- dest + x*giVT_CharWidth, gpBGA_CurrentMode->width,\r
+ dest + x*giVT_CharWidth, 32, gpBGA_CurrentMode->width*4,\r
Uint32 s_blocks_count; //!< Blocks count\r
Uint32 s_r_blocks_count; //!< Reserved blocks count\r
Uint32 s_free_blocks_count; //!< Free blocks count\r
+ \r
Uint32 s_free_inodes_count; //!< Free inodes count\r
Uint32 s_first_data_block; //!< First Data Block\r
Uint32 s_log_block_size; //!< Block size\r
Sint32 s_log_frag_size; //!< Fragment size\r
+ \r
Uint32 s_blocks_per_group; //!< Number Blocks per group\r
Uint32 s_frags_per_group; //!< Number Fragments per group\r
Uint32 s_inodes_per_group; //!< Number Inodes per group\r
Uint32 s_mtime; //!< Mount time\r
+ \r
Uint32 s_wtime; //!< Write time\r
Uint16 s_mnt_count; //!< Mount count\r
Sint16 s_max_mnt_count; //!< Maximal mount count\r
Uint16 s_state; //!< File system state\r
Uint16 s_errors; //!< Behaviour when detecting errors\r
Uint16 s_pad; //!< Padding\r
+ \r
Uint32 s_lastcheck; //!< time of last check\r
Uint32 s_checkinterval; //!< max. time between checks\r
Uint32 s_creator_os; //!< Formatting OS\r
Uint32 s_rev_level; //!< Revision level\r
+ \r
Uint16 s_def_resuid; //!< Default uid for reserved blocks\r
Uint16 s_def_resgid; //!< Default gid for reserved blocks\r
Uint32 s_reserved[235]; //!< Padding to the end of the block\r