21:51 < matches> Blergh
+--- Day changed Thu Aug 07 2014
+21:24 < sulix> So it turns out ttf fonts were not very difficult to add at all: http://davidgow.net/stuff/ipdf-ttf.png
+21:42 < sulix> And fixed the glyphs.svg rendering: http://davidgow.net/stuff/ipdf-glyphs.png
+22:06 < sulix> So all of those Béziers make Gmpint very slow.
+22:07 < sulix> It also runs out of memory very quickly.
+22:11 < sulix> About 30 second of dragging an svg around uses ~15G of ram.
+22:13 < sulix> It takes (with Rational<Gmpint> CPU rendering) ~10 G to render the default frame of glyphs.svg
+22:18 < sulix> Okay, it just broke a computer w/ 32 GB of ram.
+22:20 < sulix> Code is pushed, btw, for your computer-wreckingly-awesome enjoyment.
+22:32 < sulix> I tried fixing Rational::ToDouble() and using GPU w/ CPU coordinate transform.
+22:32 < sulix> Still runs out of memory.
+22:33 < sulix> But it works, even if it's still a tad slow.
+22:45 < sulix> Okay, memory use is not a problem at all if we delete out GMP integers after we're finished with them.
+22:46 < sulix> (There was a TODO: to that effect)