// Alignment Check
if( (Uint)Ptr & (sizeof(Uint)-1) ) {
- Warning("free - Passed a non-aligned address (%p)", Ptr);
+ Log_Warning("Heap", "free - Passed a non-aligned address (%p)", Ptr);
// Sanity check
if((Uint)Ptr < (Uint)gHeapStart || (Uint)Ptr > (Uint)gHeapEnd)
- Warning("free - Passed a non-heap address (%p)\n", Ptr);
+ Log_Warning("Heap", "free - Passed a non-heap address (%p < %p < %p)\n",
+ gHeapStart, Ptr, gHeapEnd);
// Check memory block - Header
head = (void*)( (Uint)Ptr - sizeof(tHeapHead) );
if(head->Magic == MAGIC_FREE) {
- Warning("free - Passed a freed block (%p) by %p", head, __builtin_return_address(0));
+ Log_Warning("Heap", "free - Passed a freed block (%p) by %p", head, __builtin_return_address(0));
if(head->Magic != MAGIC_USED) {
- Warning("free - Magic value is invalid (%p, 0x%x)\n", head, head->Magic);
+ Log_Warning("Heap", "free - Magic value is invalid (%p, 0x%x)\n", head, head->Magic);
// Check memory block - Footer
foot = (void*)( (Uint)head + head->Size - sizeof(tHeapFoot) );
if(foot->Head != head) {
- Warning("free - Footer backlink is incorrect (%p, 0x%x)\n", head, foot->Head);
+ Log_Warning("Heap", "free - Footer backlink is incorrect (%p, 0x%x)\n", head, foot->Head);
if(foot->Magic != MAGIC_FOOT) {
- Warning("free - Footer magic is invalid (%p, %p = 0x%x)\n", head, &foot->Magic, foot->Magic);
+ Log_Warning("Heap", "free - Footer magic is invalid (%p, %p = 0x%x)\n", head, &foot->Magic, foot->Magic);
* \fn int IsHeap(void *Ptr)
- * \brief Checks if an address is a heap address
+ * \brief Checks if an address is a heap pointer
int IsHeap(void *Ptr)
tHeapHead *head;
if((Uint)Ptr < (Uint)gHeapStart) return 0;
if((Uint)Ptr > (Uint)gHeapEnd) return 0;
+ if((Uint)Ptr & (sizeof(Uint)-1)) return 0;
head = (void*)( (Uint)Ptr - sizeof(tHeapHead) );
if(head->Magic != MAGIC_USED && head->Magic != MAGIC_FREE)
#define DEBUG 0
#include <acess.h>
+#define N_VARIABLES 16
+#define N_MAX_ARGS BITS
// === TYPES ===
typedef struct
int nLines;
tConfigLine Lines[];
} tConfigFile;
+typedef struct
+ char *Name; // Name
+ int MinArgs; // Minimum number of arguments
+ int MaxArgs; // Maximum number of arguments
+ Uint IntArgs; // Bitmap of arguments that should be treated as integers
+ void *Func; // Function pointer
+ Uint OptDefaults[N_MAX_ARGS]; // Default values for optional arguments
+} tConfigCommand;
// === IMPORTS ===
extern int Modules_LoadBuiltins();
void System_ExecuteScript();
tConfigFile *System_Int_ParseFile(char *File);
+// === CONSTANTS ===
+const tConfigCommand caConfigCommands[] = {
+ {"module", 1,2, 0, Module_LoadFile, {(Uint)"",0}}, // Load a module from a file
+ {"spawn", 1,1, 0, Proc_Spawn, {0}}, // Spawn a process
+ // --- VFS ---
+ {"mount", 3,4, 0, VFS_Mount, {(Uint)"",0}}, // Mount a device
+ {"symlink", 2,2, 0, VFS_Symlink, {0}}, // Create a Symbolic Link
+ {"mkdir", 1,1, 0, VFS_MkDir, {0}}, // Create a Directory
