tPAddr MM_AllocPhys(void)
- // int a, b, c;
int indx = -1;
tPAddr ret;
Mutex_Acquire( &glPhysAlloc );
// Classful scan
- #if 1
int i;
int first, last;
// Out of memory?
if( i <= 1 ) indx = -1;
- #elif 0
- // Find free page
- // Scan downwards
- LOG("giLastPossibleFree = %i", giLastPossibleFree);
- for( indx = giLastPossibleFree; indx >= 0; )
- {
- if( gaSuperBitmap[indx>>10] == -1 ) {
- indx -= 1024;
- continue;
- }
- if( gaPageBitmap[indx>>5] == -1 ) {
- indx -= 32;
- continue;
- }
- if( gaPageBitmap[indx>>5] & (1 << (indx&31)) ) {
- indx --;
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- if( indx >= 0 )
- giLastPossibleFree = indx;
- LOG("indx = %i", indx);
- #else
- c = giLastPossibleFree % 32;
- b = (giLastPossibleFree / 32) % 32;
- a = giLastPossibleFree / 1024;
- LOG("a=%i,b=%i,c=%i", a, b, c);
- for( ; gaSuperBitmap[a] == -1 && a >= 0; a-- );
- if(a < 0) {
- Mutex_Release( &glPhysAlloc );
- Warning("MM_AllocPhys - OUT OF MEMORY (Called by %p) - %lli/%lli used",
- __builtin_return_address(0), giPhysAlloc, giPageCount);
- LEAVE('i', 0);
- return 0;
- }
- for( ; gaSuperBitmap[a] & (1<<b); b-- );
- for( ; gaPageBitmap[a*32+b] & (1<<c); c-- );
- LOG("a=%i,b=%i,c=%i", a, b, c);
- indx = (a << 10) | (b << 5) | c;
- if( indx >= 0 )
- giLastPossibleFree = indx;
- #endif
if( indx < 0 ) {
Mutex_Release( &glPhysAlloc );
idx = sidx / 32;
sidx %= 32;
- #if 0
- LOG("a=%i, b=%i, idx=%i, sidx=%i", a, b, idx, sidx);
- // Find free page
- for( ; gaSuperBitmap[a] == -1 && a --; ) b = 31;
- if(a < 0) {
- Mutex_Release( &glPhysAlloc );
- Warning("MM_AllocPhysRange - OUT OF MEMORY (Called by %p)", __builtin_return_address(0));
- LEAVE('i', 0);
- return 0;
- }
- LOG("a = %i", a);
- for( ; gaSuperBitmap[a] & (1 << b); b-- ) sidx = 31;
- LOG("b = %i", b);
- idx = a * 32 + b;
- for( ; gaPageBitmap[idx] & (1 << sidx); sidx-- )
- LOG("gaPageBitmap[%i] = 0x%08x", idx, gaPageBitmap[idx]);
- LOG("idx = %i, sidx = %i", idx, sidx);
- #else
- #endif
// Check if the gap is large enough
while( idx >= 0 )