#include <netdb.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <net.h> // Net_ParseAddress
+#include <stdlib.h> // malloc
+#include <string.h> // memcpy
+#include <acess/sys.h>
// === CODE ===
int getaddrinfo(const char *node, const char *service, const struct addrinfo *hints, struct addrinfo **res)
- static struct addrinfo info;
- static struct sockaddr_in addr;
+ static const struct addrinfo defhints = {.ai_flags = AI_V4MAPPED | AI_ADDRCONFIG};
+ struct addrinfo *ret = NULL;
- addr.sin_family = 4;
- addr.sin_addr.s_addr = 0x2701A8C0;
- info.ai_family = 4;
- info.ai_addr = (struct sockaddr *) &addr;
+ // Error checks
+ if( !node && !service ) return EAI_NONAME;
+ if( !hints )
+ hints = &defhints;
+ if( !node )
+ {
+ if( !(hints->ai_flags & AI_PASSIVE) )
+ ; // Use localhost
+ else
+ ; // Use wildcard
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // 1. Check if the node is an IP address
+ // TODO: Break this function out into inet_pton?
+ {
+ int type;
+ char addrdata[16];
+ type = Net_ParseAddress(node, addrdata);
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case 4: // IPv4
+ ret = malloc(sizeof(struct addrinfo) + sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
+ ret->ai_family = AF_INET;
+ ret->ai_socktype = 0;
+ ret->ai_protocol = 0;
+ ret->ai_addrlen = sizeof(struct in_addr);
+ ret->ai_addr = (void*)( ret + 1 );
+ ret->ai_canonname = 0;
+ ret->ai_next = 0;
+ ((struct sockaddr_in*)ret->ai_addr)->sin_family = AF_INET;
+ ((struct sockaddr_in*)ret->ai_addr)->sin_port = 0;
+ memcpy( &((struct sockaddr_in*)ret->ai_addr)->sin_addr, addrdata, 4 );
+ break;
+ default:
+ _SysDebug("getaddrinfo: Unknown address family %i", type);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // 2. Check for a DNS name
+ // - No luck with above, and hints->ai_flags doesn't have AI_NUMERICHOST set
+ if( !ret && !(hints->ai_flags & AI_NUMERICHOST) )
+ {
+ // TODO: DNS Lookups
+ // ? /Acess/Conf/Nameservers
+ // ? /Acess/Conf/Hosts
+ }
+ // 3. No Match, chuck sad
+ if( !ret )
+ {
+ return EAI_NONAME;
+ }
+ }
+ int default_socktype = 0;
+ int default_protocol = 0;
+ int default_port = 0;
+ // Convert `node` into types
+ if( service )
+ {
+ // TODO: Read something like /Acess/Conf/services
+ }
+ struct addrinfo *ai;
+ for( ai = ret; ai; ai = ai->ai_next)
+ {
+ struct sockaddr_in *in = (void*)ai->ai_addr;
+ struct sockaddr_in6 *in6 = (void*)ai->ai_addr;
+ // Check ai_socktype/ai_protocol
+ // TODO: Do both of these need to be zero for defaults to apply?
+ if( ai->ai_socktype == 0 )
+ ai->ai_socktype = default_socktype;
+ if( ai->ai_protocol == 0 )
+ ai->ai_protocol = default_protocol;
+ switch(ai->ai_family)
+ {
+ case AF_INET:
+ if( in->sin_port == 0 )
+ in->sin_port = default_port;
+ break;
+ case AF_INET6:
+ if( in6->sin6_port == 0 )
+ in6->sin6_port = default_port;
+ break;
+ default:
+ _SysDebug("getaddrinfo: Unknown address family %i (setting port)", ai->ai_family);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
- return 1;
+ *res = ret;
+ return 0;
void freeaddrinfo(struct addrinfo *res)
- case 0: return "No error";
- case 1: return "Unimplemented";
+ case EAI_SUCCESS: return "No error";
+ case EAI_FAIL: return "Permanent resolution failure";
default: return "UNKNOWN";