extern void Threads_Fault(int Num);
extern int GetCPUNum(void);
extern void MM_DumpTables(tVAddr, tVAddr);
+extern void Proc_EnableSSE(void);
+extern void Proc_RestoreSSE(Uint32 Data);
// === PROTOTYPES ===
void __stack_chk_fail(void);
MM_PageFault( cr, Regs->err_code, Regs );
return ;
+ // #NM - Coprocessor unavaliable
+ if(Regs->int_num == 7)
+ {
+ tThread *thread = Proc_GetCurThread();
+ if(!thread->SavedState.bSSEModified)
+ {
+ Proc_EnableSSE();
+ if(!thread->SavedState.SSE)
+ thread->SavedState.SSE = malloc(sizeof(tSSEState) + 0xF);
+ else
+ Proc_RestoreSSE( ((Uint)thread->SavedState.SSE + 0xF) & ~0xF );
+ thread->SavedState.bSSEModified = 1;
+ __asm__ __volatile__ ("sti");
+ return ;
+ }
+ // oops, SSE enabled but a #NM, bad news
+ }
// VM8086 GPF
if(Regs->int_num == 13 && Regs->eflags & 0x20000)
[bits 32]
+%define SAVEFLAG_FPU 0x1
KERNEL_BASE equ 0xC0000000
KSTACK_USERSTATE_SIZE equ (4+8+1+5)*4 ; SRegs, GPRegs, CPU, IRET
mov ecx, [esp+0x20+12] ; New IP
mov eax, [esp+0x20+20] ; New CR3
mov esp, [esp+0x20+ 4] ; New SP
test eax, eax
jz .setState
mov cr3, eax
invlpg [esp]
invlpg [esp+0x1000]
-; xchg bx, bx
jmp ecx
xor eax, eax
+[global Proc_InitialiseSSE]
+ mov eax, cr4
+ or eax, (1 << 9)|(1 << 10) ; Set OSFXSR and OSXMMEXCPT
+ mov cr4, eax
+ mov eax, cr0
+ and ax, ~(1 << 2) ; Clear EM
+ or eax, (1 << 1) ; Set MP
+ mov eax, cr0
+ ret
+[global Proc_DisableSSE]
+ mov eax, cr0
+ or ax, 1 << 3 ; Set TS
+ mov cr0, eax
+ ret
+[global Proc_EnableSSE]
+ mov eax, cr0
+ and ax, ~(1 << 3) ; Clear TS
+ mov cr0, eax
+ ret
+[global Proc_SaveSSE]
+ mov eax, [esp+4]
+ fxsave [eax]
+ ret
+[global Proc_RestoreSSE]
+ mov eax, [esp+4]
+ fxrstor [eax]
+ ret
%if USE_MP
[extern giMP_TimerCount]
extern Uint GetEIP(void); // start.asm
extern Uint GetEIP_Sched(void); // proc.asm
extern void NewTaskHeader(tThread *Thread, void *Fcn, int nArgs, ...); // Actually takes cdecl args
-extern Uint Proc_CloneInt(Uint *ESP, Uint *CR3);
+extern Uint Proc_CloneInt(Uint *ESP, Uint32 *CR3);
extern Uint32 gaInitPageDir[1024]; // start.asm
extern char Kernel_Stack_Top[];
extern tShortSpinlock glThreadListLock;
extern char GetEIP_Sched_ret[]; // GetEIP call return location
extern void Threads_AddToDelete(tThread *Thread);
extern void SwitchTasks(Uint NewSP, Uint *OldSP, Uint NewIP, Uint *OldIO, Uint CR3);
+extern void Proc_InitialiseSSE(void);
+extern void Proc_SaveSSE(Uint DestPtr);
+extern void Proc_DisableSSE(void);
// === PROTOTYPES ===
//void ArchThreads_Init(void);
Panic("OOM - No space for initial Per-Process Config");
+ // Initialise SSE support
+ Proc_InitialiseSSE();
// Change Stacks
newThread->SavedState.ESP = esp;
newThread->SavedState.EIP = (Uint)&NewTaskHeader;
+ newThread->SavedState.SSE = NULL;
Log("New (KThread) %p, esp = %p\n", newThread->SavedState.EIP, newThread->SavedState.ESP);
return 0;
newThread->SavedState.EIP = eip;
+ newThread->SavedState.SSE = NULL;
+ newThread->SavedState.bSSEModified = 0;
// Check for errors
if( newThread->MemState.CR3 == 0 ) {
// Save core machine state
new->SavedState.ESP = new->KernelStack - sizeof(stack_contents);
- new->SavedState.EBP = 0;
new->SavedState.EIP = (Uint)NewTaskHeader;
+ new->SavedState.SSE = NULL;
+ new->SavedState.bSSEModified = 0;
// Mark as active
return ;
- #if 1
tVAddr diffFromScheduler = Thread->SavedState.EIP - (tVAddr)SwitchTasks;
tVAddr diffFromClone = Thread->SavedState.EIP - (tVAddr)Proc_CloneInt;
tVAddr diffFromSpawn = Thread->SavedState.EIP - (tVAddr)NewTaskHeader;
if( diffFromScheduler > 0 && diffFromScheduler < 128 ) // When I last checked, GetEIP was at .+0x30
- #else
- Uint32 data[3];
- MM_ReadFromAddrSpace(Thread->MemState.CR3, Thread->SavedState.EBP, data, 12);
- if( data[1] == (Uint32)&IRQCommon + 25 )
- {
- tRegs *regs = (void *) data[2];
- Log(" oldebp = 0x%08x, ret = 0x%08x, regs = 0x%x",
- data[0], data[1], data[2]
- );
- // [EBP] = old EBP
- // [EBP+0x04] = Return Addr
- // [EBP+0x08] = Arg 1 (CPU Number)
- // [EBP+0x0C] = Arg 2 (Thread)
- // [EBP+0x10] = GS (start of tRegs)
- Log(" IRQ%i from %02x:%08x", regs->int_num regs->cs, regs->eip);
- }
- if( stack[1] == (Uint32)&scheduler_return )
- #endif
// Scheduled out
Log(" At %04x:%08x", Thread->SavedState.UserCS, Thread->SavedState.UserEIP);
tThread *nextthread, *curthread;
int cpu = GetCPUNum();
- // TODO: Wait for it?
+ // TODO: Wait for the lock?
if(IS_LOCKED(&glThreadListLock)) return;
curthread = Proc_GetCurThread();
gTSSs[cpu].ESP0 = nextthread->KernelStack-4;
__asm__ __volatile__("mov %0, %%db0\n\t" : : "r"(nextthread) );
+ // Save FPU/MMX/XMM/SSE state
+ if( curthread->SavedState.SSE )
+ {
+ Proc_SaveSSE( ((Uint)curthread->SavedState.SSE + 0xF) & ~0xF );
+ curthread->SavedState.bSSEModified = 0;
+ Proc_DisableSSE();
+ }
nextthread->SavedState.ESP, &curthread->SavedState.ESP,
nextthread->SavedState.EIP, &curthread->SavedState.EIP,
return ;