--- /dev/null
+*.pbxproj -crlf -diff -merge
--- /dev/null
+# xcode noise
+# old skool
+# osx noise
--- /dev/null
+ - number of agents can spiral out of control very quickly, e.g. if Frenchie and Angel start duking it out.
+ - points table doesn't agree with technicalities doc
+ - agents die after MAX_AGE fights, not MAX_AGE rounds
+ - code seems to trust y ou not to mnokey around with your stats...?
+ - no way to tell an external agent that their services are no longer required.
+ * amend to provide a BYE command
--- /dev/null
+CFLAGS=-c -Wall
+ $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) -o $@
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
--- /dev/null
+cCheck dependencies
+cExternalBuildToolExecution c-link-lib
+CCheck dependencies
+lSLF07#2@18"Check dependencies293430346#293430346#0(0"0(0#1#0"4300885448#0"0#
+CExternalBuildToolExecution c-link-lib
+ogcc -c -Wall c-link.c -o c-link.o
+ogcc c-link.o -o rps-c
+lSLF07#2@23"Run external build tool293430346#293430347#0(57"gcc -c -Wall c-link.c -o c-link.o\rgcc c-link.o -o rps-c\r2(13@34"gcc -c -Wall c-link.c -o c-link.o\r293430346#0#34#0(1@0"0(13@23"gcc c-link.o -o rps-c\r293430347#34#23#0(1@0"0(0#0#0"4300885448#9988" cd /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib\r setenv ACTION \r setenv ALTERNATE_GROUP staff\r setenv ALTERNATE_MODE u+w,go-w,a+rX\r setenv ALTERNATE_OWNER dja\r setenv ALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS YES\r setenv APPLE_INTERNAL_DEVELOPER_DIR /AppleInternal/Developer\r setenv APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR /AppleInternal\r setenv APPLE_INTERNAL_DOCUMENTATION_DIR /AppleInternal/Documentation\r setenv APPLE_INTERNAL_LIBRARY_DIR /AppleInternal/Library\r setenv APPLE_INTERNAL_TOOLS /AppleInternal/Developer/Tools\r setenv APPLY_RULES_IN_COPY_FILES NO\r setenv ARCHS i386\r setenv BUILD_COMPONENTS "headers build"\r setenv BUILD_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build\r setenv BUILD_ROOT /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build\r setenv BUILD_STYLE Debug\r setenv BUILD_VARIANTS normal\r setenv BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/Debug\r setenv CACHE_ROOT /var/folders/Kh/KhsdbCr-FSeYmRs916MI4k+++TI/-Caches-/com.apple.Xcode.501\r setenv CLASS_FILE_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/c-link-lib.build/Debug/c-link-lib.build/JavaClasses\r setenv CLONE_HEADERS NO\r setenv CONFIGURATION Debug\r setenv CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/Debug\r setenv CONFIGURATION_TEMP_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/c-link-lib.build/Debug\r setenv COPYING_PRESERVES_HFS_DATA NO\r setenv COPY_PHASE_STRIP NO\r setenv DEAD_CODE_STRIPPING NO\r setenv DEBUGGING_SYMBOLS YES\r setenv DEPLOYMENT_LOCATION NO\r setenv DEPLOYMENT_POSTPROCESSING NO\r setenv DERIVED_FILES_DIR \r setenv DERIVED_FILE_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/c-link-lib.build/Debug/c-link-lib.build/DerivedSources\r setenv DERIVED_SOURCES_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/c-link-lib.build/Debug/c-link-lib.build/DerivedSources\r setenv DEVELOPER_APPLICATIONS_DIR /Developer/Applications\r setenv DEVELOPER_BIN_DIR /Developer/usr/bin\r setenv DEVELOPER_DIR /Developer\r setenv DEVELOPER_FRAMEWORKS_DIR /Developer/Library/Frameworks\r setenv DEVELOPER_FRAMEWORKS_DIR_QUOTED "\"/Developer/Library/Frameworks\""\r setenv DEVELOPER_LIBRARY_DIR /Developer/Library\r setenv DEVELOPER_SDK_DIR /Developer/SDKs\r setenv DEVELOPER_TOOLS_DIR /Developer/Tools\r setenv DEVELOPER_USR_DIR /Developer/usr\r setenv DEVELOPMENT_LANGUAGE English\r setenv DO_HEADER_SCANNING_IN_JAM NO\r setenv DSTROOT /tmp/c-link-lib.dst\r setenv DWARF_DSYM_FILE_NAME .dSYM\r setenv DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/Debug\r setenv ENABLE_HEADER_DEPENDENCIES YES\r setenv ENABLE_OPENMP_SUPPORT NO\r setenv EXCLUDED_INSTALLSRC_SUBDIRECTORY_PATTERNS ".svn CVS"\r setenv EXCLUDED_RECURSIVE_SEARCH_PATH_SUBDIRECTORIES "*.nib *.lproj *.framework *.gch *.xcode* (*) CVS .svn"\r setenv FILE_LIST /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/c-link-lib.build/Debug/c-link-lib.build/Objects/LinkFileList\r setenv FRAMEWORK_VERSION A\r setenv GCC3_VERSION 3.3\r setenv GCC_DYNAMIC_NO_PIC NO\r setenv GCC_ENABLE_FIX_AND_CONTINUE YES\r setenv GCC_GENERATE_DEBUGGING_SYMBOLS YES\r setenv GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL 0\r setenv GCC_WARN_ABOUT_RETURN_TYPE YES\r setenv GCC_WARN_UNUSED_VARIABLE YES\r setenv GENERATE_MASTER_OBJECT_FILE NO\r setenv GENERATE_PKGINFO_FILE NO\r setenv GID 20\r setenv GROUP staff\r setenv HEADERMAP_INCLUDES_FLAT_ENTRIES_FOR_TARGET_BEING_BUILT YES\r setenv HEADERMAP_INCLUDES_FRAMEWORK_ENTRIES_FOR_ALL_PRODUCT_TYPES YES\r setenv HEADERMAP_INCLUDES_NONPUBLIC_NONPRIVATE_HEADERS YES\r setenv HEADERMAP_INCLUDES_PROJECT_HEADERS YES\r setenv INFOPLIST_EXPAND_BUILD_SETTINGS YES\r setenv INFOPLIST_OUTPUT_FORMAT same-as-input\r setenv INFOPLIST_PREPROCESS NO\r setenv INSTALL_DIR /tmp/c-link-lib.dst\r setenv INSTALL_GROUP staff\r setenv INSTALL_MODE_FLAG u+w,go-w,a+rX\r setenv INSTALL_OWNER dja\r setenv INSTALL_ROOT /tmp/c-link-lib.dst\r setenv JAVA_APP_STUB /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Resources/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub\r setenv JAVA_ARCHIVE_CLASSES YES\r setenv JAVA_ARCHIVE_TYPE JAR\r setenv JAVA_COMPILER /usr/bin/javac\r setenv JAVA_FRAMEWORK_RESOURCES_DIRS Resources\r setenv JAVA_JAR_FLAGS cv\r setenv JAVA_SOURCE_SUBDIR .\r setenv JAVA_USE_DEPENDENCIES YES\r setenv JAVA_ZIP_FLAGS -urg\r setenv KEEP_PRIVATE_EXTERNS NO\r setenv LD_GENERATE_MAP_FILE NO\r setenv LD_MAP_FILE_PATH /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/c-link-lib.build/Debug/c-link-lib.build/c-link-lib-LinkMap--.txt\r setenv LD_OPENMP_FLAGS -fopenmp\r setenv LINKER_DISPLAYS_MANGLED_NAMES NO\r setenv LINK_WITH_STANDARD_LIBRARIES YES\r setenv LOCAL_ADMIN_APPS_DIR /Applications/Utilities\r setenv LOCAL_APPS_DIR /Applications\r setenv LOCAL_DEVELOPER_DIR /Library/Developer\r setenv LOCAL_LIBRARY_DIR /Library\r setenv MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET 10.6\r setenv MAC_OS_X_VERSION_ACTUAL 1063\r setenv MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAJOR 1060\r setenv MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MINOR 0603\r setenv OBJECT_FILE_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/c-link-lib.build/Debug/c-link-lib.build/Objects\r setenv OBJROOT /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build\r setenv ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH YES\r setenv OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL 0\r setenv OS MACOS\r setenv PATH_PREFIXES_EXCLUDED_FROM_HEADER_DEPENDENCIES "/usr/include /usr/local/include /System/Library/Frameworks /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks /Developer/Headers /Developer/SDKs /Developer/Platforms"\r setenv PLIST_FILE_OUTPUT_FORMAT same-as-input\r setenv PREBINDING NO\r setenv PRECOMPS_INCLUDE_HEADERS_FROM_BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR YES\r setenv PRECOMP_DESTINATION_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/c-link-lib.build/Debug/c-link-lib.build/PrefixHeaders\r setenv PRESERVE_DEAD_CODE_INITS_AND_TERMS NO\r setenv PRODUCT_NAME c-link-lib\r setenv PROFILING_CODE NO\r setenv PROJECT c-link-lib\r setenv PROJECT_DERIVED_FILE_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/c-link-lib.build/DerivedSources\r setenv PROJECT_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib\r setenv PROJECT_FILE_PATH /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/c-link-lib.xcodeproj\r setenv PROJECT_NAME c-link-lib\r setenv PROJECT_TEMP_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/c-link-lib.build\r setenv REMOVE_CVS_FROM_RESOURCES YES\r setenv REMOVE_SVN_FROM_RESOURCES YES\r setenv RUN_CLANG_STATIC_ANALYZER NO\r setenv SCAN_ALL_SOURCE_FILES_FOR_INCLUDES NO\r setenv SDKROOT /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk\r setenv SEPARATE_STRIP NO\r setenv SEPARATE_SYMBOL_EDIT NO\r setenv SHARED_DERIVED_FILE_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/Debug/DerivedSources\r setenv SHARED_PRECOMPS_DIR /var/folders/Kh/KhsdbCr-FSeYmRs916MI4k+++TI/-Caches-/com.apple.Xcode.501/SharedPrecompiledHeaders\r setenv SKIP_INSTALL NO\r setenv SOURCE_ROOT /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib\r setenv SRCROOT /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib\r setenv STANDARD_C_PLUS_PLUS_LIBRARY_TYPE dynamic\r setenv STRINGS_FILE_OUTPUT_ENCODING UTF-16\r setenv STRIP_INSTALLED_PRODUCT YES\r setenv STRIP_STYLE all\r setenv SYMROOT /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build\r setenv SYSTEM_ADMIN_APPS_DIR /Applications/Utilities\r setenv SYSTEM_APPS_DIR /Applications\r setenv SYSTEM_CORE_SERVICES_DIR /System/Library/CoreServices\r setenv SYSTEM_DEMOS_DIR /Applications/Extras\r setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_APPS_DIR /Developer/Applications\r setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_BIN_DIR /Developer/usr/bin\r setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_DEMOS_DIR "/Developer/Applications/Utilities/Built Examples"\r setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_DIR /Developer\r setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_DOC_DIR "/Developer/ADC Reference Library"\r setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_GRAPHICS_TOOLS_DIR "/Developer/Applications/Graphics Tools"\r setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_JAVA_TOOLS_DIR "/Developer/Applications/Java Tools"\r setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_PERFORMANCE_TOOLS_DIR "/Developer/Applications/Performance Tools"\r setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_RELEASENOTES_DIR "/Developer/ADC Reference Library/releasenotes"\r setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_TOOLS /Developer/Tools\r setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_TOOLS_DOC_DIR "/Developer/ADC Reference Library/documentation/DeveloperTools"\r setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_TOOLS_RELEASENOTES_DIR "/Developer/ADC Reference Library/releasenotes/DeveloperTools"\r setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_USR_DIR /Developer/usr\r setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_UTILITIES_DIR /Developer/Applications/Utilities\r setenv SYSTEM_DOCUMENTATION_DIR /Library/Documentation\r setenv SYSTEM_LIBRARY_DIR /System/Library\r setenv TARGETNAME c-link-lib\r setenv TARGET_BUILD_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/Debug\r setenv TARGET_NAME c-link-lib\r setenv TARGET_TEMP_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/c-link-lib.build/Debug/c-link-lib.build\r setenv TEMP_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/c-link-lib.build/Debug/c-link-lib.build\r setenv TEMP_FILES_DIR \r setenv TEMP_FILE_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/c-link-lib.build/Debug/c-link-lib.build\r setenv TEMP_ROOT /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build\r setenv UID 501\r setenv USER dja\r setenv USER_APPS_DIR /Users/dja/Applications\r setenv USER_LIBRARY_DIR /Users/dja/Library\r setenv XCODE_APP_SUPPORT_DIR /Developer/Library/Xcode\r setenv XCODE_VERSION_ACTUAL 0321\r setenv XCODE_VERSION_MAJOR 0300\r setenv XCODE_VERSION_MINOR 0320\r /usr/bin/make\r0#
--- /dev/null
+cCheck dependencies
+cExternalBuildToolExecution c-link-lib
+CCheck dependencies
+lSLF07#2@18"Check dependencies293418275#293418275#0(0"0(0#1#0"7947009927035180032#0"0#
+CExternalBuildToolExecution c-link-lib
+omake: *** No rule to make target `main.c', needed by `all'. Stop.
+lSLF07#2@23"Run external build tool293418275#293418275#0(113"make: *** No rule to make target `main.c', needed by `all'. Stop.\rCommand /usr/bin/make failed with exit code 2\r2(13@67"make: *** No rule to make target `main.c', needed by `all'. Stop.\r293418275#0#67#0(1@0"0(4@45"Command /usr/bin/make failed with exit code 2293418275#18446744073709551615#0#0(1@0"0(0#0#0"18446744073709551615#9988" cd /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib\r setenv ACTION \r setenv ALTERNATE_GROUP staff\r setenv ALTERNATE_MODE u+w,go-w,a+rX\r setenv ALTERNATE_OWNER dja\r setenv ALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS YES\r setenv APPLE_INTERNAL_DEVELOPER_DIR /AppleInternal/Developer\r setenv APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR /AppleInternal\r setenv APPLE_INTERNAL_DOCUMENTATION_DIR /AppleInternal/Documentation\r setenv APPLE_INTERNAL_LIBRARY_DIR /AppleInternal/Library\r setenv APPLE_INTERNAL_TOOLS /AppleInternal/Developer/Tools\r setenv APPLY_RULES_IN_COPY_FILES NO\r setenv ARCHS i386\r setenv BUILD_COMPONENTS "headers build"\r setenv BUILD_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build\r setenv BUILD_ROOT /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build\r setenv BUILD_STYLE Debug\r setenv BUILD_VARIANTS normal\r setenv BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/Debug\r setenv CACHE_ROOT /var/folders/Kh/KhsdbCr-FSeYmRs916MI4k+++TI/-Caches-/com.apple.Xcode.501\r setenv CLASS_FILE_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/c-link-lib.build/Debug/c-link-lib.build/JavaClasses\r setenv CLONE_HEADERS NO\r setenv CONFIGURATION Debug\r setenv CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/Debug\r setenv CONFIGURATION_TEMP_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/c-link-lib.build/Debug\r setenv COPYING_PRESERVES_HFS_DATA NO\r setenv COPY_PHASE_STRIP NO\r setenv DEAD_CODE_STRIPPING NO\r setenv DEBUGGING_SYMBOLS YES\r setenv DEPLOYMENT_LOCATION NO\r setenv DEPLOYMENT_POSTPROCESSING NO\r setenv DERIVED_FILES_DIR \r setenv DERIVED_FILE_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/c-link-lib.build/Debug/c-link-lib.build/DerivedSources\r setenv DERIVED_SOURCES_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/c-link-lib.build/Debug/c-link-lib.build/DerivedSources\r setenv DEVELOPER_APPLICATIONS_DIR /Developer/Applications\r setenv DEVELOPER_BIN_DIR /Developer/usr/bin\r setenv DEVELOPER_DIR /Developer\r setenv DEVELOPER_FRAMEWORKS_DIR /Developer/Library/Frameworks\r setenv DEVELOPER_FRAMEWORKS_DIR_QUOTED "\"/Developer/Library/Frameworks\""\r setenv DEVELOPER_LIBRARY_DIR /Developer/Library\r setenv DEVELOPER_SDK_DIR /Developer/SDKs\r setenv DEVELOPER_TOOLS_DIR /Developer/Tools\r setenv DEVELOPER_USR_DIR /Developer/usr\r setenv DEVELOPMENT_LANGUAGE English\r setenv DO_HEADER_SCANNING_IN_JAM NO\r setenv DSTROOT /tmp/c-link-lib.dst\r setenv DWARF_DSYM_FILE_NAME .dSYM\r setenv DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/Debug\r setenv ENABLE_HEADER_DEPENDENCIES YES\r setenv ENABLE_OPENMP_SUPPORT NO\r setenv EXCLUDED_INSTALLSRC_SUBDIRECTORY_PATTERNS ".svn CVS"\r setenv EXCLUDED_RECURSIVE_SEARCH_PATH_SUBDIRECTORIES "*.nib *.lproj *.framework *.gch *.xcode* (*) CVS .svn"\r setenv FILE_LIST /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/c-link-lib.build/Debug/c-link-lib.build/Objects/LinkFileList\r setenv FRAMEWORK_VERSION A\r setenv GCC3_VERSION 3.3\r setenv GCC_DYNAMIC_NO_PIC NO\r setenv GCC_ENABLE_FIX_AND_CONTINUE YES\r setenv GCC_GENERATE_DEBUGGING_SYMBOLS YES\r setenv GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL 0\r setenv GCC_WARN_ABOUT_RETURN_TYPE YES\r setenv GCC_WARN_UNUSED_VARIABLE YES\r setenv GENERATE_MASTER_OBJECT_FILE NO\r setenv GENERATE_PKGINFO_FILE NO\r setenv GID 20\r setenv GROUP staff\r setenv HEADERMAP_INCLUDES_FLAT_ENTRIES_FOR_TARGET_BEING_BUILT YES\r setenv HEADERMAP_INCLUDES_FRAMEWORK_ENTRIES_FOR_ALL_PRODUCT_TYPES YES\r setenv HEADERMAP_INCLUDES_NONPUBLIC_NONPRIVATE_HEADERS YES\r setenv HEADERMAP_INCLUDES_PROJECT_HEADERS YES\r setenv INFOPLIST_EXPAND_BUILD_SETTINGS YES\r setenv INFOPLIST_OUTPUT_FORMAT same-as-input\r setenv INFOPLIST_PREPROCESS NO\r setenv INSTALL_DIR /tmp/c-link-lib.dst\r setenv INSTALL_GROUP staff\r setenv INSTALL_MODE_FLAG u+w,go-w,a+rX\r setenv INSTALL_OWNER dja\r setenv INSTALL_ROOT /tmp/c-link-lib.dst\r setenv JAVA_APP_STUB /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Resources/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub\r setenv JAVA_ARCHIVE_CLASSES YES\r setenv JAVA_ARCHIVE_TYPE JAR\r setenv JAVA_COMPILER /usr/bin/javac\r setenv JAVA_FRAMEWORK_RESOURCES_DIRS Resources\r setenv JAVA_JAR_FLAGS cv\r setenv JAVA_SOURCE_SUBDIR .\r setenv JAVA_USE_DEPENDENCIES YES\r setenv JAVA_ZIP_FLAGS -urg\r setenv KEEP_PRIVATE_EXTERNS NO\r setenv LD_GENERATE_MAP_FILE NO\r setenv LD_MAP_FILE_PATH /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/c-link-lib.build/Debug/c-link-lib.build/c-link-lib-LinkMap--.txt\r setenv LD_OPENMP_FLAGS -fopenmp\r setenv LINKER_DISPLAYS_MANGLED_NAMES NO\r setenv LINK_WITH_STANDARD_LIBRARIES YES\r setenv LOCAL_ADMIN_APPS_DIR /Applications/Utilities\r setenv LOCAL_APPS_DIR /Applications\r setenv LOCAL_DEVELOPER_DIR /Library/Developer\r setenv LOCAL_LIBRARY_DIR /Library\r setenv MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET 10.6\r setenv MAC_OS_X_VERSION_ACTUAL 1063\r setenv MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAJOR 1060\r setenv MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MINOR 0603\r setenv OBJECT_FILE_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/c-link-lib.build/Debug/c-link-lib.build/Objects\r setenv OBJROOT /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build\r setenv ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH YES\r setenv OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL 0\r setenv OS MACOS\r setenv PATH_PREFIXES_EXCLUDED_FROM_HEADER_DEPENDENCIES "/usr/include /usr/local/include /System/Library/Frameworks /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks /Developer/Headers /Developer/SDKs /Developer/Platforms"\r setenv PLIST_FILE_OUTPUT_FORMAT same-as-input\r setenv PREBINDING NO\r setenv PRECOMPS_INCLUDE_HEADERS_FROM_BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR YES\r setenv