--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/python -u
+# Sample agent
+# Copy this file, change the agent as needed
+from qchess import * # This is normally considered bad practice in python, but good practice in UCC::Progcomp
+import random # For the example which makes random moves
+# The first thing to do is pick a cool name...
+class AgentSample(InternalAgent):
+ def __init__(self, name, colour):
+ InternalAgent.__init__(self, name, colour) # The InternalAgent class gives you some useful stuff
+ # You can access self.board to get a qchess.Board that stores the state as recorded by the agent
+ # This board is automatically updated by the InternalAgent base class
+ # As well as a grid of pieces, qchess.Board gives you lists of pieces and other useful functions; see qchess/src/board.py
+ #TODO: Any extra initialisation
+ # You should print debug messages like this:
+ sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + " : " + str(self) + " : Initialised agent\n")
+ # I would appreciate it if you removed them before submitting an entry though.
+ # Must return [x,y] of selected piece
+ # Your agent will call select(), followed by get_move() and so on
+ # TODO: Implement
+ def select(self):
+ # debug message
+ sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + " : " + str(self) + " : Selecting piece...\n")
+ # Here is a random choice algorithm to help you start
+ # It is a slight improvement on purely random; it will pick a piece that has at least one known possible move
+ # BUT it has a possibility to loop infinitely! You should fix that.
+ while True:
+ # Randomly pick a piece
+ # Use self.board.pieces[self.colour] to get a list of your pieces
+ # Use self.board.pieces[opponent(self.colour)] to get opponent pieces
+ # Use self.board.king[self.colour], vice versa, to get the king
+ choices = self.board.pieces[self.colour] # All the agent's pieces
+ choice_index = random.randint(0, len(choices)-1) # Get the index in the list of the chosen piece
+ self.choice = choices[choice_index] # Choose the piece, and remember it
+ # Find all known possible moves for the piece
+ # Use self.board.possible_moves(piece) to get a list of possible moves for a piece
+ # *BUT* Make sure the type of the piece is known (you can temporarily set it) first!
+ # Use Piece.current_type to get/set the current type of a piece
+ all_moves = [] # Will store all possible moves for the piece
+ tmp = self.choice.current_type # Remember the chosen piece's current type
+ if tmp == "unknown": # For pieces that are in a supperposition, try both types
+ for t in self.choice.types:
+ if t == "unknown":
+ continue # Ignore unknown types
+ self.choice.current_type = t # Temporarily overwrite the piece's type
+ all_moves += self.board.possible_moves(self.choice) # Add the possible moves for that type
+ else:
+ all_moves = self.board.possible_moves(self.choice) # The piece is in a classical state; add possible moves
+ self.choice.current_type = tmp # Reset the piece's current type
+ if len(all_moves) > 0:
+ break # If the piece had *any* possible moves, it is a good choice; leave the loop
+ # Otherwise the loop will try again
+ # End while loop
+ return [self.choice.x, self.choice.y] # Return the position of the selected piece
+ # Must return [x,y] of square to move the piece previously selected into
+ # Your agent will call select(), followed by get_move() and so on
+ # TODO: Implement this
+ def get_move(self):
+ # debug message
+ sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + " : " + str(self) + " : Moving piece ("+str(self.choice)+")\n")
+ # As an example we will just pick a random move for the piece previously chosen in select()
+ # Note that whichever piece was previously selected will have collapsed into a classical state
+ # self.board.possible_moves(piece) will return a list of [x,y] pairs for valid moves
+ moves = self.board.possible_moves(self.choice) # Get all moves for the selected piece
+ move_index = random.randint(0, len(moves)-1) # Get the index in the list of the chosen move
+ return moves[move_index] # This is a randomly chosen [x,y] pair for a valid move of the piece
+# Hints:
+# select will probably have to be more complicated than get_move, because by the time get_move is called, the piece's state is known
+# If you want to see if a square is threatened/defended, you can call self.board.coverage([x,y]); see qchess/src/board.py
+# A good approach is min/max. For each move, associate a score. Then subtract the scores for moves that the opponent could make. Then pick the move with the highest score.
