static double lastPosition;
-// Canny Edge algorithm variables
-int blur = 5;
-int lowThreshold = 30;
-int ratio = 3;
-int kernel_size = 3;
/** Buffers for storing image data. **/
static CvMat * g_srcRGB = NULL; // Source Image
static CvMat * g_srcGray = NULL; // Gray scale of source image
// Reduce noise with a kernel blurxblur. Input the grayscale source image, output to edges. (0's mean it's determined from kernel sizes)
- cvSmooth( g_srcGray, g_edges, CV_GAUSSIAN, blur, blur ,0 ,0 );
+ cvSmooth( g_srcGray, g_edges, CV_GAUSSIAN, BLUR, BLUR ,0 ,0 );
//Save the image
// Find the edges in the image
- cvCanny( g_edges, g_edges, lowThreshold, lowThreshold*ratio, kernel_size );
//Save the image
//Number of samples of the image to take
#define SAMPLES 600
+// Canny Edge algorithm variables
+#define BLUR 5
+#define LOWTHRESHOLD 30
+#define RATIO 3
+#define KERNELSIZE 3
//Scaling factor required to change from pixels to mm
#define SCALE 1 // Note camera has not been calibrated yet so result will be in pixels