PRECOMP_DESTINATION_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/c-link-lib.build/Debug/c-link-lib.build/PrefixHeaders\r setenv PRESERVE_DEAD_CODE_INITS_AND_TERMS NO\r setenv PRODUCT_NAME c-link-lib\r setenv PROFILING_CODE NO\r setenv PROJECT c-link-lib\r setenv PROJECT_DERIVED_FILE_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/c-link-lib.build/DerivedSources\r setenv PROJECT_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib\r setenv PROJECT_FILE_PATH /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/c-link-lib.xcodeproj\r setenv PROJECT_NAME c-link-lib\r setenv PROJECT_TEMP_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/c-link-lib.build\r setenv REMOVE_CVS_FROM_RESOURCES YES\r setenv REMOVE_SVN_FROM_RESOURCES YES\r setenv RUN_CLANG_STATIC_ANALYZER NO\r setenv SCAN_ALL_SOURCE_FILES_FOR_INCLUDES NO\r setenv SDKROOT /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk\r setenv SEPARATE_STRIP NO\r setenv SEPARATE_SYMBOL_EDIT NO\r setenv SHARED_DERIVED_FILE_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/Debug/DerivedSources\r setenv SHARED_PRECOMPS_DIR /var/folders/Kh/KhsdbCr-FSeYmRs916MI4k+++TI/-Caches-/com.apple.Xcode.501/SharedPrecompiledHeaders\r setenv SKIP_INSTALL NO\r setenv SOURCE_ROOT /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib\r setenv SRCROOT /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib\r setenv STANDARD_C_PLUS_PLUS_LIBRARY_TYPE dynamic\r setenv STRINGS_FILE_OUTPUT_ENCODING UTF-16\r setenv STRIP_INSTALLED_PRODUCT YES\r setenv STRIP_STYLE all\r setenv SYMROOT /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build\r setenv SYSTEM_ADMIN_APPS_DIR /Applications/Utilities\r setenv SYSTEM_APPS_DIR /Applications\r setenv SYSTEM_CORE_SERVICES_DIR /System/Library/CoreServices\r setenv SYSTEM_DEMOS_DIR /Applications/Extras\r setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_APPS_DIR /Developer/Applications\r setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_BIN_DIR /Developer/usr/bin\r setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_DEMOS_DIR "/Developer/Applications/Utilities/Built Examples"\r setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_DIR /Developer\r setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_DOC_DIR "/Developer/ADC Reference Library"\r setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_GRAPHICS_TOOLS_DIR "/Developer/Applications/Graphics Tools"\r setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_JAVA_TOOLS_DIR "/Developer/Applications/Java Tools"\r setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_PERFORMANCE_TOOLS_DIR "/Developer/Applications/Performance Tools"\r setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_RELEASENOTES_DIR "/Developer/ADC Reference Library/releasenotes"\r setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_TOOLS /Developer/Tools\r setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_TOOLS_DOC_DIR "/Developer/ADC Reference Library/documentation/DeveloperTools"\r setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_TOOLS_RELEASENOTES_DIR "/Developer/ADC Reference Library/releasenotes/DeveloperTools"\r setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_USR_DIR /Developer/usr\r setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_UTILITIES_DIR /Developer/Applications/Utilities\r setenv SYSTEM_DOCUMENTATION_DIR /Library/Documentation\r setenv SYSTEM_LIBRARY_DIR /System/Library\r setenv TARGETNAME c-link-lib\r setenv TARGET_BUILD_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/Debug\r setenv TARGET_NAME c-link-lib\r setenv TARGET_TEMP_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/c-link-lib.build/Debug/c-link-lib.build\r setenv TEMP_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/c-link-lib.build/Debug/c-link-lib.build\r setenv TEMP_FILES_DIR \r setenv TEMP_FILE_DIR /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build/c-link-lib.build/Debug/c-link-lib.build\r setenv TEMP_ROOT /Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib/build\r setenv UID 501\r setenv USER dja\r setenv USER_APPS_DIR /Users/dja/Applications\r setenv USER_LIBRARY_DIR /Users/dja/Library\r setenv XCODE_APP_SUPPORT_DIR /Developer/Library/Xcode\r setenv XCODE_VERSION_ACTUAL 0321\r setenv XCODE_VERSION_MAJOR 0300\r setenv XCODE_VERSION_MINOR 0320\r /usr/bin/make\r2#
--- /dev/null
+// !$*UTF8*$!
+ archiveVersion = 1;
+ classes = {
+ };
+ objectVersion = 45;
+ objects = {
+/* Begin PBXFileReference section */
+ 224F59A1117D6473003D9540 /* c-angel.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; name = "c-angel.c"; path = "sample-agents/c-angel.c"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 224F59B9117D6D88003D9540 /* c-lucifer.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; name = "c-lucifer.c"; path = "sample-agents/c-lucifer.c"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 224F59BA117D889A003D9540 /* c-streetfighter.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; name = "c-streetfighter.c"; path = "sample-agents/c-streetfighter.c"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 22F652F5117C679300A3793D /* Makefile */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.make; path = Makefile; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 22F652F6117C6C9500A3793D /* c-link.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = "c-link.h"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 22F652F7117C6C9500A3793D /* c-link.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; path = "c-link.c"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+/* End PBXFileReference section */
+/* Begin PBXGroup section */
+ 08FB7794FE84155DC02AAC07 /* c-link-lib */ = {
+ isa = PBXGroup;
+ children = (
+ 224F59A3117D64B4003D9540 /* Sample Agents */,
+ 22F652F6117C6C9500A3793D /* c-link.h */,
+ 22F652F7117C6C9500A3793D /* c-link.c */,
+ 22F652F5117C679300A3793D /* Makefile */,
+ );
+ name = "c-link-lib";
+ sourceTree = "<group>";
+ };
+ 224F59A3117D64B4003D9540 /* Sample Agents */ = {
+ isa = PBXGroup;
+ children = (
+ 224F59B9117D6D88003D9540 /* c-lucifer.c */,
+ 224F59BA117D889A003D9540 /* c-streetfighter.c */,
+ 224F59A1117D6473003D9540 /* c-angel.c */,
+ );
+ name = "Sample Agents";
+ sourceTree = "<group>";
+ };
+/* End PBXGroup section */
+/* Begin PBXLegacyTarget section */
+ D28A88AD04BDD90700651E21 /* c-link-lib */ = {
+ isa = PBXLegacyTarget;
+ buildArgumentsString = "$(ACTION)";
+ buildConfigurationList = 1DEB918F08733D9F0010E9CD /* Build configuration list for PBXLegacyTarget "c-link-lib" */;
+ buildPhases = (
+ );
+ buildToolPath = /usr/bin/make;
+ buildWorkingDirectory = "/Users/dja/Documents/dev/progcomp/link/C/Link/c-link-lib";
+ dependencies = (
+ );
+ name = "c-link-lib";
+ passBuildSettingsInEnvironment = 1;
+ productName = "c-link-lib";
+ };
+/* End PBXLegacyTarget section */
+/* Begin PBXProject section */
+ 08FB7793FE84155DC02AAC07 /* Project object */ = {
+ isa = PBXProject;
+ buildConfigurationList = 1DEB919308733D9F0010E9CD /* Build configuration list for PBXProject "c-link-lib" */;
+ compatibilityVersion = "Xcode 3.1";
+ hasScannedForEncodings = 1;
+ mainGroup = 08FB7794FE84155DC02AAC07 /* c-link-lib */;
+ projectDirPath = "";
+ projectRoot = "";
+ targets = (
+ D28A88AD04BDD90700651E21 /* c-link-lib */,
+ );
+ };
+/* End PBXProject section */
+/* Begin XCBuildConfiguration section */
+ 1DEB919008733D9F0010E9CD /* Debug */ = {
+ isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
+ buildSettings = {
+ PRODUCT_NAME = "c-link-lib";
+ };
+ name = Debug;
+ };
+ 1DEB919108733D9F0010E9CD /* Release */ = {
+ isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
+ buildSettings = {
+ PRODUCT_NAME = "c-link-lib";
+ };
+ name = Release;
+ };
+ 1DEB919408733D9F0010E9CD /* Debug */ = {
+ isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
+ buildSettings = {
+ SDKROOT = macosx10.6;
+ };
+ name = Debug;
+ };
+ 1DEB919508733D9F0010E9CD /* Release */ = {
+ isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
+ buildSettings = {
+ SDKROOT = macosx10.6;
+ };
+ name = Release;
+ };
+/* End XCBuildConfiguration section */
+/* Begin XCConfigurationList section */
+ 1DEB918F08733D9F0010E9CD /* Build configuration list for PBXLegacyTarget "c-link-lib" */ = {
+ isa = XCConfigurationList;
+ buildConfigurations = (
+ 1DEB919008733D9F0010E9CD /* Debug */,
+ 1DEB919108733D9F0010E9CD /* Release */,
+ );
+ defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0;
+ defaultConfigurationName = Release;
+ };
+ 1DEB919308733D9F0010E9CD /* Build configuration list for PBXProject "c-link-lib" */ = {
+ isa = XCConfigurationList;
+ buildConfigurations = (
+ 1DEB919408733D9F0010E9CD /* Debug */,
+ 1DEB919508733D9F0010E9CD /* Release */,
+ );
+ defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0;
+ defaultConfigurationName = Release;
+ };
+/* End XCConfigurationList section */
+ };
+ rootObject = 08FB7793FE84155DC02AAC07 /* Project object */;
--- /dev/null
+ * c-link.c
+ * c-link-lib
+ *
+ * Created by Daniel Axtens on 19/04/10.
