Display_int_PushString(bytes, UTF8Text);
UTF8Text += bytes;
- _SysDebug("Length(%i) -= bytes(%i)", Length, bytes);
Length -= bytes;
if( Length != 0 )
void Display_Newline(int bCarriageReturn)
- Display_Flush();
+// Display_Flush();
// Going down!
giCurrentLine ++;
AxWin3_RichText_SendLine(gMainWindow, giFirstLine + i, gasDisplayLines[line] );
gabDisplayLinesDirty[line] = 0;
- // force redraw?
AxWin3_RichText_SetCursorPos(gMainWindow, giCurrentLine, giCurrentCol);
_SysDebug("Activity on child stdout");
// Read and update screen
- char buf[32];
+ char buf[128];
int len = _SysRead(giChildStdout, buf, sizeof(buf));
if( len <= 0 ) break;
static int ctrl_state = 0;
// Handle modifiers
- #define _bitset(var,bit,set) do{if(set)var|=1<<(bit);else var&=1<<(bit);}while(0)
+ #define _bitset(var,bit,set) do{if(set)var|=1<<(bit);else var&=~(1<<(bit));}while(0)
if( ctrl_state && KeySym >= KEYSYM_a && KeySym <= KEYSYM_z )
Translated = KeySym - KEYSYM_a + 1;
+ _SysDebug("Ctrl-%c: KS %x => Trans %x", 'A'+(KeySym-KEYSYM_a), KeySym, Translated);
// == 2 :: FIRE
// Encode and send
len = WriteUTF8(buf, Translated);
- _SysDebug("Keystroke translated to '%.*s'", len, buf);
+ _SysDebug("Keystroke %x:%x translated to '%.*s'", KeySym, Translated, len, buf);
_SysWrite(giChildStdin, buf, len);
return 0;
esc_len = -esc_len;
ofs += esc_len;
- _SysDebug("Len = %i, ofs = %i", Len, ofs);
+ //_SysDebug("Len = %i, ofs = %i", Len, ofs);