ACESSDIR := $(shell cd $(ACESSDIR) && pwd)
# Default build programs
-CC := gcc
-LD := ld
+#CC := gcc
+#LD := ld
AS := nasm
DISASM := objdump -d -S
RM := @rm -f
ifeq ($(ARCHDIR),)
ARCHDIR := x86
+ifneq ($(ARCH),host)
-include $(ACESSDIR)/Makefile.$(ARCHDIR).cfg
# Makefile.user.cfg is not part of the Acess git repo,
# It is for overriding the options in this file
# Acess 2 Applications
# General Makefile
-#-include ../../../Makefile.cfg
-# satisfying 2 deep applications
-#ifeq ($(ACESSDIR),)
-# -include ../../../../Makefile.cfg
# Include Usermode Makefile.cfg
include $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))../Makefile.cfg
ASFLAGS = -felf
CFLAGS = -fno-stack-protector $(CPPFLAGS)
LDFLAGS = -T $(OUTPUTDIR)Libs/acess.ld -rpath-link $(OUTPUTDIR)Libs -L $(OUTPUTDIR)Libs -I /Acess/Libs/ -lld-acess -lc
DIR = Bin