+ * Licensed under an MIT-style license: see the LICENSE file for details.
+ *
+ */
+#include "c-link.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+ITEMTYPE RandomAttack() {
+ return (ITEMTYPE)rand()%3;
+int main( int argc, char * argv[] ) {
+ srand( time( NULL ) );
+ return 0;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ * c-link.h
+ * c-link-lib
+ *
+ * Created by Daniel Axtens on 19/04/10.
+ * Licensed under an MIT-style license: see the LICENSE file for details.
+ *
+ */
+/********** Type definitions **********/
+/* The type of item used in an attack or defence */
+typedef enum {rock, paper, scissors} ITEMTYPE;
+/* An attack, consisting of the real attack and the attack promised */
+typedef struct {
+ ITEMTYPE realAttack;
+ ITEMTYPE promisedAttack;
+/********** Utility Function definitions **********/
+/* Returns a random item */
+ITEMTYPE RandomAttack();
+/********** Bot Function definitions **********/
+/* Defend( foeName : string - the name of your foe;
+ foePromisedAttack : ITEMTYPE - the item your foe promised to use
+ ) : ITEMTYPE - the item you wish to use to defend;
+ Called when your agent needs to defend itself.
+ */
+ITEMTYPE Defend( char * foeName, ITEMTYPE foePromisedAttack );
+/* Attack( foeName : string - the name of your foe
+ ) : ATTACKTYPE - the real and promised attack you wish to use
+ Called when your agent needs to attack another agent.
+ */
+ATTACKTYPE Attack( char * foeName );
+/* Results( foeName : string - the name of your foe;
+ isInstigatedByYou : 0=you defended/1=you attacked;
+ yourItem : ITEMTYPE - the item you used;
+ theirItem : ITEMTYPE - the item they used;
+ promisedItem : ITEMTYPE - the item that was promised
+ );
+ Called after your agent battles another agent, to tell you how the battle goes.
+ */
+void Results( char * foeName, int isInstigatedByYou, ITEMTYPE yourItem,
+ ITEMTYPE theirItem, ITEMTYPE promisedItem);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ * c-angel.c
+ * c-link-lib
+ *
+ * Created by Daniel Axtens on 20/04/10.
+ * Licensed under an MIT-style license: see the LICENSE file for details.
+ *
+ */
+#include <c-link.h>
+/* Implement the angel bot, which always tells the truth
+ and expects others to do the same */
+ATTACKTYPE Attack( char * foe_name ) {
+ ATTACKTYPE attack;
+ attack.realAttack = RandomAttack(); /* Chooses randomly from Rock, Paper, Scissors */
+ attack.promisedAttack = result.realAttack; /* Tells the truth for its bluff */
+ return attack;
+ITEMTYPE Defend( char * foeName, ITEMTYPE foePromisedAttack ) {
+ return foePromisedAttack; /* Trusts them to be going for a tie */
+/* You need to define a results function, even if it isn't used
+ (otherwise the linker will complain) */
+void Results( char * foeName, int isInstigatedByYou, ITEMTYPE yourItem,
+ ITEMTYPE theirItem, ITEMTYPE promisedItem) {
+ return; /* Ignore whatever just happened. */
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ * c-lucifer.c
+ * c-link-lib
+ *
+ * Created by Daniel Axtens on 20/04/10.
+ * Licensed under an MIT-style license: see the LICENSE file for details.
+ *
+ */
+#include <c-link.h>
+/* Implement the lucifer bot, which always lies expecting people to be good
+ and always goes for the kill */
+ATTACKTYPE Attack( char * foe_name ) {
+ ATTACKTYPE attack;
+ attack.realAttack = RandomAttack();
+ /* Here we choose the thing that will hurt them if they go for a tie */
+ switch (attack.realAttack) {
+ case rock:
+ result.promisedAttack = scissors;
+ break;
+ case paper:
+ result.promisedAttack = rock;
+ break;
+ default: /* attack = scissors */
+ result.promisedAttack = paper;
+ break;
+ }
+ attack.promisedAttack = result.realAttack; /* Tells the truth for its bluff */
+ return attack;
+/* Here we trust that they are telling the truth. And we try to kill them. */
+ITEMTYPE Defend( char * foeName, ITEMTYPE foePromisedAttack ) {
+ ITEMTYPE defence;
+ switch (foePromisedAttack) {
+ case rock:
+ defence = paper;
+ break;
+ case paper:
+ defence = scissors;
+ break;
+ default:
+ defence = rock;
+ break;
+ }
+/* You need to define a results function, even if it isn't used
+ (otherwise the linker will complain) */
+void Results( char * foeName, int isInstigatedByYou, ITEMTYPE yourItem,
+ ITEMTYPE theirItem, ITEMTYPE promisedItem) {
+ return; /* Ignore whatever just happened. */
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ * c-streetfighter.c
+ * c-link-lib
+ *
+ * Created by Daniel Axtens on 20/04/10.
+ * Licensed under an MIT-style license: see the LICENSE file for details.
+ *
+ */
+#include <c-link.h>
+/* Implement the streetfighter bot, which thinks everyone has it in for him. */
+ATTACKTYPE Attack( char * foe_name ) {
+ ATTACKTYPE attack;
+ attack.realAttack = RandomAttack();
+ /* Here we choose the thing that will hurt them if they go for a tie */
+ switch (attack.realAttack) {
+ case rock:
+ result.promisedAttack = paper;
+ break;
+ case paper:
+ result.promisedAttack = rock;
+ break;
+ default: /* attack = scissors */
+ result.promisedAttack = paper;
+ break;
+ }
+ attack.promisedAttack = result.realAttack; /* Tells the truth for its bluff */
+ return attack;
+/* Here we trust that they are telling the truth. And we try to kill them. */
+ITEMTYPE Defend( char * foeName, ITEMTYPE foePromisedAttack ) {
+ ITEMTYPE defence;
+ switch (foePromisedAttack) {
+ case rock:
+ defence = paper;
+ break;
+ case paper:
+ defence = scissors;
+ break;
+ default:
+ defence = rock;
+ break;
+ }
+/* You need to define a results function, even if it isn't used
+ (otherwise the linker will complain) */
+void Results( char * foeName, int isInstigatedByYou, ITEMTYPE yourItem,
+ ITEMTYPE theirItem, ITEMTYPE promisedItem) {
+ return; /* Ignore whatever just happened. */
--- /dev/null
+Wouldn't it be nice to do the programming competition again this year? I have
+an idea that's simple enough for the non-programmer to have a good chance at
+winning yet allows deep complexity for anyone keen to get their hands dirty.
+The Game
+My idea is inspired by the classic iterated Prisoner's Dilemma problem in game
+theory. The premise is to write an "agent" to survive and thrive in the morally
+bankrupt RockPaperScissors (RPS) land.
+Your agent spends its life in a dystopian RPS underworld, where at any moment
+another agent could pick a fight with it, after which your agent is obliged to
+pick a fight with yet another. In RPS battle, the instigating agent gets a
+chance (which he must use) to tell the truth or lie about which tool he is
+going to use (rock, paper, or scissors). Agents start off with 10 points, and
+gain and lose points when they win, lose and tie a round depending on the
+circumstances of the fight. The points table is in the technicalities
+Synopsis: if an agent gets picked on for a fight and told rock, paper or
+scissors, it can either get modest but mutually beneficial points by trying to
+cause a tie, but risk being slaughtered by the other if it's lying (with a
+small amount of points awarded if it wins "by accident"), or it can try to win
+based on that information and get big points for exploiting the other agent
+with a relatively small punishment for being "tricked" and losing (and no point
+change in case of an "accidental" tie).