+ {"open", 1,2, 0, VFS_Open, {VFS_OPENFLAG_READ,0}}, // Open a file
+ {"close", 1,1, 0x1, VFS_Close, {0}}, // Close an open file
+ {"ioctl", 3,3, 0x3, VFS_IOCtl, {0}}, // Call an IOCtl
+ {"", 0,0, 0, NULL, {0}}
+#define NUM_CONFIG_COMMANDS (sizeof(caConfigCommands)/sizeof(caConfigCommands[0]))
// === GLOBALS ===
char *gsConfigScript = "/Acess/Conf/BootConf.cfg";
int fp;
int fLen = 0;
- int i;
+ int i, j, k;
+ int val;
+ int result = 0;
+ int variables[N_VARIABLES];
+ int bReplaced[N_MAX_ARGS];
char *fData;
+ char *jmpTarget;
tConfigFile *file;
tConfigLine *line;
// Parse File
file = System_Int_ParseFile(fData);
line = &file->Lines[i];
if( line->nParts == 0 ) continue; // Skip blank
- // Mount Device
- if( strcmp(line->Parts[0], "mount") == 0 )
- {
- if( line->nParts != 4 ) {
- Log_Warning("Config", "Configuration command 'mount' requires 3 arguments, %i given",
- line->nParts-1);
- continue;
+ if(line->Parts[0][0] == ':') continue; // Ignore labels
+ // Prescan and eliminate variables
+ for( j = 1; j < line->nParts; j++ ) {
+ Log_Debug("Config", "Arg #%i is '%s'", j, line->Parts[j]);
+ bReplaced[j] = 0;
+ if( line->Parts[j][0] != '$' ) continue;
+ if( line->Parts[j][1] == '?' ) {
+ val = result;
- //Log_Log("Config", "Mount '%s' to '%s' (%s)",
- // line->Parts[1], line->Parts[2], line->Parts[3]);
- //! \todo Use an optional 4th argument for the options string
- VFS_Mount(line->Parts[1], line->Parts[2], line->Parts[3], "");
- }
- // Load a Module
- else if(strcmp(line->Parts[0], "module") == 0)
- {
- if( line->nParts < 2 || line->nParts > 3 ) {
- Log_Warning("CFG",
- "Configuration command 'module' requires 1 or 2 arguments, %i given",
- line->nParts-1);
- continue;
+ else {
+ val = atoi( &line->Parts[j][1] );
+ if( val < 0 || val > N_VARIABLES ) continue;
+ val = variables[ val ];
- if( line->nParts == 3 )
- Module_LoadFile(line->Parts[1], line->Parts[2]);
- else
- Module_LoadFile(line->Parts[1], "");
+ Log_Debug("Config", "Replaced arg %i ('%s') with 0x%x", j, line->Parts[j], val);
+ line->Parts[j] = malloc( BITS/8+2+1 );
+ sprintf(line->Parts[j], "0x%x", val);
+ bReplaced[j] = 1;
- // Load a UDI Module
- else if(strcmp(line->Parts[0], "udimod") == 0)
+ for( j = 0; j < NUM_CONFIG_COMMANDS; j++ )
- if( line->nParts != 2 ) {
- Log_Warning("Config", "Configuration command 'udimod' requires 1 argument, %i given",
- line->nParts-1);
- continue;
+ Uint args[N_MAX_ARGS];
+ if(strcmp(line->Parts[0], caConfigCommands[j].Name) != 0) continue;
+ Log_Debug("Config", "Command '%s', %i args passed", line->Parts[0], line->nParts-1);
+ if( line->nParts - 1 < caConfigCommands[j].MinArgs ) {
+ Log_Warning("Config",
+ "Configuration command '%s' requires at least %i arguments, %i given",
+ caConfigCommands[j].Name, caConfigCommands[j].MinArgs, line->nParts-1
+ );
+ break;
- Log_Log("Config", "Load UDI Module '%s'", line->Parts[1]);
- Module_LoadFile(line->Parts[1], "");
- }
- // Load a EDI Module
