else if( Size < FONT_HEIGHT ) {
// Down-scaled blit
+ // NOTE: uses the same code as the upscale blit (probably not correct, need to replace)
+ for( unsigned int row = 0; row < out_h; row ++ )
+ {
+ unsigned int yf16 = row * FONT_HEIGHT * 0x10000 / out_h;
+ for( unsigned int col = 0; col < out_w; col ++ )
+ {
+ unsigned int xf16 = col * FONT_WIDTH * 0x10000 / out_w;
+ uint8_t alpha = getValueAtPt(char_ptr, xf16, yf16);
+ //_SysDebug("row %i (%05x), col %i (%05x): alpha = %02x", row, yf16, col, xf16, alpha);
+ char_data[col] = ((uint32_t)alpha << 24) | (FGC & 0xFFFFFF);
+ }
+ dest.BlendScanline(rect.m_y + row, rect.m_x, out_w, char_data);
+ }
else {
// up-scaled blit