+ game.final_result = game.state["turn"].colour + " "
+ game.final_result += "terminated"
def getstr(self, prompt = None):
+ s = pygame.Surface((self.window.get_width(), self.window.get_height()))
+ s.blit(self.window, (0,0))
result = ""
while True:
#print "LOOP"
if prompt != None:
self.message(result, pos = (0, 1))
+ pygame.event.pump()
for event in pygame.event.get():
+ if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
+ return None
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
- if chr(event.key) == '\r':
- return result
- result += str(chr(event.key))
+ if event.key == pygame.K_BACKSPACE:
+ result = result[0:len(result)-1]
+ self.window.blit(s, (0,0)) # Revert the display
+ continue
+ try:
+ if event.unicode == '\r':
+ return result
+ result += str(event.unicode)
+ except:
+ continue
+ # Function to pick a button
+ def SelectButton(self, choices, prompt = None, font_size=32):
+ self.board.display_grid(self.window, self.grid_sz)
+ if prompt != None:
+ self.message(prompt)
+ font = pygame.font.Font(None, font_size)
+ targets = []
+ sz = self.window.get_size()
+ for i in range(len(choices)):
+ c = choices[i]
+ text = font.render(c, 1, pygame.Color(0,0,0))
+ p = (sz[0] / 2 - (1.5*text.get_width())/2, sz[1] / 2 +(i-1)*text.get_height()+(i*2))
+ targets.append((p[0], p[1], p[0] + 1.5*text.get_width(), p[1] + text.get_height()))
+ while True:
+ mp =pygame.mouse.get_pos()
+ for i in range(len(choices)):
+ c = choices[i]
+ if mp[0] > targets[i][0] and mp[0] < targets[i][2] and mp[1] > targets[i][1] and mp[1] < targets[i][3]:
+ font_colour = pygame.Color(255,0,0)
+ box_colour = pygame.Color(0,0,255,128)
+ else:
+ font_colour = pygame.Color(0,0,0)
+ box_colour = pygame.Color(128,128,128)
+ text = font.render(c, 1, font_colour)
+ s = pygame.Surface((text.get_width()*1.5, text.get_height()), pygame.SRCALPHA)
+ s.fill(box_colour)
+ pygame.draw.rect(s, (0,0,0), (0,0,1.5*text.get_width(), text.get_height()), self.grid_sz[0]/10)
+ s.blit(text, ((text.get_width()*1.5)/2 - text.get_width()/2 ,0))
+ self.window.blit(s, targets[i][0:2])
+ pygame.display.flip()
+ for event in pygame.event.get():
+ if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
+ return None
+ elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1:
+ for i in range(len(targets)):
+ t = targets[i]
+ if event.pos[0] > t[0] and event.pos[0] < t[2]:
+ if event.pos[1] > t[1] and event.pos[1] < t[3]:
+ return i
+ #print "Reject " + str(i) + str(event.pos) + " vs " + str(t)
+ # Function to pick players in a nice GUI way
+ def SelectPlayers(self, players = []):
+ missing = ["white", "black"]
+ for p in players:
+ missing.remove(p.colour)
+ for colour in missing:
+ choice = self.SelectButton(["human", "agent", "network"],prompt = "Choose " + str(colour) + " player", font_size=32)
+ if choice == 0:
+ players.append(HumanPlayer("human", colour))
+ elif choice == 1:
+ try:
+ import Tkinter
+ from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename
+ root = Tkinter.Tk() # Need a root to make Tkinter behave
+ root.withdraw() # Some sort of magic incantation
+ path = askopenfilename(parent=root, initialdir="../agents",title=
+'Choose an agent.')
+ if path == "":
+ return self.SelectPlayers()
+ players.append(make_player(path, colour))
+ except Exception,e:
+ print "Exception was " + str(e.message)
+ p = None
+ while p == None:
+ self.board.display_grid(self.window, self.grid_sz)
+ pygame.display.flip()
+ path = self.getstr(prompt = "Enter path:")
+ if path == None:
+ return None
+ if path == "":
+ return self.SelectPlayers()
+ try:
+ p = make_player(path, colour)
+ except:
+ self.board.display_grid(self.window, self.grid_sz)
+ pygame.display.flip()
+ self.message("Invalid path!")
+ time.sleep(1)
+ p = None
+ players.append(p)
+ elif choice == 2:
+ address = ""
+ while address == "":
+ self.board.display_grid(self.window, self.grid_sz)
+ address = self.getstr(prompt = "Address? (leave blank for server)")
+ if address == None:
+ return None
+ if address == "":
+ address = None
+ continue
+ try:
+ map(int, address.split("."))
+ except:
+ self.board.display_grid(self.window, self.grid_sz)
+ self.message("Invalid IPv4 address!")
+ address = ""
+ players.append(NetworkReceiver(colour, address))
+ else:
+ return None
+ #print str(self) + ".SelectPlayers returns " + str(players)
+ return players
# --- --- #
# +++ +++ #
#!/usr/bin/python -u
turn_delay = 0.5
[game, graphics] = [None, None]
+def make_player(name, colour):
+ if name[0] == '@':
+ if name[1:] == "human":
+ return HumanPlayer(name, colour)
+ s = name[1:].split(":")
+ if s[0] == "network":
+ address = None
+ if len(s) > 1:
+ address = s[1]
+ return NetworkReceiver(colour, address)
+ else:
+ return AgentPlayer(name, colour)
# The main function! It does the main stuff!
def main(argv):
# Apparently python will silently treat things as local unless you do this
- # But (here's the fun part), only if you actually modify the variable.
