--- /dev/null
+This file is meant to be a README for competition organisers, rather than contestants.
+Contestants should read the web pages in directory "web" instead. [SZM]
+=== Changing things and git.ucc ===
+The central repository is http://git.ucc.asn.au/?p=progcomp2012.git
+Do not alter files locally on Mufasa (progcomp VM) as it does not have push access
+Files should be altered elsewhere, then pushed to git.ucc, then pulled to Mufasa.
+Contestent's submissions should NOT be added to git (at least until the competition is finished).
+=== Running the competition ===
+As root:
+su judge
+=== Results ===
+Results are automatically generated by simulate.py and appear in web/results
+To clear all results and logs, run:
+cd judge/simulator
+make clean
+To make results accessable, the apache server on Mufasa needs to be running.
+Assuming everything is still set up correctly in DNS and ucc-fw, the results will be at:
+=== Submissions ===
+Submissions are by email. Do not add submissions to git.
+1. Check the submission has nothing nasty in it
+2. Create a sub-directory in agents with the name of the submission
+3. Move the source to that directory.
+4. Build the source if necessary
+5. Add a file "info" in the directory, with the following structure:
+path relative to sub-directory to AI executable
+author of the AI
+Please do not allow paths such as "../../" etc - but that is common sense!
+=== TODO ===
+Add a user for each submission for extra security
+Web upload?
+[SZM] (matches) 22/12/2012