+Thus, in any single round there are bigger rewards and smaller consequences in
+"attacking" the rock, paper or scissors that the enemy agent claims it will
+use, but cooperation leads to mutual benefit and good agents should turn
+against agents that try to exploit them.
+If the agent loses all its points, it dies. If it reaches 20 points, it forms a
+new agent and both return to 10 points. The agent can remember who it has
+battled in the past and what the other agent has done, but it has no way of
+communicating this to any other agent, and any "children" of the agent don't
+inherit this memory.
+Winning Conditions
+The object of the game is for the descendants of your agent to be the dominant
+species in an evolutionarily stable environment. The environment is declared
+evolutionarily stable when the proportions of species populations remains the
+same (with a tolerance of 5%) over ten thousand iterations, or if there is only
+once species remaining, or if the judges say so.
+There will be a prize for the winner consisting of whatever we can scrounge up
+plus a special certificate you can keep forever and frame and love. Entrants
+whose species survive to evolutionary stability will also receive a
+Entry Cost
+The cost of entry per person is $3 for UCC members and $5 for everyone else.
+Your entry may contain one (1) agent and you may only enter once. UCC reserves
+the right to withdraw any agent without refund if it causes technical or
+administrative difficulty, after a reasonable attempt at resolution is made.
+Non-Programmers and Beginners
+There will be simple sample agents available that demonstrate how easy it
+is to turn your idea into code. If you're able to visualise your idea as a
+series of instructions you might tell a small child, you'll be able to
+make it into an agent.
+If you don't understand the next section, don't worry, modifying the samples to
+do your bidding will work just as well as writing your agent from scratch.
+Technical Details
+The challenge will be operated by a supervisor module that picks the fights in
+a "fair" way such that each agent gets to fight every other agent (supposing no
+agents die) and each agent gets to see battle as frequently as possible. The
+supervisor will be able to do any number of iterations in one go, after which
+statistics can be gathered before doing the next set of iterations.
+The easiest way to create an agent is with Python. Python is a popular
+scripting language with a simple, easy to pick up syntax that resembles
+pseudocode, and is well-adapted to this kind of task. Another advantage to
+using Python is that the supervisor can talk to the agent directly, and the
+programmer will not have to worry about maintaining state or validating input
+and output. A Python agent should be a class that implements at least the
+specification laid out in the technicalities document:
+The supervisor will store the number of points the agent has and the
+number of children for your convenience. Your module may use any resource
+available in the standard Python distribution. You are expected to use
+member variables of your class to keep state.
+You can use any language you like for your agent, really. Interfacing to
+non-python agents is via stdin/stdout, so your language's builtin print and
+read functions will work, but beware: if an agent makes a single mistake in its
+input or output, the supervisor will declare it insane - which in
+RockPaperScissors land carries the death penalty. The format of the input and
+output is documented in the technicalities document:
+The agent is run once per instance and is expected to maintain its own state.
+Not maintaining state correctly could lead to a very confused agent, left
+wondering why it's not dead, or why the baby hasn't come. Don't leave your
+agent wondering.
+A sample agent in Python, Java and C will be provided. Your agent does not have
+to be open-source, but it must be submitted as source-code to prevent cheating.
+If the agent is not in Python, build instructions must also be submitted.
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (c) 2008 Luke Williams
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
--- /dev/null
+Hi there,
+Thanks for taking interest in the UCC Programming Competition 2008. If you
+don't already know what it's all about, check out the information provided in
+the docs directory, which contains a full and authoritative* description for
+the running of the competition.
+This file is by no means complete, and not ready for circulation.
+The first thing you'll probably want to do is see it work. Try running:
+./simulate -v
+to see the sample agents duke it out for up to 150 rounds (the current sample
+agents suck - rounds either go for seconds or for ages). After that, take a
+look at sampleAgents.py to see how agents are implemented on top of the
+BaseAgent and LearningAgent classes. When you're ready to try out your own,
+edit the first few lines of simulate.py to include your agent.
+...and if all you're interested in is participating, that's it! You can stop
+reading, and start work on the agent that will outsmart them all!
+Contributor instructions:
+BaseAgent, LearningAgent and Supervisor are all implemented in uccProgComp.py.
+The 'select' algorithm, responsible for choosing agents for battle and
+determining when a round is finished, is the hottest part of the code and the
+most open to discussion and change.
+Unfortunately, it is not an easy bit of code to understand. Once upon a time,
+in builds long past, it used friendly O(n) operations and conveniently wasted
+memory on simple tasks. After hours of profiling, it is a little more complex,
+but with a bit of background to how the supervisor operates you shouldn't have
+much trouble working out the rest:
+1.) A copy of the current population list is made at the beginning of the round
+representing the agents who can still fight. This reduces finding valid agents
+from O(n) to O(1). I call it the 'remaining' list.
+2.) Agents must remember their index in the population list. This is because it
+would be O(n) to determine their index in the population list (to remove them
+when they die) from their index in the 'remaining' list. Agents have this value
+stored at the beginning of the round - O(n) at the beginning of the round is
+far preferable to O(n) for every death.
+3.) The actual removal of agents from the population list must happen all at
+once in reverse numeric index order at the end of the round so that the stored
+index that agents have does not become stale.
+There are problems. It's not perfect, but it's relatively fast and powerful and
+quite easy to adjust or reimplement once you get your head around it. I'm very
+much open to suggestion for improvement (especially in the form of patches) and
+welcome all help, constructive criticism, derisive criticism and death threats.
+Things to be done:
+1.) Pretty graphs! Iterate () returns a collection of statistics about each of
+the classes, which can be seen used in simulate.py. There are plenty of
+plotting packages out there that can turn this information into impressive
+2.) More built-in functionality for BaseAgent and LearningAgent. They could
+both do with a few more utility functions for competitors to use.
+3.) A more succint set of rules and documentation.
+Thanks for reading!
+* Or rather, it wil by the time this package is ready for distribution.
--- /dev/null
+'''SampleAgents.py - A collection of sample agents for playing Rock Paper Scissors.
+Written by Luke Williams <
[email protected]> for the UCC Programming Competition in 2008.
+Requires Python 2.5.
+Licensed under an MIT-style license: see the LICENSE file for details.
+from uccProgComp import BaseAgent, LearningAgent, RandomAttack
+from rpsconst import *
+# Angel is a very simple bot that always tells the truth and expects others to do the same.
+class Dummy (BaseAgent):
+ def Attack (self, foe):
+ return Paper, Paper
+ def Defend (self, foe, bluff):
+ return bluff
+class Angel (BaseAgent):
+ def Attack (self, foe):
+ attack = RandomAttack () # Chooses randomly from Rock, Paper, Scissors
+ return attack, attack # Tells the truth for its bluff.
+ def Defend (self, foe, bluff):
+ return bluff # Trusts them to be going for a tie.
+# Lucifer here is the opposite. He always lies expecting people to be good and always goes for the kill.
+class Lucifer (BaseAgent):
+ def Attack (self, foe):
+ attack = RandomAttack ()
+ if attack == Rock: bluff = Scissors # Here we choose the thing
+ elif attack == Paper: bluff = Rock # that will hurt them
+ else: bluff = Paper # if they go for a tie.
+ return attack, bluff
+ def Defend (self, foe, bluff):
+ if bluff == Rock: attack = Paper # Here we trust that they
+ elif bluff == Paper: attack = Scissors # are telling the truth.
+ else: attack = Rock # And we try to kill them.
+ return attack
+# def Results (self, foeName, wasAttacker, winner, attItem, defItem, bluffItem, pointDelta):
+# BaseAgent.Results (self, foeName, wasAttacker, winner, attItem, defItem, bluffItem, pointDelta)
+# print "I just scored " + str(pointDelta) + " points!"
+# Streetfighter assumes everyone has it in for him.
+class Streetfighter (BaseAgent):
+ def Attack (self, foe):
+ attack = RandomAttack ()
+ if attack == Rock: bluff = Paper # Here we choose the thing
+ elif attack == Paper: bluff = Scissors # that will hurt them
+ else: bluff = Rock # if they try to kill us.
+ return attack, bluff
+ def Defend (self, foe, bluff):
+ if bluff == Rock: attack = Scissors # Here we assume that they
+ elif bluff == Paper: attack = Rock # are lying, trying to kill us.
+ else: attack = Paper # And we try to kill them.
+ return attack
+# This is our first bot with any sort of learning capability, based on the LearningAgent base.
+# Experienced programmers might opt to write their own learning code based on BaseAgent, but it's up to you.
+# Frenchie is a simple bot that is by default nice but will permanently turn against any agent that betrays it.
+class Frenchie (LearningAgent):
+ def Attack (self, foe):
+ attack = RandomAttack ()
+ if Loss in LearningAgent.GetWinHistory (self, foe):
+ if attack == Rock: bluff = Scissors
+ elif attack == Paper: bluff = Rock
+ else: bluff = Paper
+ else:
+ bluff = attack
+ return attack, bluff
+ def Defend (self, foe, bluff):
+ if Loss in LearningAgent.GetWinHistory (self, foe):
+ if bluff == Rock: attack = Scissors # They've fucked us in the past,
+ elif bluff == Paper: attack = Rock # so we assume they're lying and
+ else: attack = Paper # hoping we go for a kill.
