assert(df != NULL);
// Set the filename
- df->filename = filename;
+ df->filename = strdup(filename);
// Set number of DataPoints
df->num_points = 0;
// Set write FILE*
- df->write_file = fopen(filename, "w");
+ df->write_file = fopen(filename, "w+");
if (df->write_file == NULL)
Fatal("Error opening DataFile %s - %s", filename, strerror(errno));
// Set read FILE*
- df->read_file = fopen(filename, "r");
+ df->read_file = df->write_file;
+ //NOTE: Opening the same file in read mode gives funny results; fread generally reads less than expected
+ // The strerror is: "Transport endpoint is not connected"
+ /*
+ fopen(filename, "r");
if (df->read_file == NULL)
Fatal("Error opening DataFile %s - %s", filename, strerror(errno));
+ */
df->read_file = NULL;
df->write_file = NULL;
+ fclose(df->write_file);
// Clear the filename
+ free(df->filename);
df->filename = NULL;
void Data_Save(DataFile * df, DataPoint * buffer, int amount)
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&(df->mutex));
assert(df != NULL);
assert(buffer != NULL);
assert(amount >= 0);
// Update number of DataPoints
- pthread_mutex_lock(&(df->mutex));
- df->num_points += amount_written;
+ df->num_points += amount_written;
int Data_Read(DataFile * df, DataPoint * buffer, int index, int amount)
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&(df->mutex));
assert(df != NULL);
assert(buffer != NULL);
assert(index >= 0);
assert(amount > 0);
// If we would read past the end of the file, reduce the amount of points to read
- pthread_mutex_lock(&(df->mutex));
- if (index + amount >= df->num_points)
+ if (index + amount > df->num_points)
- Log(LOGDEBUG, "Requested %d points but will only read %d to get to EOF", amount, df->num_points - index);
+ Log(LOGDEBUG, "Requested %d points but will only read %d to get to EOF (%d)", amount, df->num_points - index, df->num_points);
amount = df->num_points - index;
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&(df->mutex));
// Go to position in file
if (fseek(df->read_file, index*sizeof(DataPoint), SEEK_SET))
// Check if correct number of points were read
if (amount_read != amount)
- Fatal("Read %d points instead of %d from DataFile %s - %s", amount_read, amount, df->filename, strerror(errno));
+ Log(LOGERR,"Read %d points instead of %d from DataFile %s - %s", amount_read, amount, df->filename, strerror(errno));
- return amount;
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&(df->mutex));
+ return amount_read;
assert(df != NULL);
assert(start_index >= 0);
- assert(end_index <= df->num_points-1);
+ assert(end_index >= 0);
+ assert(end_index <= df->num_points-1 || df->num_points == 0);
const char * fmt_string; // Format for each data point
char seperator; // Character used to seperate successive data points
DataPoint buffer[DATA_BUFSIZ]; // Buffer
- int index = start_index;
- // Repeat until all DataPoints are printed
- while (index <= end_index)
+ // initialise buffer to stop stuff complaining
+ memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(DataPoint)*DATA_BUFSIZ);
+ if (start_index < end_index)
- // Fill the buffer from the DataFile
- int amount_read = Data_Read(df, buffer, index, DATA_BUFSIZ);
- // Print all points in the buffer
- for (int i = 0; i < amount_read; ++i)
+ int index = start_index;
+ // Repeat until all DataPoints are printed
+ while (index <= end_index)
- // Print individual DataPoint
- FCGI_PrintRaw(fmt_string, buffer[i].time_stamp, buffer[i].value);
- // Last seperator is not required
- if (index+1 < end_index)
- FCGI_PrintRaw("%c", seperator);
- // Advance the position in the DataFile
- ++index;
+ // Fill the buffer from the DataFile
+ int amount_read = Data_Read(df, buffer, index, DATA_BUFSIZ);
+ // Print all points in the buffer
+ for (int i = 0; i < amount_read && index <= end_index; ++i)
+ {
+ // Print individual DataPoint
+ FCGI_PrintRaw(fmt_string, buffer[i].time_stamp, buffer[i].value);
+ // Last seperator is not required
+ if (index+1 <= end_index)
+ FCGI_PrintRaw("%c", seperator);
+ // Advance the position in the DataFile
+ ++index;
+ }
void Data_PrintByTimes(DataFile * df, double start_time, double end_time, DataFormat format)
assert(df != NULL);
- assert(start_time > 0);
- assert(end_time > 0);
- assert(end_time > start_time);
+ assert(start_time >= 0);
+ assert(end_time >= 0);
+ assert(end_time >= start_time);
DataPoint closest;
int start_index = Data_FindByTime(df, start_time, &closest);
// Start time is greater than most recent time stamp
- if (start_index >= df->num_points-1 && closest.time_stamp < start_time)
+ if (start_index >= df->num_points-1)
- Data_PrintByIndexes(df, 0, 0, format); // Will print "empty" dataset
- return;
+ if (start_index == 0 || closest.time_stamp < start_time)
+ {
+ Data_PrintByIndexes(df, 0, 0, format); // Will print "empty" dataset
+ return;
+ }
// Get finishing index
void Sensor_Start(Sensor * s, const char * experiment_name)
+ // Set filename
char filename[BUFSIZ];
if (sprintf(filename, "%s_%d", experiment_name, s->id) >= BUFSIZ)
Fatal("Experiment name \"%s\" too long (>%d)", experiment_name, BUFSIZ);
+ Log(LOGDEBUG, "Sensor %d with DataFile \"%s\"", s->id, filename);
+ // Open DataFile
Data_Open(&(s->data_file), filename);
+ s->record_data = true; // Don't forget this!