- # For example, all those 'if graphics_enabled' conditions work in functions that never say it is global
# Anyone who says "You should never use a global variable" can die in a fire
global game
global graphics
+ global turn_delay
+ global agent_timeout
+ global log_file
+ global src_file
- # Magical argument parsing goes here
-# if len(argv) == 1:
-# players = [HumanPlayer("saruman", "white"), AgentRandom("sabbath", "black")]
-# elif len(argv) == 2:
-# players = [AgentPlayer(argv[1], "white"), HumanPlayer("shadow", "black"), ]
-# elif len(argv) == 3:
-# players = [AgentPlayer(argv[1], "white"), AgentPlayer(argv[2], "black")]
- board = Board(style = "quantum")
- # Construct the board!
- if len(argv) == 1:
- players = [NetworkSender(HumanPlayer("saruman", "white"), board), NetworkReceiver("black", board, 'localhost')]
- else:
- players = [NetworkReceiver("white", board, 'localhost'), NetworkSender(HumanPlayer("sabbath", "black"), board)]
+ style = "quantum"
+ colour = "white"
+ graphics_enabled = True
+ players = []
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(argv)-1:
+ i += 1
+ arg = argv[i]
+ if arg[0] != '-':
+ players.append(make_player(arg, colour))
+ if colour == "white":
+ colour = "black"
+ elif colour == "black":
+ pass
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + " : Too many players (max 2)\n")
+ continue
+ # Option parsing goes here
+ if arg[1] == '-' and arg[2:] == "classical":
+ style = "classical"
+ elif arg[1] == '-' and arg[2:] == "quantum":
+ style = "quantum"
+ elif (arg[1] == '-' and arg[2:] == "graphics"):
+ graphics_enabled = not graphics_enabled
+ elif (arg[1] == '-' and arg[2:].split("=")[0] == "file"):
+ # Load game from file
+ if len(arg[2:].split("=")) == 1:
+ src_file = sys.stdout
+ else:
+ src_file = arg[2:].split("=")[1]
+ elif (arg[1] == '-' and arg[2:].split("=")[0] == "log"):
+ # Log file
+ if len(arg[2:].split("=")) == 1:
+ log_file = sys.stdout
+ else:
+ log_file = arg[2:].split("=")[1]
+ elif (arg[1] == '-' and arg[2:].split("=")[0] == "delay"):
+ # Delay
+ if len(arg[2:].split("=")) == 1:
+ turn_delay = 0
+ else:
+ turn_delay = float(arg[2:].split("=")[1])
+ elif (arg[1] == '-' and arg[2:].split("=")[0] == "timeout"):
+ # Timeout
+ if len(arg[2:].split("=")) == 1:
+ agent_timeout = -1
+ elif platform.system() != "Windows": # Windows breaks this option
+ agent_timeout = float(arg[2:].split("=")[1])
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + " : Warning - You are using Windows\n")
+ agent_timeout = -1
+ elif (arg[1] == '-' and arg[2:] == "help"):
+ # Help
+ os.system("less data/help.txt") # The best help function
+ return 0
- graphics = GraphicsThread(board, grid_sz = [64,64]) # Construct a GraphicsThread! I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING! BEAR WITH ME!
+ # Create the board
+ board = Board(style)
+ # Initialise GUI
+ if graphics_enabled == True:
+ try:
+ graphics = GraphicsThread(board, grid_sz = [64,64]) # Construct a GraphicsThread!
+ except Exception,e:
+ graphics = None
+ sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + " : Got exception trying to initialise graphics\n"+str(e.message)+"\nDisabled graphics\n")
+ graphics_enabled = False
+ # If there are no players listed, display a nice pretty menu
+ if len(players) != 2:
+ if graphics != None:
+ players = graphics.SelectPlayers(players)
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + " : Usage " + sys.argv[0] + " white black\n")
+ return 44
+ # If there are still no players, quit
+ if players == None or len(players) != 2:
+ sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + " : Graphics window closed before players chosen\n")
+ return 45
+ # Wrap NetworkSender players around original players if necessary
+ for i in range(len(players)):
+ if isinstance(players[i], NetworkReceiver):
+ players[i].board = board # Network players need direct access to the board
+ for j in range(len(players)):
+ if j == i:
+ continue
+ if isinstance(players[j], NetworkSender) or isinstance(players[j], NetworkReceiver):
+ continue
+ players[j] = NetworkSender(players[j], players[i].address)
+ players[j].board = board
+ # Connect the networked players
+ for p in players:
+ if isinstance(p, NetworkSender) or isinstance(p, NetworkReceiver):
+ if graphics != None:
+ graphics.board.display_grid(graphics.window, graphics.grid_sz)
+ graphics.message("Connecting to " + p.colour + " player...")
+ p.connect()
- game = GameThread(board, players) # Construct a GameThread! Make it global! Damn the consequences!
- game.start() # This runs in a new thread
+ # Construct a GameThread! Make it global! Damn the consequences!
+ game = GameThread(board, players)
- game.join()
- return game.error + graphics.error
+ if graphics != None:
+ game.start() # This runs in a new thread
+ game.join()
+ return game.error + graphics.error
+ else:
+ return game.error
# This is how python does a main() function...
if __name__ == "__main__":
# --- --- #
-# EOF - created from on Thu Jan 24 03:04:38 WST 2013
+# EOF - created from make on Thu Jan 24 17:04:54 WST 2013
# I still can't believe I am doing this
-# (This can't be done with gnu make, because of circular dependency issues)
+# This updates the component files from the target, as well as the target from the components
+# You can't do that with gnu make, because of the circular dependency
+# But this should probably not be used by any sane person
+exit 1
- echo "
for f in $components; do
component_mod=$(stat -c %Y $f 2>/dev/null)
- " > /dev/null