--- /dev/null
+#include "main.h"
+#include "real.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <list>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace IPDF;
+ * This "tester" lets us construct Reals out of Floating Points with arbitrary sizes (but must be less than 64 bits currently)
+ * Eventually it will also go the other way
+ * This is originally for conceptual understanding but will ultimately become useful later on.
+ */
+ * From http://stackoverflow.com/questions/109023/how-to-count-the-number-of-set-bits-in-a-32-bit-integer
+ */
+long CountBits(long n)
+ unsigned int c; // c accumulates the total bits set in v
+ for (c = 0; n; c++)
+ n &= n - 1; // clear the least significant bit set
+ return c;
+ * Converts data represented as an (se, e, m, sm) floating point number to a Real.
+ * se = sign of exponent (1 bit)
+ * e = exponent (EMAX bits)
+ * m = mantissa (PREC bits)
+ * sm = sign of mantissa (1 bit)
+ * Total 1+EMAX+PREC+1 must not exceed 64 (at least, for the moment)
+ */
+template <unsigned EMAX, unsigned PREC, unsigned BASE = 2> Real BitsToReal(void * data)
+ if (PREC + EMAX > 62) // we need 1 bit for the sign of the exponent, 1 bit for the sign
+ Fatal("Can't do more than 62 bits (asked for %d + %d = %d)", PREC, EMAX, PREC+EMAX);
+ // memcpy needs a whole number of bytes
+ // This means we need to do tricky bit shifting to get rid of parts of the exp/mantissa that overlap
+ size_t ebytes = ceil(double(EMAX+1.0) / 8.0);
+ size_t mbytes = ceil(double(PREC+1.0)/8.0);
+ size_t moffset = floor(double(EMAX+1.0) / 8.0); // offset to start of mantissa (nearest byte)
+ //Debug("ebytes %d, mbytes %d, moffset %d", ebytes, mbytes, moffset);
+ // Get the exponent and its sign
+ uint64_t exponent = 0L;
+ bool exp_sign = false;
+ memcpy(&exponent, data, ebytes); // Copy exponent
+ //Debug("exponent + garbage: %x", exponent);
+ exp_sign = (1L << (8*ebytes-1)) & exponent;
+ exponent &= ~(1L << (8*ebytes-1)); // mask out the sign
+ //Debug("exponent - masked sign: %x", exponent);
+ exponent = exponent >> (PREC+1); // shift out the extra bits (part of mantissa)
+ assert(CountBits(exponent) <= EMAX); //TODO: Remove once sure it actually works //TODO: Need more reliable sanity checks probably
+ // Get the mantissa and its sign
+ uint64_t mantissa = 0L;
+ bool sign = false;
+ memcpy(&mantissa, ((uint8_t*)(data) + moffset), mbytes); // copy data
+ //Debug("mantissa + garbage: %x", mantissa);
+ sign = mantissa & (1L); // get sign
+ mantissa = mantissa >> 1; // discard sign
+ mantissa = (mantissa << (8*sizeof(mantissa) - PREC)) >> (8*sizeof(mantissa) - PREC);
+ assert(CountBits(mantissa) <= PREC);
+ /*
+ Debug("EMAX %u, PREC %u, BASE %u", EMAX, PREC, BASE);
+ Debug("EXP: %x", exponent);
+ Debug("MANTISSA: %x", mantissa);
+ Debug("EXP_SIGN: %x", (uint8_t)exp_sign);
+ Debug("MANTISSA_SIGN: %x", (uint8_t)sign);
+ */
+ Real Q = (exp_sign) ? pow(Real(BASE), -Real(exponent)) : pow(Real(BASE), Real(exponent));
+ Real x = Real(mantissa) * Q;
+ return (sign) ? -x : x;
+ * Performs the inverse of BitsToReal
+ */
+template <int EMAX, int PREC, int BASE = 2> void BitsFromReal(const Real & x, void * data)
+ bool sign;
+ uint64_t mantissa;
+ uint64_t exponent;
+ if (PREC + EMAX > 62)
+ Fatal("Can't do more than 62 bits (asked for %d + %d = %d)", PREC, EMAX, PREC+EMAX);
+ //TODO: Implement
+int main(int argc, char ** argv)
+ printf("# Convert custom floats to a Real\n");
+ printf("# a\thex(a)\tReal(a)\tdelta(last2)\n");
+ typedef pair<uint8_t, Real> Pear;
+ list<Pear> space;
+ for (uint8_t a = 0x00; a < 0xFF; ++a)
+ {
+ Real x = BitsToReal<2,4>(&a);
+ space.push_back(pair<uint8_t, Real>(a, x));
+ }
+ space.sort([=](const Pear & a, const Pear & b){return a.second < b.second;});
+ Real prev;
+ for (list<Pear>::iterator i = space.begin(); i != space.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ printf("%u\t%x\t%f", i->first, i->first, Float(i->second));
+ if (i != space.begin())
+ {
+ printf("\t%f\n", Float(i->second - prev));
+ }
+ prev = i->second;
+ }