+ else:
+ attack = bluff
+ return attack
+# If you want to implement your own Results () callback, you have to call the parent class's first:
+class Blank (BaseAgent):
+ def Attack (self, foe):
+ return Paper, Paper
+ def Defend (self, foe, bluff):
+ return bluff
+ def Results (self, foeName, wasAttacker, winner, attItem, defItem, bluffItem, pointDelta):
+ BaseAgent.Results (self, foeName, wasAttacker, winner, attItem, defItem, bluffItem, pointDelta)
+ # Now you can do your own thing
--- /dev/null
+'''SampleAgents.py - A collection of sample agents for playing Rock Paper Scissors.
+Written by Luke Williams <
[email protected]> for the UCC Programming Competition in 2008.
+Requires Python 2.5.
+Licensed under an MIT-style license: see the LICENSE file for details.
+from uccProgComp import BaseAgent, LearningAgent, RandomAttack
+from rpsconst import *
+# Angel is a very simple bot that always tells the truth and expects others to do the same.
+class Dummy (BaseAgent):
+ def Attack (self, foe):
+ return Paper, Paper
+ def Defend (self, foe, bluff):
+ return bluff
+class Angel (BaseAgent):
+ def Attack (self, foe):
+ attack = RandomAttack () # Chooses randomly from Rock, Paper, Scissors
+ return attack, attack # Tells the truth for its bluff.
+ def Defend (self, foe, bluff):
+ return bluff # Trusts them to be going for a tie.
+# Lucifer here is the opposite. He always lies expecting people to be good and always goes for the kill.
+class Lucifer (BaseAgent):
+ def Attack (self, foe):
+ attack = RandomAttack ()
+ if attack == Rock: bluff = Scissors # Here we choose the thing
+ elif attack == Paper: bluff = Rock # that will hurt them
+ else: bluff = Paper # if they go for a tie.
+ return attack, bluff
+ def Defend (self, foe, bluff):
+ if bluff == Rock: attack = Paper # Here we trust that they
+ elif bluff == Paper: attack = Scissors # are telling the truth.
+ else: attack = Rock # And we try to kill them.
+ return attack
+# def Results (self, foeName, wasAttacker, winner, attItem, defItem, bluffItem, pointDelta):
+# BaseAgent.Results (self, foeName, wasAttacker, winner, attItem, defItem, bluffItem, pointDelta)
+# print "I just scored " + str(pointDelta) + " points!"
+# Streetfighter assumes everyone has it in for him.
+class Streetfighter (BaseAgent):
+ def Attack (self, foe):
+ attack = RandomAttack ()
+ if attack == Rock: bluff = Paper # Here we choose the thing
+ elif attack == Paper: bluff = Scissors # that will hurt them
+ else: bluff = Rock # if they go for a tie.
+ return attack, bluff
+ def Defend (self, foe, bluff):
+ if bluff == Rock: attack = Paper # Here we trust that they
+ elif bluff == Paper: attack = Scissors # are telling the truth.
+ else: attack = Rock # And we try to kill them.
+ return attack
+# This is our first bot with any sort of learning capability, based on the LearningAgent base.
+# Experienced programmers might opt to write their own learning code based on BaseAgent, but it's up to you.
+# Frenchie is a simple bot that is by default nice but will permanently turn against any agent that betrays it.
+class Frenchie (LearningAgent):
+ def Attack (self, foe):
+ attack = RandomAttack ()
+ if Loss in LearningAgent.GetWinHistory (self, foe):
+ if attack == Rock: bluff = Scissors
+ elif attack == Paper: bluff = Rock
+ else: bluff = Paper
+ else:
+ bluff = attack
+ return attack, bluff
+ def Defend (self, foe, bluff):
+ if Loss in LearningAgent.GetWinHistory (self, foe):
+ if bluff == Rock: attack = Scissors # They've fucked us in the past,
+ elif bluff == Paper: attack = Rock # so we assume they're lying and
+ else: attack = Paper # hoping we go for a kill.
+ else:
+ attack = bluff
+ return attack
+# If you want to implement your own Results () callback, you have to call the parent class's first:
+class Blank (BaseAgent):
+ def Attack (self, foe):
+ return Paper, Paper
+ def Defend (self, foe, bluff):
+ return bluff
+ def Results (self, foeName, wasAttacker, winner, attItem, defItem, bluffItem, pointDelta):
+ BaseAgent.Results (self, foeName, wasAttacker, winner, attItem, defItem, bluffItem, pointDelta)
+ # Now you can do your own thing
--- /dev/null
+from uccProgComp import BaseAgent, LearningAgent, RandomAttack
+from rpsconst import *
+# BOFH is something of a cross between Frechie and Lucifer
+class BOFH (LearningAgent):
+ def Attack (self, foe):
+ attack = RandomAttack ()
+ return attack, bluff
+ def Defend (self, foe, bluff):
+ if bluff == Rock: attack = Scissors # Here we assume that they
+ elif bluff == Paper: attack = Rock # are lying, trying to kill us.
+ else: attack = Paper # And we try to kill them.
+ return attack
+ def Attack (self, foe):
+ attack = RandomAttack ()
+ if len(LearningAgent.GetWinHistory (self, foe)) > 0:
+ if attack == Rock: bluff = Paper # Here we choose the thing
+ elif attack == Paper: bluff = Scissors # that will hurt them
+ else: bluff = Rock # if they try to kill us.
+ else:
+ if attack == Rock: bluff = Scissors # Here we choose the thing
+ elif attack == Paper: bluff = Rock # that will hurt them
+ else: bluff = Paper # if they go for a tie.
+ return attack, bluff
+ def Defend (self, foe, bluff):
+ if len(LearningAgent.GetWinHistory (self, foe)) > 0:
+ if bluff == Rock: attack = Scissors # They've fucked us in the past,
+ elif bluff == Paper: attack = Rock # so we assume they're lying and
+ else: attack = Paper # hoping we go for a kill.
+ else:
+ if bluff == Rock: attack = Paper # Here we trust that they
+ elif bluff == Paper: attack = Scissors # are telling the truth.
+ else: attack = Rock # And we try to kill them.
+ return attack
+#Fish is somewhat intelligent; it builds up trust and then stabs you in the back.
+# If Fish detects that a bot is being predictably nice (tie 2+ times in a row), it will attack.
+# If Fish detects that a bot has betrayed it (Loss), it will attack.
+# Otherwise, Fish is nice.
+class Fish (LearningAgent):
+ def Attack (self, foe):
+ #print "Attacking" , foe
+ #print LearningAgent.GetWinHistory (self, foe)
+ attack = RandomAttack ()
+ history = LearningAgent.GetWinHistory (self, foe)
+ #no history; be nice
+ if len(history) == 0:
+ bluff = attack
+ #if we just lost to them, try to destroy them.
+ elif Loss == history[-1] or (len(history)>1 and [Tie,Tie] == history[-2:-1]):
+ if attack == Rock: bluff = Scissors
+ elif attack == Paper: bluff = Rock
+ else: bluff = Paper
+ else:
+ bluff = attack
+ return attack, bluff
+ def Defend (self, foe, bluff):
+ history = LearningAgent.GetWinHistory (self, foe)
+ if len(history) > 0 and Loss == history[-1]:
+ if bluff == Rock: attack = Scissors # They've fucked us in the past,
+ elif bluff == Paper: attack = Rock # so we assume they're lying and
+ else: attack = Paper # hoping we go for a kill.
+ else:
+ attack = bluff
+ return attack
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+'''rpsconst.py - A precarious collection of constants for RPS simulation.
+Written by Luke Williams <
[email protected]> for the UCC Programming Competition in 2008.
+Licensed under an MIT-style license: see the LICENSE file for details.
+Rock = 0
+Paper = 1
+Scissors = 2
+Attacker = 0
+Defender = 1
+Tie = 2
+Bluff = 0
+Truth = 1
+Win = 3
+Loss = 4
+# EOF. Stop reading now, kid, you'll only hurt yourself.
+resultTable = [[Tie,Defender,Attacker],[Attacker,Tie,Defender],[Defender, Attacker, Tie]]
+pointsTable = [[0,0],[0,0],[0,0]]
--- /dev/null
+# Alternative (obsolete) algorithms for selecting agents for battle.
+# They're all a bit crap and only here for comparison purposes.
+# Selects an opponent and removes it from the list of remaining potential opponents.
+ # This is just an example, but the fact that the first agent will miss out on having
+ # a fight picked with it it, and that the last agent won't get to pick a fight, seems
+ # to not matter very much. Can probably be left as-is.
+ def ChoosePair (self):
+ # This approach forces each agent to defend once and attack once per round.
+ # Keep track of the remaining population.
+ remaining = self.population[:]
+ agentID = random.randint (0,len(remaining)-1)
+ defender = remaining.pop (agentID) # Not really a defender (try to work it out)!
+ while len (remaining) > 1:
+ if defender.GetPoints () < 1: # If the agent died before it got a chance to attack
+ attackerID = random.randint (0,len(remaining)-1)
+ attacker = remaining.pop (attackerID)
+ else: attacker = defender
+ defenderID = random.randint (0,len(remaining)-1)
+ defender = remaining.pop (defenderID)
+ yield attacker, defender
--- /dev/null
+'''simulate.py - Runs a full simulation of the UCC Programming Competition with the provided agents.
+Written by Luke Williams <
[email protected]> for the UCC Programming Competition in 2008.