+# Look at qchess/src/agent_bishop.py for a more effective (but less explained) agent
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ colour = sys.stdin.readline().strip("\r\n")
+ agent = AgentSample(sys.argv[0], colour) # Change the class name here
+ run_agent(agent) # This is provided by qchess. It calls the functions of your agent as required during the game.
+# You can run this as an external agent with the qchess program
+# Just run ./qchess.py and apply common sense (or read the help file)
+# If you are feeling adventurous you can add it to the qchess program as an internal agent
+# This might give better performance... unless you use the --timeout switch, in which case there is absolutely no point
+# 1. Delete the lines that run the agent (the block that starts with if __name__ == "__main__")
+# 2. Copy the file to qchess/src/agent_sample.py (or whatever you want to call it)
+# 3. Edit qchess/src/Makefile so that agent_sample.py appears as one of the files in COMPONENTS
+# 4. Rebuild by running make in qchess
+# Again, run ./qchess.py and apply common sense
+python_native :
+ make -C src
+ mv src/$(SCRIPT) ./
all : python_native frozen
frozen : win32_frozen linux64_frozen
cd build; for d in $$(ls); do if [ -d $$d ]; then zip -r $$d.zip $$d; rm -r $$d; fi; done
-python_native :
- make -C src
- mv src/$(SCRIPT) ./
images :
cd tools; python image_builder.py
If graphics are enabled (default), then the user will be prompted to choose any of the two players not supplied as arguments.
+ --reveal
+ If graphics are enabled, the two states for pieces will always be shown, regardless of whether both states have been revealed.
+ Note that this switch only affects the GUI and does not provide any information to agent players.
- --file[=filename]
+ If graphics are disabled, has no effect.
+ --file[=filename][:events]
Replay a game saved in file, or read from stdin if no filename given
+ If a number of events is supplied, the game will advance that many events before stopping.
+ If no players are given, the GUI will NOT ask for player selections.
+ The game will exit after the replay finishes. Events in the replay will be subject to the normal delay (see --delay).
+ If black and white players are supplied, the game will continue using those players.
+ In this case, there will be no delays between events in the replay (the game starts at the end of the replay)
+ (We hope that) this feature will be useful for comparing how different versions of an agent respond to the same situation.
Log moves to a file or stdout if no filename given
# Make a string for the piece (used for debug)
def __str__(self):
- return str(self.current_type) + " " + str(self.types) + " at " + str(self.x) + ","+str(self.y)
+ return str(self.colour) + " " + str(self.current_type) + " " + str(self.types) + " at " + str(self.x) + ","+str(self.y)
# Draw the piece in a pygame surface
def draw(self, window, grid_sz = [80,80], style="quantum"):
# Draw the two possible types underneath the current_type image
for i in range(len(self.types)):
- if self.types_revealed[i] == True:
+ if always_reveal_states == True or self.types_revealed[i] == True:
img = small_images[self.colour][self.types[i]]
img = small_images[self.colour]["unknown"] # If the type hasn't been revealed, show a placeholder
# --- piece.py --- #
[w,h] = [8,8] # Width and height of board(s)
+always_reveal_states = False
# Class to represent a quantum chess board
class Board():
# Initialise; if master=True then the secondary piece types are assigned
for c in ["black", "white"]:
del self.unrevealed_types[c]["unknown"]
+ if style == "empty":
+ return
# Add all the pieces with known primary types
for i in range(0, 2):
def run_agent(agent):
#sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + " : Running agent " + str(agent) + "\n")