- else if(strcmp(line->Parts[0], "edimod") == 0)
- {
- if( line->nParts != 2 ) {
- Log_Warning("Config", "Configuration command 'edimod' requires 1 argument, %i given",
- line->nParts-1);
- continue;
+ if( line->nParts - 1 > caConfigCommands[j].MaxArgs ) {
+ Log_Warning("Config",
+ "Configuration command '%s' takes at most %i arguments, %i given",
+ caConfigCommands[j].Name, caConfigCommands[j].MaxArgs, line->nParts-1
+ );
+ break;
+ }
+ for( k = caConfigCommands[j].MaxArgs-1; k > line->nParts - 1; k-- ) {
+ args[k] = caConfigCommands[j].OptDefaults[k];
- Log_Log("Config", "Load EDI Module '%s'", line->Parts[1]);
- Module_LoadFile(line->Parts[1], "");
+ for( k = line->nParts-1; k--; )
+ {
+ if( caConfigCommands[j].IntArgs & (1 << k) ) {
+ args[k] = atoi(line->Parts[k+1]);
+ }
+ else {
+ args[k] = (Uint)line->Parts[k+1];
+ }
+ Log_Debug("Config", "args[%i] = 0x%x", k, args[k]);
+ }
+ result = CallWithArgArray(caConfigCommands[j].Func, caConfigCommands[j].MaxArgs, args);
+ Log_Debug("Config", "result = %i", result);
+ break;
- // Create a Symbolic Link
- else if(strcmp(line->Parts[0], "symlink") == 0)
+ if( j < NUM_CONFIG_COMMANDS ) continue;
+ // --- State and Variables ---
+ if(strcmp(line->Parts[0], "set") == 0)
- if( line->nParts != 3 ) {
- Log_Warning("Config", "Configuration command 'symlink' requires 2 arguments, %i given",
+ int to, value;
+ if( line->nParts-1 != 2 ) {
+ Log_Warning("Config", "Configuration command 'set' requires 2 arguments, %i given",
- Log_Log("Config", "Symlink '%s' pointing to '%s'",
- line->Parts[1], line->Parts[2]);
- VFS_Symlink(line->Parts[1], line->Parts[2]);
+ to = atoi(line->Parts[1]);
+ value = atoi(line->Parts[2]);
+ variables[to] = value;
+ result = value;
- // Create a Directory
- else if(strcmp(line->Parts[0], "mkdir") == 0)
+ // if <val1> <op> <val2> <dest>
+ else if(strcmp(line->Parts[0], "if") == 0)
- if( line->nParts != 2 ) {
- Log_Warning("Config", "Configuration command 'mkdir' requires 1 argument, %i given",
+ if( line->nParts-1 != 4 ) {
+ Log_Warning("Config", "Configuration command 'if' requires 4 arguments, %i given",
- continue;
- Log_Log("Config", "New Directory '%s'", line->Parts[1]);
- VFS_MkDir(line->Parts[1]);
+ result = atoi(line->Parts[1]);
+ val = atoi(line->Parts[3]);
+ jmpTarget = line->Parts[4];
+ Log_Log("Config", "IF 0x%x %s 0x%x THEN GOTO %s",
+ result, line->Parts[2], val, jmpTarget);
+ if( strcmp(line->Parts[2], "<" ) == 0 ) {
+ if( result < val ) goto jumpToLabel;
+ }
+ else if( strcmp(line->Parts[2], "<=") == 0 ) {
+ if( result <= val ) goto jumpToLabel;
+ }
+ else if( strcmp(line->Parts[2], ">" ) == 0 ) {
+ if (result > val ) goto jumpToLabel;
+ }
+ else if( strcmp(line->Parts[2], ">=") == 0 ) {
+ if( result >= val ) goto jumpToLabel;
+ }
+ else if( strcmp(line->Parts[2], "=") == 0 ) {
+ if( result == val ) goto jumpToLabel;
+ }
+ else if( strcmp(line->Parts[2], "!=") == 0 ) {