+Licensed under an MIT-style license: see the LICENSE file for details.
+# Import and add your agents here:
+from djaAgents import BOFH
+from SampleAgents import Angel, Lucifer, Dummy, Frenchie, Streetfighter
+Agents = [Angel, Lucifer, Frenchie, Streetfighter, BOFH]
+# Developers only past this point! #
+import sys
+from uccProgComp import Supervisor
+maxIterations = 150
+startingPopulations = 10
+verbose = False
+trials = 1
+usage = "Usage: rps [-v] [-i iterations=150] [-n starting_populations=10] [-t trials=1]"
+for i in range (1,len(sys.argv)):
+ if sys.argv[i] == "-i":
+ try:
+ maxIterations = int(sys.argv[i+1])
+ i += 1
+ continue
+ except:
+ print usage
+ sys.exit(1)
+ elif sys.argv[i] == "-n":
+ try:
+ startingPopulations = int(sys.argv[i+1])
+ i += 1
+ continue
+ except:
+ print usage
+ sys.exit(1)
+ elif sys.argv[i] == "-t":
+ try:
+ trials = int(sys.argv[i+1])
+ i += 1
+ continue
+ except:
+ print usage
+ sys.exit(1)
+ elif sys.argv[i] == "-v":
+ verbose = True
+iteration = 0
+trial = 0
+winners = {}
+while trial < trials:
+ sup = Supervisor ()
+ for Agent in Agents: sup.RegisterAgent (Agent)
+ sup.GeneratePopulation (startingPopulations)
+ trial += 1
+ iteration = 0
+ while iteration < maxIterations and not sup.IsGameOver ():
+ iteration += 1
+ sup.Iterate ()
+ if not verbose: continue
+ print "Iteration %d:" % iteration
+ for key, value in sup.GetStats ().iteritems():
+ print "%s: Population=%d, Newborns=%d, Deaths=%d" % (key, value[0], value[1], value[2])
+ winner = ("Error", -1)
+ for key, value in sup.GetStats ().iteritems ():
+ #print key, value
+ if value[0] > winner[1]:
+ winner = (key, value[0])
+ if winner[0] in winners: winners[winner[0]] += 1
+ else: winners[winner[0]] = 1
+ #print "Winner: %s" % winner[0]
+print "SCOREBOARD OVER %d TRIALS OF %d ROUNDS EACH" % (trials, maxIterations)
+rawscoreboard = sorted ( [(score,player) for (player,score) in winners.items ()] , reverse=True )
+scoreboard = []
+for score, player in rawscoreboard:
+ print "%s: %s" % (player, score)
--- /dev/null
+'''uccProgComp.py - A supervisor candidate for Rock Paper Scissors.
+Written by Luke Williams <
[email protected]> for the UCC Programming Competition in 2008.
+Requires Python 2.5.
+Licensed under an MIT-style license: see the LICENSE file for details.
+import random, uuid
+random.seed ()
+from rpsconst import *
+MAX_AGE = 100
+# Game dynamics - these are not final:
+pointsTable [Attacker] [False] = (2, -2)
+pointsTable [Attacker] [True] = (2, -2)
+pointsTable [Defender] [False] = (-2, 2)
+pointsTable [Defender] [True] = (-2, 2)
+pointsTable [Tie] [False] = (0, 0)
+pointsTable [Tie] [True] = (1, 1)
+def Debug (f):
+ def g (*args):
+ print f.__name__, args[1].__class__.__name__, args[1].GetID ()
+ return f (*args)
+ return g
+class BaseAgent:
+ def __init__ (self):
+ self.id = uuid.uuid4().int
+ self.__points = DEFAULT_HEALTH
+ # The index will be changing all the time. It can go stale as soon as something dies.
+ # So use it cautiously.
+ self.__currentIndex = 0
+ self.__reproduced = False
+ self.__age = 0
+ def GetCurrentIndex (self):
+ return self.__currentIndex
+ def SetCurrentIndex (self, index):
+ self.__currentIndex = index
+ def GetID (self):
+ return self.id
+ def GetPoints (self):
+ return self.__points
+ def SetPoints (self, points):
+ self.__points = points
+ def Defend (self, foe, bluff):
+ return Rock
+ def Attack (self, foe):
+ return Rock
+ def IsDead (self):
+ return self.__points <= DIE_HEALTH
+ def Reproduced (self):
+ self.__points = DEFAULT_HEALTH
+ self.__reproduced = True
+ def HasReproduced (self):
+ return self.__reproduced
+ def SetReproduced (self, repro):
+ self.__reproduced = repro
+ def Results (self, foeName, wasAttacker, winner, attItem, defItem, bluffItem, pointDelta):
+ self.__points += pointDelta
+ self.__age += 1
+ if self.__age > MAX_AGE: self.__points = DIE_HEALTH
+class LearningAgent (BaseAgent):
+ def __init__ (self):
+ BaseAgent.__init__ (self)
+ self.winHistory = {}
+ def Results (self, foeName, wasAttacker, winner, attItem, defItem, bluffItem, pointDelta):
+ BaseAgent.Results (self, foeName, wasAttacker, winner, attItem, defItem, bluffItem, pointDelta)
+ if wasAttacker:
+ if winner == Attacker: result = Win
+ elif winner == Tie: result = Tie
+ else: result = Loss
+ else:
+ if winner == Attacker: result = Loss
+ elif winner == Tie: result = Tie
+ else: result = Win
+ if foeName in self.winHistory: self.winHistory [foeName].append (result)
+ else: self.winHistory [foeName] = [result]
+ def GetWinHistory (self, foeName):
+ if foeName in self.winHistory: return self.winHistory [foeName]
+ else: return []
+class Supervisor:
+ def __init__ (self):
+ # The full list of living agents
+ self.population = []
+ # A list of classes for each agent type
+ self.agentTypes = []
+ # The current iteration
+ self.iteration = 0
+ self.agentStats = {}
+ self.pendingDeaths = []
+ def RegisterAgent (self, agent):
+ self.agentTypes.append (agent)
+ def GeneratePopulation (self, nAgentsPerClass):
+ for Agent in self.agentTypes:
+ for i in range (0,nAgentsPerClass): self.population.append (Agent ())
+ self.agentStats [str(Agent)] = [nAgentsPerClass,0,0]
+ def Iterate (self):
+ self.ClearStats ()
+ self.UpdateIndexes ()
+ self.iteration += 1
+ for attacker, defender in self.Select ():
+ attack, bluff = attacker.Attack (defender.GetID ())
+ defense = defender.Defend (attacker.GetID (), bluff)
+ winner = resultTable [attack] [defense]
+ attPoints, defPoints = pointsTable [winner][attack == bluff]
+ attacker.Results (defender.GetID (), True, winner, attack, defense, bluff, attPoints)
+ defender.Results (attacker.GetID (), False, winner, attack, defense, bluff, defPoints)
+ if attacker.IsDead (): self.KillAgent (attacker)
+ elif attacker.GetPoints () >= REPRODUCE_HEALTH: self.SpawnAgent (attacker)
+ if defender.IsDead (): self.KillAgent (defender)
+ elif defender.GetPoints () >= REPRODUCE_HEALTH: self.SpawnAgent (defender)
+ def IsGameOver (self):
+ if self.population == []: return True
+ liveAgents = [id for id,stats in self.agentStats.iteritems () if stats[0] > 0]
+ print liveAgents
+ if len(liveAgents) < 2: return True
+ return False
+ # This is needed because when we pick the players we also need a way of identifying them in the
+ # population list without manually searching each time. O(n) each iteration is better than O(n)
+ # each death. It also resets the check for if the agent has reproduced this round.
+ def UpdateIndexes (self):
+ for agentID in reversed(sorted(self.pendingDeaths)): del self.population [agentID]
+ for index, agent in enumerate(self.population):
+ agent.SetCurrentIndex (index)
+ agent.SetReproduced (False)
+ self.pendingDeaths = []
+ @Debug
+ def KillAgent (self, agent):
+ self.pendingDeaths.append (agent.GetCurrentIndex ())
+ stat = self.agentStats [str(agent.__class__)]
+ stat [0] -= 1
+ stat [2] += 1
+ @Debug
+ def SpawnAgent (self, agent):
+ child = agent.__class__ ()
+ self.population.append (child)
+ agent.Reproduced ()
+ stat = self.agentStats [str(agent.__class__)]
+ stat [0] += 1
+ stat [1] += 1
+ def Select (self):
+ # This approach causes agents to keep fighting until they've either died or reproduced.
+ remaining = self.population[:]
+ attackerID = defenderID = random.randint (0,len(remaining)-1)
+ attacker = defender = remaining [attackerID]
+ while len (remaining) >= 2:
+ # Check to see if the attacker from last round needs to be dropped.
+ if attacker.IsDead () or attacker.HasReproduced ():
+ remaining.pop (attackerID)
+ if not len(remaining) >= 2: continue
+ if defenderID > attackerID: defenderID -= 1
+ # Check to see if the defender from last round is up for some attacking.
+ if defender.IsDead () or defender.HasReproduced ():
+ remaining.pop (defenderID)
+ if not len(remaining) >= 2: continue
+ attackerID = random.randint (0,len(remaining)-1)
+ attacker = remaining [attackerID]
+ else:
+ attacker = defender
+ attackerID = defenderID
+ defender = None
+ defenderID = random.randint (0,len(remaining)-2)
+ if defenderID >= attackerID: defenderID += 1
+ defender = remaining [defenderID]
+ yield attacker, defender
+ def GetStats (self):
+ return self.agentStats
+ def ClearStats (self):
+ for agent in self.agentTypes: self.agentStats [str(agent)] = self.agentStats [str(agent)] [:1] + [0,0]
+def RandomAttack ():
+ return random.randint (0,2)
--- /dev/null
+'''uccProgComp.py - A supervisor candidate for Rock Paper Scissors.
