// 1. Set GHC.AE
// 2. Enumerate ports using PI
- // 3. (for each port) Ensure that port is not running
- // - if PxCMD.(ST|CR|FRE|FR) all are clear, port is idle
- // - Idle is set by clearing PxCMD.ST and waiting for .CR to clear (timeout 500ms)
- // - AND .FRE = 0, checking .FR (timeout 500ms again)
- // > On timeout, port/HBA reset
- // 4. Read CAP.NCS
+ tTime basetime;
+ for( int i = 0; i < 32; i ++ )
+ {
+ if( !(Ctrlr->MMIO->PI & (1 << i)) )
+ continue ;
+ volatile struct s_port *port = &Ctrlr->MMIO->Ports[i];
+ nPorts ++;
+ // 3. (for each port) Ensure that port is not running
+ // - if PxCMD.(ST|CR|FRE|FR) all are clear, port is idle
+ continue ;
+ // - Idle is set by clearing PxCMD.ST and waiting for .CR to clear (timeout 500ms)
+ // - AND .FRE = 0, checking .FR (timeout 500ms again)
+ port->PxCMD = 0;
+ basetime = now();
+ // > On timeout, port/HBA reset
+ }
+ for( int i = 0; i < 32; i ++ )
+ {
+ if( !(Ctrlr->MMIO->PI & (1 << i)) )
+ continue ;
+ volatile struct s_port *port = &Ctrlr->MMIO->Ports[i];
+ while( (port->PxCMD & (AHCI_PxCMD_CR|AHCI_PxCMD_FR)) && now()-basetime < 500 )
+ Time_Delay(10);
+ if( !(port->PxCMD & (AHCI_PxCMD_CR|AHCI_PxCMD_FR)) )
+ {
+ Log_Error("AHCI", "Port %i did not return to idle", i);
+ }
+ }
+ // 4. Read CAP.NCS to get number of command slots
// 5. Allocate PxCLB and PxFB for each port (setting PxCMD.FRE once done)
// 6. Clear PxSERR with 1 to each implimented bit
// > Clear PxIS then IS.IPS before setting PxIE/GHC.IE
#define AHCI_CAP_S64A (1 << 31) // Supports 64-bit addressing
#define AHCI_CAP_SNCQ (1 << 30) // Supports Native Command Queuing
#define AHCI_CAP_SXS (1 << 5) // Support External SATA
+#define AHCI_CAP_NCS (31 << 8) // Number of command slots (mask)
#define AHCI_GHC_AE (1 << 31) // AHCI Enable
#define AHCI_GHC_MRSM (1 << 2) // MSI Revert to Single Message
#define AHCI_GHC_IE (1 << 1) // Interrupt Enable
#define ACHI_GHC_HR (1 << 0) // HBA Reset (Clears once complete)
+#define AHCI_PxIS_CPDS (1 << 31) // Cold Port Detect Status
+#define AHCI_PxIS_TFES (1 << 30) // Task File Error Status
+#define AHCI_PxIS_HBFS (1 << 29) // Host Bus Fatal error Status
+#define AHCI_PxIS_HBDS (1 << 28) // Host Bus Data error Status
+#define AHCI_PxIS_IFS (1 << 27) // Interface Fatal error Status
+#define AHCI_PxIS_INFS (1 << 26) // Interface Non-Fatal error status
+#define AHCI_PxIS_OFS (1 << 24) // OverFlow Status
+#define AHCI_PxIS_IPMS (1 << 23) // Incorrect Port Multipier Status
+#define AHCI_PxIS_PRCS (1 << 22) // PhyRdy Change Status
+#define AHCI_PxIS_DMPS (1 << 7) // Device Mechanical Presence Status
+#define AHCI_PxIS_PCS (1 << 6) // Port Connect change Status
+#define AHCI_PxIS_DPS (1 << 5) // Descriptor Processed
+#define AHCI_PxIS_UFI (1 << 4) // Unknown FIX Interrupt
+#define AHCI_PxIS_SDBS (1 << 3) // Set Device Bits Interrupt
+#define AHCI_PxIS_DSS (1 << 2) // DMA Setup FIS Interrupt
+#define AHCI_PxIS_PSS (1 << 1) // PIO Setup FIX Interrupt
+#define AHCI_PxIS_DHRS (1 << 0) // Device to Host Register FIS Interrupt
+#define AHCI_PxCMD_ICC (15 << 28) // Interface Communication Control (mask)
+#define AHCI_PxCMD_ASP (1 << 27) // Agressive Slumber / Partial
+#define AHCI_PxCMD_ALPE (1 << 26) // Agressive Link Power Management Enable
+#define AHCI_PxCMD_DLAE (1 << 25) // Drive LED on ATAPI Enable
+#define AHCI_PxCMD_ATAPI (1 << 24) // Device is ATAPI
+#define AHCI_PxCMD_APSTE (1 << 23) // Automatic Partial to Slumber Transitions Enabled
+#define AHCI_PxCMD_FBSCP (1 << 22) // FIS-based Switching Capable Port
+#define AHCI_PxCMD_ESP (1 << 21) // External SATA Port
+#define AHCI_PxCMD_CPD (1 << 20) // Cold Presence Detection
+#define AHCI_PxCMD_MPSP (1 << 19) // Mechanical Presence Switch attached to Port
+#define AHCI_PxCMD_HPCP (1 << 18) // Hot Plut Capable Port
+#define AHCI_PxCMD_PMA (1 << 17) // Port Multiplier Attached
+#define AHCI_PxCMD_CPS (1 << 16) // Cold Presence State
+#define AHCI_PxCMD_CR (1 << 15) // Command List Running
+#define AHCI_PxCMD_FR (1 << 14) // FIS Receive Running
+#define AHCI_PxCMD_MPSS (1 << 13) // Mechanical Presence Switch State
+#define AHCI_PxCMD_CCS (31 << 8) // Current Command Slot (mask)
+#define AHCI_PxCMD_FRE (1 << 4) // FIS Receive Enable
+#define AHCI_PxCMD_CLO (1 << 3) // Command List Override
+#define AHCI_PxCMD_POD (1 << 2) // Power On Device
+#define AHCI_PxCMD_SUD (1 << 1) // Spin-Up Device
+#define AHCI_PxCMD_ST (1 << 0) // Start
struct sAHCI_MemSpace
Uint32 CAP; // Host Capabilities