+ // Create the thread
pthread_create(&(s->thread), NULL, Sensor_Loop, (void*)(s));
void Sensor_Stop(Sensor * s)
+ // Stop
if (s->record_data)
s->record_data = false;
- pthread_join(s->thread, NULL);
- Data_Close(&(s->data_file));
+ pthread_join(s->thread, NULL); // Wait for thread to exit
+ Data_Close(&(s->data_file)); // Close DataFile
+ s->newest_data.time_stamp = 0;
+ s->newest_data.value = 0;
if (result)
s->newest_data.time_stamp = d->time_stamp;
+ s->newest_data.value = d->value;
return result;
void * Sensor_Loop(void * arg)
Sensor * s = (Sensor*)(arg);
+ Log(LOGDEBUG, "Sensor %d starts", s->id);
// Until the sensor is stopped, record data points
while (s->record_data)
DataPoint d;
+ //Log(LOGDEBUG, "Sensor %d reads data [%f,%f]", s->id, d.time_stamp, d.value);
if (Sensor_Read(s, &d)) // If new DataPoint is read:
+ //Log(LOGDEBUG, "Sensor %d saves data [%f,%f]", s->id, d.time_stamp, d.value);
Data_Save(&(s->data_file), &d, 1); // Record it
// Needed to keep pthreads happy
+ Log(LOGDEBUG, "Sensor %d finished", s->id);
return NULL;
} SensorParams;
// Fill values appropriately
- if (!FCGI_ParseRequest(context, params, values, sizeof(values)))
+ if (!FCGI_ParseRequest(context, params, values, sizeof(values)/sizeof(FCGIValue)))
// Error occured; FCGI_RejectJSON already called
+ // Get Sensor
+ Sensor * s = NULL;
// Error checking on sensor id
if (id < 0 || id >= NUMSENSORS)
Log(LOGERR, "Invalid id %d", id);
- FCGI_RejectJSON(context, "Invalid id"); // Whoops, I do still need this!
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s = g_sensors+id;
DataFormat format = JSON;
Log(LOGERR, "Unknown format type \"%s\"", fmt_str);
- // Get Sensor
- Sensor * s = g_sensors+id;
// Begin response
Sensor_BeginResponse(context, id, format);
// If a time was specified
- if (FCGI_RECEIVED(values[START_TIME].flags) || FCGI_RECEIVED(values[END_TIME].flags))
+ if ((s != NULL) && (FCGI_RECEIVED(values[START_TIME].flags) || FCGI_RECEIVED(values[END_TIME].flags)))
// Wrap times relative to the current time
if (start_time < 0)
Data_PrintByTimes(&(s->data_file), start_time, end_time, format);
- else // No time was specified; just return a recent set of points
+ else if (s != NULL) // No time was specified; just return a recent set of points
int start_index = s->data_file.num_points-DATA_BUFSIZ;
int end_index = s->data_file.num_points-1;
+ // Bounds check
+ if (start_index < 0)
+ start_index = 0;
+ if (end_index < 0)
+ end_index = 0;
// Print points by indexes
+ Log(LOGDEBUG, "Sensor %d file \"%s\" indexes %d->%d", s->id, s->data_file.filename, start_index, end_index);
Data_PrintByIndexes(&(s->data_file), start_index, end_index, format);