+ if( result != val ) goto jumpToLabel;
+ }
+ else {
+ Log_Warning("Config", "Unknown comparision '%s' in `if`", line->Parts[2]);
+ }
- // Spawn a process
- else if(strcmp(line->Parts[0], "spawn") == 0)
- {
- if( line->nParts != 2 ) {
- Log_Warning("Config", "Configuration command 'spawn' requires 1 argument, %i given",
+ else if(strcmp(line->Parts[0], "goto") == 0) {
+ if( line->nParts-1 != 1 ) {
+ Log_Warning("Config", "Configuration command 'goto' requires 1 arguments, %i given",
- continue;
- Log_Log("Config", "Starting '%s' as a new task", line->Parts[1]);
- Proc_Spawn(line->Parts[1]);
+ jmpTarget = line->Parts[1];
+ jumpToLabel:
+ for( j = 0; j < file->nLines; j ++ )
+ {
+ if(file->Lines[j].nParts == 0)
+ continue;
+ if(file->Lines[j].Parts[0][0] != ':')
+ continue;
+ if( strcmp(file->Lines[j].Parts[0]+1, jmpTarget) == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ if( j == file->nLines )
+ Log_Warning("Config", "Unable to find label '%s'", jmpTarget);
+ else
+ i = j;
else {
Log_Warning("Config", "Unknown configuration command '%s' on line %i",
// Clean up after ourselves
for( i = 0; i < file->nLines; i++ ) {
if( file->Lines[i].nParts == 0 ) continue; // Skip blank
+ for( j = 0; j < file->Lines[i].nParts; j++ ) {
+ if(IsHeap(file->Lines[i].Parts[j]))
+ free(file->Lines[i].Parts[j]);
+ }
free( file->Lines[i].Parts );
free( file );
* AcessOS 1\r
* Video BIOS Extensions (Vesa) Driver\r
-#define DEBUG 0\r
+#define DEBUG 1\r
#define VERSION 0x100\r
#include <acess.h>\r
// === GLOBALS ===\r
MODULE_DEFINE(0, VERSION, Vesa, Vesa_Install, NULL, "PCI", "VM8086", NULL);\r
tDevFS_Driver gVesa_DriverStruct = {\r
- NULL, "VESA",\r
+ NULL, "Vesa",\r
.Read = Vesa_Read,\r
.Write = Vesa_Write,\r
// Insert Text Mode\r
gVesa_Modes[0].width = 80;\r
gVesa_Modes[0].height = 25;\r
- gVesa_Modes[0].bpp = 4;\r
+ gVesa_Modes[0].bpp = 12;\r
gVesa_Modes[0].code = 0x3;\r
+ gVesa_Modes[0].flags = VIDEO_FLAG_TEXT;\r
+ gVesa_Modes[0].fbSize = 80*25*2;\r
+ gVesa_Modes[0].framebuffer = 0xB8000;\r
for( i = 1; i < giVesaModeCount; i++ )\r
gpVesa_BiosState->DI = modeinfoPtr.ofs;\r
VM8086_Int(gpVesa_BiosState, 0x10);\r
+ Log_Debug("Vesa", "gpVesa_BiosState->AX = 0x%04x", gpVesa_BiosState->AX);\r
+ \r
// Parse Info\r
gVesa_Modes[i].flags = 0;\r
if ( (modeinfo->attributes & 0x90) == 0x90 )\r
gVesa_Modes[i].bpp = modeinfo->bpp;\r
#if DEBUG\r
- LogF(" Vesa_Install: 0x%x - %ix%ix%i\n",\r
+ Log_Log("Vesa", "0x%x - %ix%ix%i",\r
gVesa_Modes[i].code, gVesa_Modes[i].width, gVesa_Modes[i].height, gVesa_Modes[i].bpp);\r
Uint64 Vesa_Write(tVFS_Node *Node, Uint64 Offset, Uint64 Length, void *Buffer)\r
- ENTER("pNode XOffset XLength pBuffer", Node, Offset, Length, Bufffer);\r
+ ENTER("pNode XOffset XLength pBuffer", Node, Offset, Length, Buffer);\r
if(Buffer == NULL) {\r
LEAVE('i', 0);\r
return 0;\r
+ // Default Text mode\r
+ if( giVesaCurrentMode == 0 )\r
+ {\r
+ Uint8 *fb = (Uint8 *)(KERNEL_BASE|0xB8000);\r
