Turns out I can't do high school calculus despite 4 years of Physics study.
The shading algorithm I envisioned has several rather hilarious
things wrong with it...
Although that 'j' does look damn good if you set the zoom *just* right...
return pair<Real,Real>(0, 1);
- Real a = (p1- p0 - 2*(p2-p1) + p3-p2);
- Real b = (p1-p0 - (p2-p1))*(p1-p0);
+ Real a = (3*(p1-p2) + p3 - p0);
+ Real b = 2*(p2 - 2*p1 + p0);
Real c = (p1-p0);
if (a == 0)
Debug("a, b, c are %f, %f, %f", Float(a), Float(b), Float(c));
if (b*b - 4*a*c < 0)
+ Debug("No real roots");
return pair<Real, Real>(0,1);
pair<Real, Real> tsols = SolveQuadratic(a, b, c);
inline std::pair<Real,Real> SolveQuadratic(const Real & a, const Real & b, const Real & c)
- Real x0((b + Sqrt(b*b - Real(4)*a*c))/(Real(2)*a));
- Real x1((b - Sqrt(b*b - Real(4)*a*c))/(Real(2)*a));
+ Real x0((-b + Sqrt(b*b - Real(4)*a*c))/(Real(2)*a));
+ Real x1((-b - Sqrt(b*b - Real(4)*a*c))/(Real(2)*a));
return std::pair<Real,Real>(x0,x1);
void Document::ParseSVGTransform(const string & s, SVGMatrix & transform)
- Debug("Parsing transform %s", s.c_str());
+ //Debug("Parsing transform %s", s.c_str());
string token;
string command;
unsigned i = 0;
- Debug("Token is \"%s\"", command.c_str());
+ //Debug("Token is \"%s\"", command.c_str());
SVGMatrix delta = {1,0,0,0,1,0};
Warn("Unrecognised transform \"%s\", using identity", command.c_str());
- Debug("Old transform is {%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f}", transform.a, transform.b, transform.c, transform.d,transform.e,transform.f);
- Debug("Delta transform is {%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f}", delta.a, delta.b, delta.c, delta.d,delta.e,delta.f);
+ //Debug("Old transform is {%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f}", transform.a, transform.b, transform.c, transform.d,transform.e,transform.f);
+ //Debug("Delta transform is {%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f}", delta.a, delta.b, delta.c, delta.d,delta.e,delta.f);
SVGMatrix old(transform);
transform.a = old.a * delta.a + old.c * delta.b;
transform.d = old.b * delta.c + old.d * delta.d;
transform.f = old.b * delta.e + old.d * delta.f + old.f;
- Debug("New transform is {%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f}", transform.a, transform.b, transform.c, transform.d,transform.e,transform.f);
+ //Debug("New transform is {%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f}", transform.a, transform.b, transform.c, transform.d,transform.e,transform.f);
void Document::ParseSVGNode(pugi::xml_node & root, SVGMatrix & parent_transform)
- Debug("Parse node <%s>", root.name());
+ //Debug("Parse node <%s>", root.name());
for (pugi::xml_node child = root.first_child(); child; child = child.next_sibling())
int num_instructions = stbtt_GetGlyphShape(font, glyph_index, &instructions);
Real current_x(0), current_y(0);
+ unsigned start_index = m_count;
+ unsigned end_index = m_count;
for (int i = 0; i < num_instructions; ++i)
// TTF uses 16-bit signed ints for coordinates:
Real old_x(current_x), old_y(current_y);
current_x = inst_x;
current_y = inst_y;
- //unsigned bezier_index;
// Move To
// Line To
case STBTT_vline:
- AddBezier(Bezier(old_x + x, old_y + y, old_x + x, old_y + y, current_x + x, current_y + y, current_x + x, current_y + y));
- //Add(BEZIER,Rect(0,0,1,1),bezier_index);
+ end_index = AddBezier(Bezier(old_x + x, old_y + y, old_x + x, old_y + y, current_x + x, current_y + y, current_x + x, current_y + y));
// Quadratic Bezier To:
case STBTT_vcurve:
// - Endpoints are the same.
