I wrote a script earlier in the year for analysing the ellipsometry files.
Unfortunately, it is a broken piece of shit.
So I will have to rewrite half (all) of it.
conditions = sys.argv[indexStart+3:len(sys.argv)-1]
- #sys.stdout.write("Debug: Conditions are " + str(conditions) + "\n")
- #for condition in conditions:
- # sys.stdout.write(" Debug: Condition " + str(condition.split("=")) + "\n")
+ sys.stdout.write("Debug: Conditions are " + str(conditions) + "\n")
+ for condition in conditions:
+ sys.stdout.write(" Debug: Condition " + str(condition.split("=")) + "\n")
outfile = sys.argv[len(sys.argv)-1]
results = getData(datafile)