+ Uint32 *buf = Buffer;\r
+ if( Offset + Length > 25*80*8 ) {\r
+ Log_Warning("VESA", "Vesa_Write - Framebuffer Overflow");\r
+ LEAVE('i', 0);\r
+ return 0;\r
+ }\r
+ \r
+ fb += 2*Offset;\r
+ for(; Length > 0; Length -= 8, fb += 2)\r
+ {\r
+ if( *buf < 0x80 )\r
+ *fb = *buf & 0x7F;\r
+ else\r
+ *fb = 0x00;\r
+ buf ++;\r
+ \r
+ fb[1] = 0;\r
+ fb[1] |= (*buf & 0x888) == 0x888 ? 0x8 : 0;\r
+ fb[1] |= (*buf & 0x700) > 0x300 ? 0x4 : 0;\r
+ fb[1] |= (*buf & 0x070) > 0x030 ? 0x2 : 0;\r
+ fb[1] |= (*buf & 0x007) > 0x003 ? 0x1 : 0;\r
+ fb[1] |= (*buf & 0x888000) == 0x888000 ? 0x80 : 0;\r
+ fb[1] |= (*buf & 0x700000) > 0x300000 ? 0x40 : 0;\r
+ fb[1] |= (*buf & 0x070000) > 0x030000 ? 0x20 : 0;\r
+ fb[1] |= (*buf & 0x007000) > 0x003000 ? 0x10 : 0;\r
+ buf ++;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
if( gVesa_Modes[giVesaCurrentMode].framebuffer == 0 ) {\r
Log_Warning("VESA", "Vesa_Write - Non-LFB Modes not yet supported.");\r
LEAVE('i', 0);\r
gpVesa_BiosState->AX = 0x4F02;\r
gpVesa_BiosState->BX = gVesa_Modes[mode].code;\r
if(gVesa_Modes[mode].flags & FLAG_LFB) {\r
- LogF(" Vesa_Int_SetMode: Using LFB\n");\r
+ Log_Log("VESA", "Using LFB");\r
gpVesa_BiosState->BX |= 0x4000; // Bit 14 - Use LFB\r
giVesaPageCount = (gVesa_Modes[mode].fbSize + 0xFFF) >> 12;\r
gVesaFramebuffer = (void*)MM_MapHWPages(gVesa_Modes[mode].framebuffer, giVesaPageCount);\r
- LogF(" Vesa_Int_SetMode: Fb (Phys) = 0x%x\n", gVesa_Modes[mode].framebuffer);\r
- LogF(" Vesa_Int_SetMode: Fb (Virt) = 0x%x\n", gVesaFramebuffer);\r
+ LogF("Vesa", "Framebuffer (Phys) = 0x%x", gVesa_Modes[mode].framebuffer);\r
+ LogF("Vesa", "Framebuffer (Virt) = 0x%x", gVesaFramebuffer);\r
// Record Mode Set\r
giVesaCurrentMode = mode;\r
int i;\r
int best = -1, bestFactor = 1000;\r
int factor, tmp;\r
- #if DEBUG\r
- LogF("Vesa_Int_FindMode: (data={width:%i,height:%i,bpp:%i})\n", data->width, data->height, data->bpp);\r
- #endif\r
+ \r
+ ENTER("idata->width idata->height idata->bpp", data->width, data->height, data->bpp);\r
+ \r
+ if(data->flags & VIDEO_FLAG_TEXT) {\r
+ LEAVE('i', 0);\r
+ return 0;\r
+ }\r
+ \r
- #if DEBUG >= 2\r
- LogF("Mode %i (%ix%ix%i), ", i, gVesa_Modes[i].width, gVesa_Modes[i].height, gVesa_Modes[i].bpp);\r
- #endif\r
+ LOG("Mode %i (%ix%ix%i)", i, gVesa_Modes[i].width, gVesa_Modes[i].height, gVesa_Modes[i].bpp);\r
if(gVesa_Modes[i].width == data->width\r
&& gVesa_Modes[i].height == data->height\r
&& gVesa_Modes[i].bpp == data->bpp)\r
- #if DEBUG >= 2\r
- LogF("Perfect!\n");\r
- #endif\r
+ LOG("Perfect!");\r
best = i;\r
tmp = tmp < 0 ? -tmp : tmp;\r
factor = tmp * 100 / (data->width * data->height * data->bpp);\r
- #if DEBUG >= 2\r
- LogF("factor = %i\n", factor);\r
- #endif\r
+ LOG("factor = %i", factor);\r
if(factor < bestFactor)\r
data->width = gVesa_Modes[best].width;\r
data->height = gVesa_Modes[best].height;\r
data->bpp = gVesa_Modes[best].bpp;\r
+ LEAVE('i', best);\r
return best;\r