+Written by Luke Williams <
[email protected]> for the UCC Programming Competition in 2008.
+Requires Python 2.5.
+Licensed under an MIT-style license: see the LICENSE file for details.
+import random, uuid
+random.seed ()
+from rpsconst import *
+MAX_AGE = 100
+# Game dynamics - these are not final:
+pointsTable [Attacker] [False] = (2, -2)
+pointsTable [Attacker] [True] = (2, -2)
+pointsTable [Defender] [False] = (-2, 2)
+pointsTable [Defender] [True] = (-2, 2)
+pointsTable [Tie] [False] = (-1, -1)
+pointsTable [Tie] [True] = (1, 1)
+def Debug (f):
+ def g (*args):
+ print f.__name__, args[1].__class__.__name__, args[1].GetID ()
+ return f (*args)
+ return g
+class BaseAgent:
+ def __init__ (self):
+ self.id = uuid.uuid4().int
+ self.__points = DEFAULT_HEALTH
+ # The index will be changing all the time. It can go stale as soon as something dies.
+ # So use it cautiously.
+ self.__currentIndex = 0
+ self.__reproduced = False
+ self.__age = 0
+ def GetCurrentIndex (self):
+ return self.__currentIndex
+ def SetCurrentIndex (self, index):
+ self.__currentIndex = index
+ def GetID (self):
+ return self.id
+ def GetPoints (self):
+ return self.__points
+ def SetPoints (self, points):
+ self.__points = points
+ def Defend (self, foe, bluff):
+ return Rock
+ def Attack (self, foe):
+ return Rock
+ def IsDead (self):
+ return self.__points <= DIE_HEALTH
+ def Reproduced (self):
+ self.__points = DEFAULT_HEALTH
+ self.__reproduced = True
+ def HasReproduced (self):
+ return self.__reproduced
+ def SetReproduced (self, repro):
+ self.__reproduced = repro
+ def Results (self, foeName, wasAttacker, winner, attItem, defItem, bluffItem, pointDelta):
+ self.__points += pointDelta
+ self.__age += 1
+ if self.__age > MAX_AGE: self.__points = DIE_HEALTH
+class LearningAgent (BaseAgent):
+ def __init__ (self):
+ BaseAgent.__init__ (self)
+ self.winHistory = {}
+ def Results (self, foeName, wasAttacker, winner, attItem, defItem, bluffItem, pointDelta):
+ BaseAgent.Results (self, foeName, wasAttacker, winner, attItem, defItem, bluffItem, pointDelta)
+ if wasAttacker:
+ if winner == Attacker: result = Win
+ elif winner == Tie: result = Tie
+ else: result = Loss
+ else:
+ if winner == Attacker: result = Loss
+ elif winner == Tie: result = Tie
+ else: result = Win
+ if foeName in self.winHistory: self.winHistory [foeName].append (result)
+ else: self.winHistory [foeName] = [result]
+ def GetWinHistory (self, foeName):
+ if foeName in self.winHistory: return self.winHistory [foeName]
+ else: return []
+class Supervisor:
+ def __init__ (self):
+ # The full list of living agents
+ self.population = []
+ # A list of classes for each agent type
+ self.agentTypes = []
+ # The current iteration
+ self.iteration = 0
+ self.agentStats = {}
+ self.pendingDeaths = []
+ def RegisterAgent (self, agent):
+ self.agentTypes.append (agent)
+ def GeneratePopulation (self, nAgentsPerClass):
+ for Agent in self.agentTypes:
+ for i in range (0,nAgentsPerClass): self.population.append (Agent ())
+ self.agentStats [str(Agent)] = [nAgentsPerClass,0,0]
+ def Iterate (self):
+ self.ClearStats ()
+ self.UpdateIndexes ()
+ self.iteration += 1
+ for attacker, defender in self.Select ():
+ attack, bluff = attacker.Attack (defender.GetID ())
+ defense = defender.Defend (attacker.GetID (), bluff)
+ winner = resultTable [attack] [defense]
+ attPoints, defPoints = pointsTable [winner][attack == bluff]
+ attacker.Results (defender.GetID (), True, winner, attack, defense, bluff, attPoints)
+ defender.Results (attacker.GetID (), False, winner, attack, defense, bluff, defPoints)
+ if attacker.IsDead (): self.KillAgent (attacker)
+ elif attacker.GetPoints () >= REPRODUCE_HEALTH: self.SpawnAgent (attacker)
+ if defender.IsDead (): self.KillAgent (defender)
+ elif defender.GetPoints () >= REPRODUCE_HEALTH: self.SpawnAgent (defender)
+ def IsGameOver (self):
+ if self.population == []: return True
+ liveAgents = [id for id,stats in self.agentStats.iteritems () if stats[0] > 0]
+ print liveAgents
+ if len(liveAgents) < 2: return True
+ return False
+ # This is needed because when we pick the players we also need a way of identifying them in the
+ # population list without manually searching each time. O(n) each iteration is better than O(n)
+ # each death. It also resets the check for if the agent has reproduced this round.
+ def UpdateIndexes (self):
+ for agentID in reversed(sorted(self.pendingDeaths)): del self.population [agentID]
+ for index, agent in enumerate(self.population):
+ agent.SetCurrentIndex (index)
+ agent.SetReproduced (False)
+ self.pendingDeaths = []
+ @Debug
+ def KillAgent (self, agent):
+ self.pendingDeaths.append (agent.GetCurrentIndex ())
+ stat = self.agentStats [str(agent.__class__)]
+ stat [0] -= 1
+ stat [2] += 1
+ @Debug
+ def SpawnAgent (self, agent):
+ child = agent.__class__ ()
+ self.population.append (child)
+ agent.Reproduced ()
+ stat = self.agentStats [str(agent.__class__)]
+ stat [0] += 1
+ stat [1] += 1
+ def Select (self):
+ # This approach causes agents to keep fighting until they've either died or reproduced.
+ remaining = self.population[:]
+ attackerID = defenderID = random.randint (0,len(remaining)-1)
+ attacker = defender = remaining [attackerID]
+ while len (remaining) >= 2:
+ # Check to see if the attacker from last round needs to be dropped.
+ if attacker.IsDead () or attacker.HasReproduced ():
+ remaining.pop (attackerID)
+ if not len(remaining) >= 2: continue
+ if defenderID > attackerID: defenderID -= 1
+ # Check to see if the defender from last round is up for some attacking.
+ if defender.IsDead () or defender.HasReproduced ():
+ remaining.pop (defenderID)
+ if not len(remaining) >= 2: continue
+ attackerID = random.randint (0,len(remaining)-1)
+ attacker = remaining [attackerID]
+ else:
+ attacker = defender
+ attackerID = defenderID
+ defender = None
+ defenderID = random.randint (0,len(remaining)-2)
+ if defenderID >= attackerID: defenderID += 1
+ defender = remaining [defenderID]
+ yield attacker, defender
+ def GetStats (self):
+ return self.agentStats
+ def ClearStats (self):
+ for agent in self.agentTypes: self.agentStats [str(agent)] = self.agentStats [str(agent)] [:1] + [0,0]
+def RandomAttack ():
+ return random.randint (0,2)
--- /dev/null
+Points Table:
+Tell the truth Win +2 -3
+Tell the truth Lose -3 +4
+Tell the truth Tie +3 +3
+Lie Win +4 -5
+Lie Lose -3 +3
+Lie Tie 0 0
+Python Agents:
+Your agent class should at the very least provide the following:
+class <AgentName>:
+ points = 0 # Will be kept updated by the supervisor. No point modifying it.
+ children = 0 # Will also be kept updated by the supervisor.
+ state = {} # You needn't actually keep state, and it certainly doesn't have to be a dictionary.
+ def Defend (self, foeName, foePromisedAttack): # foeName and foePromisedAttack are both strings.
+ return "Rock" # Not a very good idea, but this is the format you need to use.
+ def Attack (self, foeName): # Also note that the supervisor doesn't use named arguments.
+ return "Rock", "Paper" # Real first, then promised. Won't they be surprised!
+ def Results (self, foeName, isInstigatedByYou, yourItem, theirItem, promisedItem): # The second argument is a boolean.
+ pass # You probably want to store at least some of this information.
+Other Agents:
+The syntax for input and output is as follows. Every line of input given by the supervisor must be replied with the correct response.
+Segmentation fault is never the correct response :-). Rumour has it that if you just use Python, this won't happen.
+The angle brackets (<>) indicate whether the line is output from the agent or input to it respectively, and are not part of the actual formatting.
+Syntax for an attacking agent:
+>ATTACK foeName
+<ATTACKING itemToUse itemToPromise
+>ATTACK agent00002
+<ATTACKING Paper Scissors
+Syntax for a defending agent:
+>DEFEND foeName foePromisedItem
+<DEFENDING itemUsed
+>DEFEND agent00001 Scissors
+Syntax for collecting results:
+>RESULTS foeName didYouInstigate yourItem theirItem promisedItem pointChange childSpawned
+>RESULTS agent00001 False Rock Paper Scissors -2 False
+<You fucking traitor.
+In the last example, the correct response would actually have been 'OK', but agent00002 can get a bit emotional sometimes. Try to avoid that in your agents.