--- /dev/null
+#should probably have given up on shell and gone over to python.
+dir=$(dirname $infile)
+convert -blur 10 -gamma 0.00001 -median 1 $infile -resize 1x601\! -gamma 0.3 $dir/strip-${pg}-${subpg}.png
+#There seems to be a definte bias in my reader scans for things to be in the top part rather than the bottom part
+testpoints=`jot - 270 320`
+for testpoint in $testpoints; do
+ #convert -verbose strip-${pg}-${subpg}.png[1x1+0+${testpoint}] -format "%[fx:s.intensity]" info:
+ value=$(convert $dir/strip-${pg}-${subpg}.png[1x1+0+${testpoint}] -format "%[fx:s.intensity>0.3]" info:)
+ sum=$(expr $value + $sum)
+ if [[ $prev = 1 && $value = 0 ]]; then
+ if [[ $sum > $longestrun ]]; then
+ longestrun=$sum;
+ fi;
+ sum=0
+ fi;
+ prev=$value
+ #echo "$testpoint: $value ($sum, $longestrun)"
+if [[ $sum > $longestrun ]]; then
+ longestrun=$sum;
+echo $longestrun
+exit $( expr $longestrun "<=" 10 )
cp $origpnm $preppnm
+ # check it hasn't mostly disappeared - e.g. if the scan was all black
+ # (e.g. forgot to put the book down when you first hit scan)
+ # ... not sure why such a convoluted form is required. expr doesn't like
+ # processing a convert -format "%w * %h" or any variant thereof
+ if [[ $(convert $preppnm -format '%[fx:s.w*s.h>1000]' info:) = "0" ]]; then
+ [[ $verbose == 1 ]] && echo "Discarding pg ${pgn}: not enough remains after masking."
+ continue;
+ fi;
#unpaper it
#names go a bit funny here
#also, ignore flags starting here
unpaper $unpaperflags --layout double --overwrite --no-blackfilter -ni 10 -op 2 $preppnm $unppnm || exit 1
+ #detect if the page is 2-up
+ for subpg in $($my_seq 1 2); do
+ echo Processing subpg ${subpg}.
+ if $(dirname $0)/detect2pages.sh $dir/upg-${pgn}-${subpg}.pnm ${pgn} ${subpg}; then
+ if [[ $verbose == 1 ]]; then
+ echo "Resplitting subpg ${subpg}."
+ fi
+ unpaper $unpaperflags --pre-rotate 90 --layout double --overwrite --no-blackfilter -op 2 $dir/upg-${pgn}-${subpg}.pnm $dir/upg-${pgn}-${subpg}-%01d.pnm
+ else
+ cp $dir/upg-${pgn}-${subpg}.pnm $dir/upg-${pgn}-${subpg}-1.pnm
+ fi;
+ done;
#final convert and clean w/ bebook optimisation
if [[ $bebook ]]; then
- convert $convertflags -colorspace Gray -median 1 $dir/upg-${pgn}-?.pnm -resize 1200x1600 $dir/final-${pgn}-%01d.${extension} || exit 1
+ convert $convertflags -colorspace Gray -median 1 $dir/upg-${pgn}-1-?.pnm -trim -resize 1800x2400 $dir/final-${pgn}-1-%01d.${extension} || exit 1
+ convert $convertflags -colorspace Gray -median 1 $dir/upg-${pgn}-2-?.pnm -trim -resize 1800x2400 $dir/final-${pgn}-2-%01d.${extension} || exit 1
- convert $convertflags $dir/upg-${pgn}-?.pnm $dir/final-${pgn}-%01d.${extension} || exit 1
+ convert $convertflags $dir/upg-${pgn}-1-?.pnm $dir/final-${pgn}-1-%01d.${extension} || exit 1
+ convert $convertflags $dir/upg-${pgn}-2-?.pnm $dir/final-${pgn}-2-%01d.${extension} || exit 1
-mkdir $dir/pages
+mkdir -p $dir/pages
mv $dir/final-*.${extension} $dir/pages