With the template completed functionality was then added. By copying the template exactly for each individual page the look of the software is kept the same throughout. Adding functionality is a simple case of substituting in functional code in the demonstration panels as well as adding the necessary JavaScript for the pages to function. Effort was made to keep as much functional code separated from the template itself and to load the code into the page from an external file in order to facilitate cleaner code with better expandability.
+Whilst this GUI built around the Master Template was not quite completed in time (a different GUI used for the final testing) it is recommended that further work on the software includes finishing and improving upon the Master Template version as it provides more flexibility.
\item That the current software is built upon, rather than redesigned from scratch. The software can be adapted to run on a Raspberry Pi, or even a GNU/Linux laptop if required.
\item That more detailed testing and debugging of several aspects of the software are required; in particular:
- \item The software should be tested for memory leaks by running for an extended time period
+ \item The software should be tested for memory leaks by running for an extended time period (Note: At this stage, no section of the software other than the image processing algorithms are to performing any runtime memory management).
\item Any alternative image processing algorithms should be tested independently of the main system and then integrated after it is certain that no memory errors remain
+ \item That work is continued on the GUI combining aspects of the Master Template with the (functional) testing GUI
\item That work is continued on documenting all aspects of the system.
\item That the GitHub Issues page\cite{github_issues} is used to identify and solve future issues and/or bugs
\item That members of the 2013 software team are contacted if further explanation of any aspect of the software is needed.