// - cubic1 = quad0+(2/3)*(quad1-quad0)
// - cubic2 = quad2+(2/3)*(quad1-quad2)
- AddBezier(Bezier(old_x + x, old_y + y, old_x + Real(2)*(inst_cx-old_x)/Real(3) + x, old_y + Real(2)*(inst_cy-old_y)/Real(3) + y,
+ end_index = AddBezier(Bezier(old_x + x, old_y + y, old_x + Real(2)*(inst_cx-old_x)/Real(3) + x, old_y + Real(2)*(inst_cy-old_y)/Real(3) + y,
current_x + Real(2)*(inst_cx-current_x)/Real(3) + x, current_y + Real(2)*(inst_cy-current_y)/Real(3) + y, current_x + x, current_y + y));
+ if (start_index < m_count && end_index < m_count)
+ {
+ AddGroup(start_index, end_index);
+ }
stbtt_FreeShape(font, instructions);
Bezier control(objects.beziers[objects.data_indices[m_indexes[i]]].ToAbsolute(bounds),CPURenderBounds(Rect(0,0,1,1), view, target));
//Debug("%s -> %s via %s", objects.beziers[objects.data_indices[m_indexes[i]]].Str().c_str(), control.Str().c_str(), bounds.Str().c_str());
// Draw a rectangle around the bezier for debugging the bounds rectangle calculations
+ /*
ObjectRenderer::RenderLineOnCPU(pix_bounds.x, pix_bounds.y, pix_bounds.x+pix_bounds.w, pix_bounds.y, target, Colour(1,0,0,1));
ObjectRenderer::RenderLineOnCPU(pix_bounds.x, pix_bounds.y+pix_bounds.h, pix_bounds.x+pix_bounds.w, pix_bounds.y+pix_bounds.h, target, Colour(0,1,0,1));
ObjectRenderer::RenderLineOnCPU(pix_bounds.x, pix_bounds.y, pix_bounds.x, pix_bounds.y+pix_bounds.h, target, Colour(1,0,0,1));
ObjectRenderer::RenderLineOnCPU(pix_bounds.x+pix_bounds.w, pix_bounds.y, pix_bounds.x+pix_bounds.w, pix_bounds.y+pix_bounds.h, target, Colour(0,1,0,1));
+ */
// Draw lines between the control points for debugging
//ObjectRenderer::RenderLineOnCPU((int64_t)control.x0, (int64_t)control.y0, (int64_t)control.x1, (int64_t)control.y1,target);
//ObjectRenderer::RenderLineOnCPU((int64_t)control.x1, (int64_t)control.y1, (int64_t)control.x2, (int64_t)control.y2,target);
if (m_indexes[i] < first_obj_id) continue;
if (m_indexes[i] >= last_obj_id) continue;
Rect bounds(CPURenderBounds(objects.bounds[m_indexes[i]], view, target));
PixelBounds pix_bounds(bounds);
Colour c(0.5,0.5,1,1);
+ // make the bounds just a little bit bigger
+ pix_bounds.x--;
+ pix_bounds.w++;
+ pix_bounds.y--;
+ pix_bounds.h++;
+ /*
ObjectRenderer::RenderLineOnCPU(pix_bounds.x, pix_bounds.y, pix_bounds.x+pix_bounds.w, pix_bounds.y, target, c);
ObjectRenderer::RenderLineOnCPU(pix_bounds.x, pix_bounds.y+pix_bounds.h, pix_bounds.x+pix_bounds.w, pix_bounds.y+pix_bounds.h, target, c);
ObjectRenderer::RenderLineOnCPU(pix_bounds.x, pix_bounds.y, pix_bounds.x, pix_bounds.y+pix_bounds.h, target, c);
ObjectRenderer::RenderLineOnCPU(pix_bounds.x+pix_bounds.w, pix_bounds.y, pix_bounds.x+pix_bounds.w, pix_bounds.y+pix_bounds.h, target, c);
+ */
+ // Attempt to shade the region
+ // Assumes the outline has been drawn first...
+ for (int64_t y = max((int64_t)0, pix_bounds.y); y <= min(pix_bounds.y+pix_bounds.h, target.h-1); ++y)
+ {
+ bool inside = false;
+ bool online = false;
+ for (int64_t x = max((int64_t)0, pix_bounds.x); x <= min(pix_bounds.x+pix_bounds.w, target.w-1); ++x)
+ {
+ int64_t index = (x+target.w*y)*4;
+ if (target.pixels[index+0] == 0 && target.pixels[index+1] == 0 && target.pixels[index+2] == 0 && target.pixels[index+3] == 255)
+ {
+ online = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (online)
+ {
+ inside = !inside;
+ online = false;
+ }
+ if (inside)
+ {
+ target.pixels[index+0] = c.r*255;
+ target.pixels[index+1] = c.g*255;
+ target.pixels[index+2] = c.b*255;
+ target.pixels[index+3] = c.a*255;
+ }
+ }
+ }
GroupRenderer() : ObjectRenderer(GROUP, "shaders/rect_vert.glsl", "shaders/rect_frag.glsl", "shaders/rect_outline_geom.glsl") {}
virtual ~GroupRenderer() {}
virtual void RenderUsingCPU(const Objects & objects, const View & view, const CPURenderTarget & target, unsigned first_obj_id, unsigned last_obj_id);
+ // do nothing on GPU
+ virtual void RenderUsingGPU(unsigned first_obj_id, unsigned last_obj_id) {}
// Don't print out gl Errors we generated.
if (source == GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION) return;
- Error("OpenGL Error (%d): %s", id, msg);
+ //Error("OpenGL Error (%d): %s", id, msg);
+ // Spams this message on fglrx, disabling for now because it's damn annoying.
+ // ERROR: opengl_debug_callback (screen.cpp:21) - OpenGL Error (1011): glObjectLabel failed because (depending on the operation) a referenced binding point is empty; a referenced name is not the name of an object; or the given name is otherwise not valid to this operation (GL_INVALID_VALUE)
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