- colour = sys.stdin.readline().strip(" \r\n")
- agent.colour = colour
while True:
line = sys.stdin.readline().strip(" \r\n")
if line == "SELECTION?":
class ExternalWrapper(ExternalAgent):
def __init__(self, agent):
- run = "python -u -c \"import sys;import os;from qchess import *;agent = " + agent.__class__.__name__ + "('" + agent.name + "','"+agent.colour+"');sys.exit(run_agent(agent))\""
+ run = "python -u -c \"import sys;import os;from qchess import *;agent = " + agent.__class__.__name__ + "('" + agent.name + "','"+agent.colour+"');sys.stdin.readline();sys.exit(run_agent(agent))\""
# str(run)
ExternalAgent.__init__(self, run, agent.colour)
import datetime
log_file.write(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + " : " + s + "\n")
+def log_init(board, players):
+ if log_file != None:
+ import datetime
+ log_file.write("# Log starts " + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "\n")
+ for p in players:
+ log_file.write("# " + p.colour + " : " + p.name + "\n")
+ log_file.write("# Initial board\n")
+ for x in range(0, w):
+ for y in range(0, h):
+ if board.grid[x][y] != None:
+ log_file.write(str(board.grid[x][y]) + "\n")
+ log_file.write("# Start game\n")
# A thread that runs the game
self.lock = threading.RLock() #lock for access of self.state
self.cond = threading.Condition() # conditional for some reason, I forgot
self.final_result = ""
# Run the game (run in new thread with start(), run in current thread with run())
def run(self):
# A thread that replays a log file
class ReplayThread(GameThread):
- def __init__(self, players, src):
- self.board = Board(style="agent")
+ def __init__(self, players, src, end=False,max_lines=None):
+ self.board = Board(style="empty")
GameThread.__init__(self, self.board, players)
self.src = src
+ self.max_lines = max_lines
+ self.line_number = 0
+ self.end = end
- self.ended = False
+ try:
+ while self.src.readline().strip(" \r\n") != "# Initial board":
+ self.line_number += 1
+ line = self.src.readline().strip(" \r\n")
+ while line != "# Start game":
+ #print "Reading line " + str(line)
+ self.line_number += 1
+ [x,y] = map(int, line.split("at")[1].strip(" \r\n").split(","))
+ colour = line.split(" ")[0]
+ current_type = line.split(" ")[1]
+ types = map(lambda e : e.strip(" [],'"), line.split(" ")[2:4])
+ p = Piece(colour, x, y, types)
+ if current_type != "unknown":
+ p.current_type = current_type
+ p.choice = types.index(current_type)
+ self.board.pieces[colour].append(p)
+ self.board.grid[x][y] = p
+ if current_type == "king":
+ self.board.king[colour] = p
+ line = self.src.readline().strip(" \r\n")
+ except Exception, e:
+ raise Exception("FILE line: " + str(self.line_number) + " \""+str(line)+"\"") #\n" + e.message)
def run(self):
i = 0
phase = 0
- for line in self.src:
+ count = 0
+ line = self.src.readline().strip(" \r\n")
+ while line != "# EOF":
+ count += 1
+ if self.max_lines != None and count > self.max_lines:
+ self.stop()
if self.stopped():
- self.ended = True
with self.lock:
- self.ended = True
self.final_result = result
- if isinstance(graphics, GraphicsThread):
- graphics.stop()
+ self.stop()
[x,y] = map(int, result.split(" ")[0:2])
graphics.state["moves"] = self.board.possible_moves(target)
graphics.state["select"] = target
- time.sleep(turn_delay)
+ if self.end:
+ time.sleep(turn_delay)
elif phase == 1:
[x2,y2] = map(int, result.split(" ")[3:5])
with graphics.lock:
graphics.state["moves"] = [[x2,y2]]
- time.sleep(turn_delay)
+ if self.end:
+ time.sleep(turn_delay)
with graphics.lock:
graphics.state["select"] = None
if phase == 0:
i = (i + 1) % 2
+ line = self.src.readline().strip(" \r\n")
+ if self.max_lines != None and self.max_lines > count:
+ sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + " : Replaying from file; stopping at last line (" + str(count) + ")\n")
+ sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + " : (You requested line " + str(self.max_lines) + ")\n")
+ if self.end and isinstance(graphics, GraphicsThread):
+ #graphics.stop()
+ pass # Let the user stop the display
+ elif not self.end:
+ global game
+ game = GameThread(self.board, self.players)
+ game.run()
def opponent(colour):
global log_file
global src_file
global graphics_enabled
+ global always_reveal_states
+ max_lines = None
src_file = None
style = "quantum"
style = "classical"
elif arg[1] == '-' and arg[2:] == "quantum":
style = "quantum"
+ elif arg[1] == '-' and arg[2:] == "reveal":
+ always_reveal_states = True
elif (arg[1] == '-' and arg[2:] == "graphics"):
graphics_enabled = not graphics_enabled
elif (arg[1] == '-' and arg[2:].split("=")[0] == "file"):
if len(arg[2:].split("=")) == 1:
src_file = sys.stdin
- src_file = open(arg[2:].split("=")[1])
+ src_file = open(arg[2:].split("=")[1].split(":")[0])
+ if len(arg[2:].split(":")) == 2:
+ max_lines = int(arg[2:].split(":")[1])
elif (arg[1] == '-' and arg[2:].split("=")[0] == "log"):
# Log file
if len(arg[2:].split("=")) == 1:
# Construct a GameThread! Make it global! Damn the consequences!
if src_file != None:
- if len(players) == 0:
+ # Hack to stop ReplayThread from exiting
+ #if len(players) == 0:
+ # players = [HumanPlayer("dummy", "white"), HumanPlayer("dummy", "black")]
+ # Normally the ReplayThread exits if there are no players
+ # TODO: Decide which behaviour to use, and fix it
+ end = (len(players) == 0)
+ if end:
players = [Player("dummy", "white"), Player("dummy", "black")]
- game = ReplayThread(players, src_file)
+ elif len(players) != 2:
+ sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + " : Usage " + sys.argv[0] + " white black\n")
+ if graphics_enabled:
+ sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + " : (You won't get a GUI, because --file was used, and the author is lazy)\n")
+ return 44
+ game = ReplayThread(players, src_file, end=end, max_lines=max_lines)
board = Board(style)
game = GameThread(board, players)
+ log_init(game.board, players)
if graphics != None:
game.start() # This runs in a new thread
- game.join()
+ if game.is_alive():
+ game.join()
error = game.error + graphics.error
error = game.error
if log_file != None and log_file != sys.stdout:
+ log_file.write("# EOF\n")
if src_file != None and src_file != sys.stdin:
# This is how python does a main() function...
if __name__ == "__main__":
- sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
+ try:
+ sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + " : Got KeyboardInterrupt. Stopping everything\n")
+ if isinstance(graphics, StoppableThread):
+ graphics.stop()
+ graphics.run() # Will clean up graphics because it is stopped, not run it (a bit dodgy)
+ if isinstance(game, StoppableThread):
+ game.stop()
+ if game.is_alive():
+ game.join()
+ sys.exit(102)
# --- main.py --- #
-# EOF - created from make on Tue Jan 29 18:10:18 WST 2013
+# EOF - created from make on Wed Jan 30 00:45:46 WST 2013
[w,h] = [8,8] # Width and height of board(s)
+always_reveal_states = False
# Class to represent a quantum chess board
class Board():
# Initialise; if master=True then the secondary piece types are assigned
for c in ["black", "white"]:
del self.unrevealed_types[c]["unknown"]
+ if style == "empty":
+ return
# Add all the pieces with known primary types
for i in range(0, 2):
import datetime
log_file.write(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + " : " + s + "\n")
+def log_init(board, players):
+ if log_file != None:
+ import datetime
+ log_file.write("# Log starts " + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "\n")
+ for p in players:
+ log_file.write("# " + p.colour + " : " + p.name + "\n")
+ log_file.write("# Initial board\n")
+ for x in range(0, w):
+ for y in range(0, h):
+ if board.grid[x][y] != None:
+ log_file.write(str(board.grid[x][y]) + "\n")
+ log_file.write("# Start game\n")
# A thread that runs the game
self.lock = threading.RLock() #lock for access of self.state
self.cond = threading.Condition() # conditional for some reason, I forgot
self.final_result = ""
# Run the game (run in new thread with start(), run in current thread with run())
def run(self):
# A thread that replays a log file
class ReplayThread(GameThread):
- def __init__(self, players, src):
- self.board = Board(style="agent")
+ def __init__(self, players, src, end=False,max_lines=None):
+ self.board = Board(style="empty")
GameThread.__init__(self, self.board, players)
self.src = src
+ self.max_lines = max_lines
+ self.line_number = 0
+ self.end = end
- self.ended = False
+ try:
+ while self.src.readline().strip(" \r\n") != "# Initial board":
+ self.line_number += 1
+ line = self.src.readline().strip(" \r\n")
+ while line != "# Start game":
+ #print "Reading line " + str(line)
+ self.line_number += 1
+ [x,y] = map(int, line.split("at")[1].strip(" \r\n").split(","))
+ colour = line.split(" ")[0]
+ current_type = line.split(" ")[1]
+ types = map(lambda e : e.strip(" [],'"), line.split(" ")[2:4])
+ p = Piece(colour, x, y, types)
+ if current_type != "unknown":
+ p.current_type = current_type
+ p.choice = types.index(current_type)
+ self.board.pieces[colour].append(p)
+ self.board.grid[x][y] = p
+ if current_type == "king":
+ self.board.king[colour] = p
+ line = self.src.readline().strip(" \r\n")
+ except Exception, e:
+ raise Exception("FILE line: " + str(self.line_number) + " \""+str(line)+"\"") #\n" + e.message)
def run(self):
i = 0
phase = 0
- for line in self.src:
+ count = 0
+ line = self.src.readline().strip(" \r\n")
+ while line != "# EOF":
+ count += 1
+ if self.max_lines != None and count > self.max_lines:
+ self.stop()
if self.stopped():
- self.ended = True
with self.lock:
- self.ended = True
self.final_result = result
- if isinstance(graphics, GraphicsThread):
- graphics.stop()
+ self.stop()
[x,y] = map(int, result.split(" ")[0:2])
graphics.state["moves"] = self.board.possible_moves(target)
graphics.state["select"] = target
- time.sleep(turn_delay)
+ if self.end:
+ time.sleep(turn_delay)
elif phase == 1:
[x2,y2] = map(int, result.split(" ")[3:5])
with graphics.lock:
graphics.state["moves"] = [[x2,y2]]
- time.sleep(turn_delay)
+ if self.end:
+ time.sleep(turn_delay)
with graphics.lock:
graphics.state["select"] = None
if phase == 0:
i = (i + 1) % 2
+ line = self.src.readline().strip(" \r\n")
+ if self.max_lines != None and self.max_lines > count:
+ sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + " : Replaying from file; stopping at last line (" + str(count) + ")\n")
+ sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + " : (You requested line " + str(self.max_lines) + ")\n")
+ if self.end and isinstance(graphics, GraphicsThread):
+ #graphics.stop()
+ pass # Let the user stop the display
+ elif not self.end:
+ global game
+ game = GameThread(self.board, self.players)
+ game.run()
def opponent(colour):
global log_file
global src_file
global graphics_enabled
+ global always_reveal_states
+ max_lines = None
src_file = None
style = "quantum"
style = "classical"
elif arg[1] == '-' and arg[2:] == "quantum":
style = "quantum"
+ elif arg[1] == '-' and arg[2:] == "reveal":
+ always_reveal_states = True
elif (arg[1] == '-' and arg[2:] == "graphics"):
graphics_enabled = not graphics_enabled
elif (arg[1] == '-' and arg[2:].split("=")[0] == "file"):
if len(arg[2:].split("=")) == 1:
src_file = sys.stdin
- src_file = open(arg[2:].split("=")[1])
+ src_file = open(arg[2:].split("=")[1].split(":")[0])
+ if len(arg[2:].split(":")) == 2:
+ max_lines = int(arg[2:].split(":")[1])
elif (arg[1] == '-' and arg[2:].split("=")[0] == "log"):
# Log file
if len(arg[2:].split("=")) == 1:
# Construct a GameThread! Make it global! Damn the consequences!
if src_file != None:
- if len(players) == 0:
+ # Hack to stop ReplayThread from exiting
+ #if len(players) == 0:
+ # players = [HumanPlayer("dummy", "white"), HumanPlayer("dummy", "black")]
+ # Normally the ReplayThread exits if there are no players
+ # TODO: Decide which behaviour to use, and fix it
+ end = (len(players) == 0)
+ if end:
players = [Player("dummy", "white"), Player("dummy", "black")]
- game = ReplayThread(players, src_file)
+ elif len(players) != 2:
+ sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + " : Usage " + sys.argv[0] + " white black\n")
+ if graphics_enabled:
+ sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + " : (You won't get a GUI, because --file was used, and the author is lazy)\n")
+ return 44
+ game = ReplayThread(players, src_file, end=end, max_lines=max_lines)
board = Board(style)
game = GameThread(board, players)
+ log_init(game.board, players)
if graphics != None:
game.start() # This runs in a new thread
- game.join()
+ if game.is_alive():
+ game.join()
error = game.error + graphics.error
error = game.error
if log_file != None and log_file != sys.stdout:
+ log_file.write("# EOF\n")
if src_file != None and src_file != sys.stdin:
# This is how python does a main() function...
if __name__ == "__main__":
- sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
+ try:
+ sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + " : Got KeyboardInterrupt. Stopping everything\n")
+ if isinstance(graphics, StoppableThread):
+ graphics.stop()
+ graphics.run() # Will clean up graphics because it is stopped, not run it (a bit dodgy)
+ if isinstance(game, StoppableThread):
+ game.stop()
+ if game.is_alive():
+ game.join()
+ sys.exit(102)
# Make a string for the piece (used for debug)
def __str__(self):
- return str(self.current_type) + " " + str(self.types) + " at " + str(self.x) + ","+str(self.y)
+ return str(self.colour) + " " + str(self.current_type) + " " + str(self.types) + " at " + str(self.x) + ","+str(self.y)
# Draw the piece in a pygame surface
def draw(self, window, grid_sz = [80,80], style="quantum"):
# Draw the two possible types underneath the current_type image
for i in range(len(self.types)):
- if self.types_revealed[i] == True:
+ if always_reveal_states == True or self.types_revealed[i] == True:
img = small_images[self.colour][self.types[i]]
img = small_images[self.colour]["unknown"] # If the type hasn't been revealed, show a placeholder
def run_agent(agent):
#sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + " : Running agent " + str(agent) + "\n")
- colour = sys.stdin.readline().strip(" \r\n")
- agent.colour = colour
while True:
line = sys.stdin.readline().strip(" \r\n")
if line == "SELECTION?":
class ExternalWrapper(ExternalAgent):
def __init__(self, agent):
- run = "python -u -c \"import sys;import os;from qchess import *;agent = " + agent.__class__.__name__ + "('" + agent.name + "','"+agent.colour+"');sys.exit(run_agent(agent))\""
+ run = "python -u -c \"import sys;import os;from qchess import *;agent = " + agent.__class__.__name__ + "('" + agent.name + "','"+agent.colour+"');sys.stdin.readline();sys.exit(run_agent(agent))\""
# str(run)
ExternalAgent.__init__(self, run, agent.colour)